Hughligans an entity of type: WikicatConservativeParty(UK)Factions

Les Hughligans sont une faction du Parti conservateur britannique au début du XXe siècle, dirigée par Hugh Cecil. rdf:langString
Die Hughligans – entstanden als Kofferwort aus dem englischen Vornamen Hugh und dem Wort hooligan, etwa „Rüpel“ – waren eine Gruppe innerhalb der Unterhausfraktion der britischen Conservative Party in den Jahren von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges. Mitglieder der Gruppe waren außer Cecil unter anderem Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl Percy, , und Lord George Hamilton sowie, bis zu seinem Parteiwechsel 1904, Winston Churchill. rdf:langString
The Hughligans were a faction of the British Conservative Party in the early 20th century. The name is a pun on the word hooligan and "Hugh", as in Lord Hugh Cecil (later Lord Quickswood), one of the faction's leaders. The Hughligans were a group of backbench Conservative MPs who were dissatisfied with the leadership of Arthur Balfour. Cecil was a younger son of Balfour's predecessor as Conservative Leader, the Marquess of Salisbury. Besides Cecil, other members were F.E. Smith, Earl Percy, Arthur Stanley, Ian Malcolm and Lord George Hamilton. Winston Churchill was also associated with the group before his departure from the Conservative Party in 1904. rdf:langString
Gli Hughligans sono stati una corrente del partito conservatore britannico all'inizio del XX secolo. Il nome deriva dalla parola hooligan e dal nome di battesimo di Lord Hugh Cecil (in seguito Lord Quickswood). Gli hughligans erano un gruppo di parlamentari tories insoddisfatti dell'operato del leader conservatore Arthur Balfour. In particolare Hugh Cecil era il figlio minore del predecessore di Balfour alla guida del partito conservatore Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, III marchese di Salisbury. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Hughligans
rdf:langString Hughligans
rdf:langString Hughligans
rdf:langString Hughligans
xsd:integer 2072920
xsd:integer 900228064
rdf:langString Die Hughligans – entstanden als Kofferwort aus dem englischen Vornamen Hugh und dem Wort hooligan, etwa „Rüpel“ – waren eine Gruppe innerhalb der Unterhausfraktion der britischen Conservative Party in den Jahren von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges. Die Gruppe bestand im Wesentlichen aus einer Clique aufrührerischer junger Hinterbänkler der konservativen Fraktion um Hugh Cecil, 1. Baron Quickswood, und definierte sich über die Kritik an der, nach Meinung ihrer Angehörigen, verfehlten Politik des konservativen Führer Arthur Balfour. Ihren Namen erhielten die Hughligans in Anlehnung an Cecils Vornamen und an das englische Wort hooligan, mit dem man die rüpelhaft-unmanierliche Art zu beschreiben versuchte, in der sich die jungen Abgeordneten um Cecil nach Meinung ihrer Kritiker gebärdeten. Mitglieder der Gruppe waren außer Cecil unter anderem Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl Percy, , und Lord George Hamilton sowie, bis zu seinem Parteiwechsel 1904, Winston Churchill. Nach dem Sturz der konservativen Regierung 1905 gingen die Hughligans auf scharfen Konfrontationskurs zu Balfour, dem sie vorwarfen, in seiner Rolle als nunmehriger Oppositionsführer nicht genügend Aggressivität an den Tag zu legen. In den folgenden Jahren setzten die Hughlighans ihre Anti-Balfour-Agitation innerhalb der Partei fort und trugen so mit zu Balfours Sturz als Parteiführer im Jahr 1910 bei. Nach dem Sturz Balfours löste sich die Gruppe allmählich auf, um während des Ersten Weltkrieges infolge der „Neudurchmischung“ der britischen Parteienlandschaft durch die große Koalitionsregierung des Jahres 1915 und die damiteinhergehende äußere Neuorientierung und innere Umstrukturierung der konservativen Partei endgültig von der Bildfläche zu verschwinden.
rdf:langString The Hughligans were a faction of the British Conservative Party in the early 20th century. The name is a pun on the word hooligan and "Hugh", as in Lord Hugh Cecil (later Lord Quickswood), one of the faction's leaders. The Hughligans were a group of backbench Conservative MPs who were dissatisfied with the leadership of Arthur Balfour. Cecil was a younger son of Balfour's predecessor as Conservative Leader, the Marquess of Salisbury. Besides Cecil, other members were F.E. Smith, Earl Percy, Arthur Stanley, Ian Malcolm and Lord George Hamilton. Winston Churchill was also associated with the group before his departure from the Conservative Party in 1904. In Randolph Churchill's biography of his father Winston, he commented: "Later they were on occasion to be outrageous in their Parliamentary manners and the critics dubbed them the Hughligans, or Hooligans." After the fall of the Conservative government in 1905, the surviving Hughligans became bitter opponents of Balfour, whom they considered insufficiently militant in opposition to the Liberal government of H. H. Asquith. The Hughligans are best known for an incident in July 1911, during the conflict over reform of the House of Lords, when Cecil and Smith led an organised disruption of the House of Commons, preventing Asquith from speaking for half an hour while he stood in silence at the dispatch box. The incident deeply embarrassed Balfour, and hastened his retirement as party leader, which was Cecil's intention.
rdf:langString Les Hughligans sont une faction du Parti conservateur britannique au début du XXe siècle, dirigée par Hugh Cecil.
rdf:langString Gli Hughligans sono stati una corrente del partito conservatore britannico all'inizio del XX secolo. Il nome deriva dalla parola hooligan e dal nome di battesimo di Lord Hugh Cecil (in seguito Lord Quickswood). Gli hughligans erano un gruppo di parlamentari tories insoddisfatti dell'operato del leader conservatore Arthur Balfour. In particolare Hugh Cecil era il figlio minore del predecessore di Balfour alla guida del partito conservatore Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, III marchese di Salisbury. Oltre a Cecil, altri “esponenti” degli hughligans erano Ian Malcolm, , George Francis Hamilton, Arthur Stanley, Frederick Edwin Smith e Winston Churchill (quest'ultimo nel 1904 lascerà il partito conservatore). Nel 1905 dopo la caduta del governo conservatore guidato da Henry Campbell-Bannerman, gli Hughligans si opposero fortemente alla leadership di Balfour che ritenevano non sufficiente energico nel contrastare il nuovo esecutivo liberale guidato da Herbert Henry Asquith. La più clamorosa delle iniziative degli Hughligans fu una protesta inscenata nel luglio 1910 quando – durante un dibattito sulla riforma della Camera dei Lord – Cecil e Smith irruppero nella Camera dei Comuni impedendo ad Asquith di parlare per oltre mezz'ora. L'incidente creò grave imbarazzo a Balfour che poco dopo decise di abbandonare la guida del partito conservatore.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2305

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