Homosexuality in English football
同性恋在英格兰足球界对于媒体和球员来说都是禁忌。自1990年諾丁漢森林足球俱樂部球員出櫃被英格蘭足球界歧視後(1998年5月3日上吊自殺),至2010年在英格兰四大联赛中已無公开承认是同性恋的球员。有人说,这是因为俱乐部出于经济利益阻止球员“出柜”。 英格兰对同性恋的态度比较开放。许多政治家和演员公开表明是同性恋,仍然很受欢迎。但是足球界却没有同性恋。媒体的猜测、球迷和球员关于这方面的玩笑却不少。 2008年,一位曾经在英超踢球的球员估计英超中至少有一打同性恋,但他们不敢“出柜”。
Homosexuality in English football has been described as a taboo subject by both players and the media. As of 2022, there is only one openly gay male footballer in England's top four men's divisions, Jake Daniels, a forward for Blackpool F.C. Some, such as Peter Clayton, who chairs the FA's "Homophobia in Football" working group, have argued that clubs prevent male players from "coming out" as footballers have an increasing commercial market value which may be damaged.
Homosexuality in English football
Homosexuality in English football has been described as a taboo subject by both players and the media. As of 2022, there is only one openly gay male footballer in England's top four men's divisions, Jake Daniels, a forward for Blackpool F.C. Some, such as Peter Clayton, who chairs the FA's "Homophobia in Football" working group, have argued that clubs prevent male players from "coming out" as footballers have an increasing commercial market value which may be damaged. Conversely, several high-profile England women's players have come out as lesbian including Lily Parr, Lianne Sanderson, Casey Stoney, Kelly Smith, Fara Williams and Beth Mead, with attitudes around the women's game being more tolerant than the men's. Homosexuality in England and Wales (but not Scotland or Northern Ireland) was decriminalised in 1967, leading to more liberal public attitudes. While many openly gay politicians and entertainers have remained elected and popular with little comment on their sexuality, men's football has not experienced the same degree of openness. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, rumours in the press, or joking between fans and players and even hostile homophobic abuse continue to feature within the game. In a 2009 survey, most fans said they would like to see homophobia taken out of football, that the FA were not doing enough to tackle the issue and that they would be comfortable to see a player on their team come out of the closet.
同性恋在英格兰足球界对于媒体和球员来说都是禁忌。自1990年諾丁漢森林足球俱樂部球員出櫃被英格蘭足球界歧視後(1998年5月3日上吊自殺),至2010年在英格兰四大联赛中已無公开承认是同性恋的球员。有人说,这是因为俱乐部出于经济利益阻止球员“出柜”。 英格兰对同性恋的态度比较开放。许多政治家和演员公开表明是同性恋,仍然很受欢迎。但是足球界却没有同性恋。媒体的猜测、球迷和球员关于这方面的玩笑却不少。 2008年,一位曾经在英超踢球的球员估计英超中至少有一打同性恋,但他们不敢“出柜”。