Holidays in Nazi Germany an entity of type: WikicatNationalHolidays
Gesetzliche, arbeitsfreie Feiertage, neben den Sonntagen, im NS-Staat.
A tabela que se segue apresenta os dias feriados e festividades oficiais da Alemanha, de 1933 a 1945. Além destes feriados oficiais, deve-se acrescentar a Festa das Colheitas (celebrada na semana pentecostal) e o Dia da Espiga, bem como as festividades de carácter local como a Feira de Leipzig ou a Oktoberfest.Alguns organismos oficiais, como as SS, animavam a população a celebrar os solstícios, equinócios e outras festas pagãs com origem na ancestralidade germânica.
Holidays in Nazi Germany were primarily centred on important political events, serving as a form of political education and reinforcing propaganda themes. Major national holidays were therefore controlled by Joseph Goebbels at the Reich Propaganda Ministry, and were often accompanied by mass meetings, parades, speeches and radio broadcasts. From 1937, Jews were banned from the streets during German public holidays.
Feiertage im Deutschen Reich 1933–1945
Holidays in Nazi Germany
Feriados na Alemanha Nazi
Gesetzliche, arbeitsfreie Feiertage, neben den Sonntagen, im NS-Staat.
Holidays in Nazi Germany were primarily centred on important political events, serving as a form of political education and reinforcing propaganda themes. Major national holidays were therefore controlled by Joseph Goebbels at the Reich Propaganda Ministry, and were often accompanied by mass meetings, parades, speeches and radio broadcasts. Many of the official national holidays in the Third Reich were anniversaries of political events, namely the seizure of power (January 30), the announcement of the Nazi Party program in 1920 (24 February), Hitler's birthday (20 April) and the Beer Hall Putsch (9 November). Others were traditional German holidays. Heroes' Memorial Day was celebrated on 16 March, National Labour Day on 1 May, Mother's Day in May, Summer Solstice in June, Harvest Thanksgiving in Autumn and Winter Solstice in December. From 1937, Jews were banned from the streets during German public holidays.
A tabela que se segue apresenta os dias feriados e festividades oficiais da Alemanha, de 1933 a 1945. Além destes feriados oficiais, deve-se acrescentar a Festa das Colheitas (celebrada na semana pentecostal) e o Dia da Espiga, bem como as festividades de carácter local como a Feira de Leipzig ou a Oktoberfest.Alguns organismos oficiais, como as SS, animavam a população a celebrar os solstícios, equinócios e outras festas pagãs com origem na ancestralidade germânica.