
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hexol an entity of type: Thing

الهكسول هو أحد مركبات الكوبالت تم تحضيره لأول مرة سنة 1914 من قبل ألفرد فيرنر، ويعد أول مركب غير كاربوني متماكب.الصيغة الكيميائية للملح هي:[Co((OH)2Co(NH3)4)3](SO4)3وقد تم تحضيره من كبريتات الكوبالت الثنائي. rdf:langString
In chemistry, hexol is a cation with formula {[Co(NH3)4(OH)2]3Co}6+ — a coordination complex consisting of four cobalt cations in oxidation state +3, twelve ammonia molecules NH3, and six hydroxy anions HO−, with a net charge of +6. The hydroxy groups act as bridges between the central cobalt atom and the other three, which carry the ammonia ligands. Salts of hexol, such as the sulfate {[Co(NH3)4(OH)2]3Co}(SO4)3(H2O)x, are of historical significance as the first synthetic non-carbon-containing chiral compounds. rdf:langString
Hexol分子式为[Co((OH)2Co(NH3)4)3](SO4)3,是阿尔弗雷德·维尔纳在1914年以硫酸钴(Ⅱ)为起始原料合成的一种无机有旋光异构性的配合物。它从结构上来讲是一个以相连的四核钴配合物,也是第一个制得的纯粹不含碳的手性分子,摩尔旋光为−47610°,这是一般有光学活性的有机化合物所无法比拟的。 在制得该配合物后,维尔纳又成功地拆分出左旋体和右旋体。该拆分过程中,维尔纳先用hexol的氯化物盐与D-(+)-溴代樟脑磺酸银盐反应,沉淀出D-hexol与之生成的盐,然后过滤,并对滤渣和滤液分别进行处理,便可得到D-hexol和L-hexol。hexol的制备和拆分的成功有力证明了维尔纳配位理论的真实和正确性,从而奠定了配位化学的基础。 此外,维尔纳从制备Fremy盐的副产物中,又得到了第二种hexol。该hexol分子不含有手性,维尔纳错误地认为它是一个具有直线型的三核钴结构的配合物: 2004年,对上述hexol的重新分析发现它实际上是一个六核的配合物: rdf:langString
L'exolo è un composto di cobalto preparato per la prima volta da Alfred Werner nel 1914, ed è stato il primo composto chirale privo di carbonio. Il sale ha formula [Co{(OH)2Co(NH3)4}3](SO4)3 e fu preparato a partire dal solfato di cobalto(II). Nel 2004 nuove ricerche sul secondo exolo trovarono che in realtà si tratta di una specie esanucleare (contenente sei centri cobalto): rdf:langString
rdf:langString هكسول
rdf:langString Hexol
rdf:langString Exolo
rdf:langString Hexol
xsd:integer 2289119
xsd:integer 1071582310
rdf:langString Hexol-2D-wedged.png
rdf:langString Hexol-cation-from-xtal-2000-3D-balls.png
xsd:integer 250
rdf:langString Tris[tetrammine-μ-dihydroxocobalt]cobalt ion
xsd:integer 445350005
rdf:langString changed
rdf:langString الهكسول هو أحد مركبات الكوبالت تم تحضيره لأول مرة سنة 1914 من قبل ألفرد فيرنر، ويعد أول مركب غير كاربوني متماكب.الصيغة الكيميائية للملح هي:[Co((OH)2Co(NH3)4)3](SO4)3وقد تم تحضيره من كبريتات الكوبالت الثنائي.
rdf:langString In chemistry, hexol is a cation with formula {[Co(NH3)4(OH)2]3Co}6+ — a coordination complex consisting of four cobalt cations in oxidation state +3, twelve ammonia molecules NH3, and six hydroxy anions HO−, with a net charge of +6. The hydroxy groups act as bridges between the central cobalt atom and the other three, which carry the ammonia ligands. Salts of hexol, such as the sulfate {[Co(NH3)4(OH)2]3Co}(SO4)3(H2O)x, are of historical significance as the first synthetic non-carbon-containing chiral compounds.
rdf:langString L'exolo è un composto di cobalto preparato per la prima volta da Alfred Werner nel 1914, ed è stato il primo composto chirale privo di carbonio. Il sale ha formula [Co{(OH)2Co(NH3)4}3](SO4)3 e fu preparato a partire dal solfato di cobalto(II). La di questo composto fu possibile trattando una soluzione del bromuro di questo sale con D-(+)-bromocanfora-solfonato d'argento in acido acetico diluito. Il sale del D-exolo precipitò e la specie L-exolo rimase in soluzione. (D-exolo e L-exolo sono enantiomeri).Werner pubblicò anche un secondo exolo achirale (un prodotto secondario minoritario della sintesi del ) che identificò in modo errato come trimero lineare: Nel 2004 nuove ricerche sul secondo exolo trovarono che in realtà si tratta di una specie esanucleare (contenente sei centri cobalto):
rdf:langString Hexol分子式为[Co((OH)2Co(NH3)4)3](SO4)3,是阿尔弗雷德·维尔纳在1914年以硫酸钴(Ⅱ)为起始原料合成的一种无机有旋光异构性的配合物。它从结构上来讲是一个以相连的四核钴配合物,也是第一个制得的纯粹不含碳的手性分子,摩尔旋光为−47610°,这是一般有光学活性的有机化合物所无法比拟的。 在制得该配合物后,维尔纳又成功地拆分出左旋体和右旋体。该拆分过程中,维尔纳先用hexol的氯化物盐与D-(+)-溴代樟脑磺酸银盐反应,沉淀出D-hexol与之生成的盐,然后过滤,并对滤渣和滤液分别进行处理,便可得到D-hexol和L-hexol。hexol的制备和拆分的成功有力证明了维尔纳配位理论的真实和正确性,从而奠定了配位化学的基础。 此外,维尔纳从制备Fremy盐的副产物中,又得到了第二种hexol。该hexol分子不含有手性,维尔纳错误地认为它是一个具有直线型的三核钴结构的配合物: 2004年,对上述hexol的重新分析发现它实际上是一个六核的配合物:
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6990
rdf:langString Tris[tetrammine-μ-dihydroxocobalt(III)]cobalt (III) ion

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