Herbert Croly

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Herbert_Croly an entity of type: Thing

Herbert Croly, né le 23 janvier 1869 à New York et mort le 17 mai 1930 à Santa Barbara (Californie), est un penseur politique et journaliste américain. Il a fondé avec Walter Lippmann et Walter Weyl le journal The New Republic. rdf:langString
허버트 크롤리(1869년 1월 23일 ~ 1930년 5월 17일)는 미국의 진보운동의 지식인 지도자로 잡지 뉴 리퍼블릭의 창립자중의 하나였으며, 편집자였다. 그의 정치철학은 시어도어 루스벨트를 포함하여 많은 진보진영의 지도자들에게 영향을 끼쳤으며, 그의 가까운 친구 러니드 핸드 판사와 연방대법원 대법관 에게도 영향을 미쳤다. 그는 그의 책 미국적 삶의 약속을 출간했는데, 이 책은 가장 영향력이 있는 혁신주의에 대한 책이 되었다. rdf:langString
Herbert Croly (1869-1930) amerykański dziennikarz, założyciel i wydawca pisma The New Republic. Autor książki The Promise of American Life (1909). rdf:langString
Herbert David Croly (* 23. Januar 1869 in New York City; † 17. Mai 1930 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Journalist und Autor. Herbert Croly wurde 1869 in New York City geboren. Seine Eltern waren beide Journalisten. 1892 heiratet er Louise Emory. 1884 begann er sein Studium im City College of New York und studierte ab 1886 für zwei Jahre an der Harvard University ohne einen akademischen Abschluss zu erreichen. 1912 wurde er in die American Academy of Arts and Letters gewählt. rdf:langString
Herbert David Croly (23 de enero de 1869 - 17 de mayo de 1930) fue un líder intelectual del movimiento progresista como editor, filósofo político y cofundador de la revista The New Republic a principios del siglo XX en Estados Unidos. Su filosofía política influyó en muchos de los principales progresistas, incluidos Theodore Roosevelt , , así como en sus amigos cercanos, el juez y el juez de la Corte Suprema Felix Frankfurter.​ rdf:langString
Herbert David Croly (January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazine The New Republic in early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, Adolph Berle, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Herbert Croly
rdf:langString Herbert Croly
rdf:langString Herbert Croly
rdf:langString Herbert Croly
rdf:langString 허버트 크롤리
rdf:langString Herbert Croly
rdf:langString Herbert David Croly
rdf:langString Herbert David Croly
rdf:langString Santa Barbara, California
xsd:date 1930-05-17
xsd:date 1869-01-23
xsd:integer 1283602
xsd:integer 1078637363
rdf:langString Harvard College
xsd:date 1869-01-23
rdf:langString October 2020
xsd:date 1930-05-17
rdf:langString Croly,+Herbert+David
rdf:langString Political philosophy, intellectual leadership of the Progressive Movement
rdf:langString Journalist, magazine editor, author
rdf:langString Republican
rdf:langString The photograph at the source only shows the gravestone of Herbert and Louise Croly, not which cemetery the gravestone is in, so the assertion about the grave's location has yet to be proved.
rdf:langString Louise Emory
rdf:langString Herbert David Croly (* 23. Januar 1869 in New York City; † 17. Mai 1930 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Journalist und Autor. Herbert Croly wurde 1869 in New York City geboren. Seine Eltern waren beide Journalisten. 1892 heiratet er Louise Emory. 1884 begann er sein Studium im City College of New York und studierte ab 1886 für zwei Jahre an der Harvard University ohne einen akademischen Abschluss zu erreichen. Ab 1900 wurde er Herausgeber einer Architekturmagazins (Architectural Record) und ab 1914 wurde er erster Herausgeber des Politikmagazins The New Republic, welches „zum meinungsbildenden Blatt der politischen und literarischen Elite Amerikas wurde.“ Sein bekanntestes Werk war The Promise of American Life welches den Weg zu einem Wohlfahrtsstaat beschreibt. Dieses Werk hatte starken Einfluss auf die amerikanischen Präsidenten Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson und die Berater von Franklin D. Roosevelt, die den New Deal einleiteten. 1912 wurde er in die American Academy of Arts and Letters gewählt.
rdf:langString Herbert David Croly (January 23, 1869 – May 17, 1930) was an intellectual leader of the progressive movement as an editor, political philosopher and a co-founder of the magazine The New Republic in early twentieth-century America. His political philosophy influenced many leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, Adolph Berle, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. His 1909 book The Promise of American Life looked to the constitutional liberalism as espoused by Alexander Hamilton, combined with the radical democracy of Thomas Jefferson. The book influenced contemporaneous progressive thought, shaping the ideas of many intellectuals and political leaders, including then ex-President Theodore Roosevelt. Calling themselves "The New Nationalists", Croly and Walter Weyl sought to remedy the relatively weak national institutions with a strong federal government. He promoted a strong army and navy and attacked pacifists who thought democracy at home and peace abroad was best served by keeping America weak. Croly was one of the founders of modern liberalism in the United States, especially through his books, essays and a highly influential magazine founded in 1914, The New Republic. In his 1914 book Progressive Democracy, Croly rejected the thesis that the liberal tradition in the United States was inhospitable to anti-capitalist alternatives. He drew from the American past a history of resistance to capitalist wage relations that was fundamentally liberal, and he reclaimed an idea that progressives had allowed to lapse—that working for wages was a lesser form of liberty. Increasingly skeptical of the capacity of social welfare legislation to remedy social ills, Croly argued that America's liberal promise could be redeemed only by syndicalist reforms involving workplace democracy. His liberal goals were part of his commitment to American republicanism.
rdf:langString Herbert David Croly (23 de enero de 1869 - 17 de mayo de 1930) fue un líder intelectual del movimiento progresista como editor, filósofo político y cofundador de la revista The New Republic a principios del siglo XX en Estados Unidos. Su filosofía política influyó en muchos de los principales progresistas, incluidos Theodore Roosevelt , , así como en sus amigos cercanos, el juez y el juez de la Corte Suprema Felix Frankfurter.​ Su libro de 1909 se centró en el liberalismo constitucional defendido por Alexander Hamilton, combinado con la democracia radical de Thomas Jefferson.​ El libro influyó en el pensamiento progresista contemporáneo, dando forma a las ideas de muchos intelectuales y líderes políticos, incluido el entonces expresidente Theodore Roosevelt. Llamándose a sí mismos "Los Nuevos Nacionalistas", Croly y buscaron remediar las instituciones nacionales relativamente débiles con un gobierno federal fuerte. Promovió un ejército y una armada fuertes y atacó a los pacifistas que pensaban que la democracia en casa y la paz en el exterior se conseguían mejor si se mantenía débil a Estados Unidos. Croly fue uno de los fundadores del liberalismo moderno en los Estados Unidos, especialmente a través de sus libros, ensayos y una revista muy influyente fundada en 1914, The New Republic. En su libro de 1914 , Croly rechazó la tesis de que la tradición liberal en los Estados Unidos era inhóspita para las alternativas anticapitalistas. Sacó del pasado estadounidense una historia de resistencia a las relaciones salariales capitalistas que era fundamentalmente liberal, y reivindicó una idea que los progresistas habían dejado decaer: que trabajar por un salario era una forma menor de libertad.
rdf:langString Herbert Croly, né le 23 janvier 1869 à New York et mort le 17 mai 1930 à Santa Barbara (Californie), est un penseur politique et journaliste américain. Il a fondé avec Walter Lippmann et Walter Weyl le journal The New Republic.
rdf:langString 허버트 크롤리(1869년 1월 23일 ~ 1930년 5월 17일)는 미국의 진보운동의 지식인 지도자로 잡지 뉴 리퍼블릭의 창립자중의 하나였으며, 편집자였다. 그의 정치철학은 시어도어 루스벨트를 포함하여 많은 진보진영의 지도자들에게 영향을 끼쳤으며, 그의 가까운 친구 러니드 핸드 판사와 연방대법원 대법관 에게도 영향을 미쳤다. 그는 그의 책 미국적 삶의 약속을 출간했는데, 이 책은 가장 영향력이 있는 혁신주의에 대한 책이 되었다.
rdf:langString Herbert Croly (1869-1930) amerykański dziennikarz, założyciel i wydawca pisma The New Republic. Autor książki The Promise of American Life (1909).
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 29973
xsd:gYear 1869
xsd:gYear 1930

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