Haya (Islam)
الحياء لغةً: الحشمة، وضدها الوقاحة. وقد حيي منه حياء واستحيا واستحى فهو حَيِيٌّ، وهو الانقباض والانزواء. والحَيَاء اصطلاحًا:
* هو: (انقباض النَّفس مِن شيءٍ وتركه حذرًا عن اللَّوم فيه).
* وقال ابن حجر: (الحَياء خُلُقٌ يبعث صاحبه على اجتناب القبيح، ويمنع مِن التقصير في حقِّ ذي الحقِّ).
* وقيل هو: (تغيُّر وانكسار يعتري الإنسان مِن خوف ما يُعَاب به ويُذَمُّ، ومحلُّه الوجه.
Haya (Arabic: حياء, romanized: Hayāʾ, roughly corresponding to: bashfulness, decency, modesty, shyness) is an Arabic word that means "natural or inherent, shyness and a sense of modesty". In Islamic terminology, it is mainly used in the context of modesty. The word itself is derived from the word Hayat, which means "life". The original meaning of Haya refers to "a bad or uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment". Haya encourages Muslims to avoid anything considered to be distasteful or abominable. Haya plays an important role in Islam, as it is one of the most important parts of Iman. The antonym of Haya in Arabic is badha'a (بذاءة, immodesty) or fahisha (فاحشة, lewdness or obscenity).
Haya (Islam)
الحياء لغةً: الحشمة، وضدها الوقاحة. وقد حيي منه حياء واستحيا واستحى فهو حَيِيٌّ، وهو الانقباض والانزواء. والحَيَاء اصطلاحًا:
* هو: (انقباض النَّفس مِن شيءٍ وتركه حذرًا عن اللَّوم فيه).
* وقال ابن حجر: (الحَياء خُلُقٌ يبعث صاحبه على اجتناب القبيح، ويمنع مِن التقصير في حقِّ ذي الحقِّ).
* وقيل هو: (تغيُّر وانكسار يعتري الإنسان مِن خوف ما يُعَاب به ويُذَمُّ، ومحلُّه الوجه.
Haya (Arabic: حياء, romanized: Hayāʾ, roughly corresponding to: bashfulness, decency, modesty, shyness) is an Arabic word that means "natural or inherent, shyness and a sense of modesty". In Islamic terminology, it is mainly used in the context of modesty. The word itself is derived from the word Hayat, which means "life". The original meaning of Haya refers to "a bad or uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment". Haya encourages Muslims to avoid anything considered to be distasteful or abominable. Haya plays an important role in Islam, as it is one of the most important parts of Iman. The antonym of Haya in Arabic is badha'a (بذاءة, immodesty) or fahisha (فاحشة, lewdness or obscenity).