HD 83944

http://dbpedia.org/resource/HD_83944 an entity of type: Thing

m Carinae m Carinae Autres désignations m Car, HR 3856, HD 83944, HIP 47391, CD-60 2736, CPD-60 1477, GC 13355, NSV 4577, SAO 250653 m Carinae (en abrégé m Car) est une étoile de la constellation australe de la Carène. Elle porte également les désignation de HD 83944 ou HR 3856, m Carinae étant sa désignation de Bayer. Elle est visible à l'œil nu avec une magnitude apparente de 4,52. rdf:langString
HD 83944, nota anche come m Carinae, è una stella di magnitudine 4,51 situata nella costellazione della Carena. Dista 224 anni luce dal sistema solare. rdf:langString
HD 83944, eller m Carinae, är en blåvit underjätte i stjärnbilden Kölen. Stjärnan är en misstänkt variabel som har bolometrisk magnitud +4,42 och varierar i amplitud med 0,5 magnituder utan någon fastställd periodicitet.. Den är väl synlig vid normal seeing. Den befinner sig på ett avstånd av ungefär 490 ljusår. rdf:langString
150 Carinae (m Carinae) é uma estrela na direção da Carina. Possui uma ascensão reta de 09h 39m 21.04s e uma declinação de −61° 19′ 41.2″. Sua magnitude aparente é igual a 4.51. Considerando sua distância de 224 anos-luz em relação à Terra, sua magnitude absoluta é igual a 0.33. Pertence à classe espectral B9V. rdf:langString
О звезде M Киля см. M Киля HD 83944, также известная как m Киля (m Car), — звезда в созвездии Киля. m Киля — бело-голубой, спектрального класса В субгигант с видимым блеском +4.51. Расстояние до Земли — 224 световых года. rdf:langString
HD 83944,又名CP-60 1477,SAO 250653、HR 3856,是一颗恒星,视星等为4.52,位于銀經281.89,銀緯-6.57,其B1900.0坐标为赤經9h 36m 34.8s,赤緯-60° -6.57′ 31″。 rdf:langString
HD 83944 is a star system in the constellation Carina. This has the Bayer designation m Carinae, while HD 83944 is the identifier from the Henry Draper catalogue. It is a suspected variable with an apparent visual magnitude that fluctuates around 4.51 with an amplitude of 0.5. The system is located at a distance of approximately 226 light years from the Sun based on parallax, and it has an absolute magnitude of 0.31. It is a member of the Carina association of co-moving stars. rdf:langString
rdf:langString HD 83944
rdf:langString HD 83944
rdf:langString HD 83944
rdf:langString 150 Carinae
rdf:langString HD 83944
rdf:langString HD 83944
rdf:langString HD 83944
xsd:integer 5067659
xsd:integer 1079516041
xsd:double 0.31
xsd:integer 99
xsd:double 4.51
rdf:langString B9IV/V
rdf:langString J2000.0
xsd:double 95.70999999999999
xsd:double 0.15
xsd:double 14.45
rdf:langString +18.55
rdf:langString −34.09
xsd:integer 36
rdf:langString Main sequence
rdf:langString suspected
rdf:langString HD 83944 is a star system in the constellation Carina. This has the Bayer designation m Carinae, while HD 83944 is the identifier from the Henry Draper catalogue. It is a suspected variable with an apparent visual magnitude that fluctuates around 4.51 with an amplitude of 0.5. The system is located at a distance of approximately 226 light years from the Sun based on parallax, and it has an absolute magnitude of 0.31. It is a member of the Carina association of co-moving stars. Although previously believed to be a single star, Chini et al. (2012) found this to be a double-lined spectroscopic binary. The stellar classification of B9IV/V matches a star that is entering the subgiant phase, although stellar models suggest it is still in the main sequence.
rdf:langString m Carinae m Carinae Autres désignations m Car, HR 3856, HD 83944, HIP 47391, CD-60 2736, CPD-60 1477, GC 13355, NSV 4577, SAO 250653 m Carinae (en abrégé m Car) est une étoile de la constellation australe de la Carène. Elle porte également les désignation de HD 83944 ou HR 3856, m Carinae étant sa désignation de Bayer. Elle est visible à l'œil nu avec une magnitude apparente de 4,52.
rdf:langString HD 83944, nota anche come m Carinae, è una stella di magnitudine 4,51 situata nella costellazione della Carena. Dista 224 anni luce dal sistema solare.
rdf:langString HD 83944, eller m Carinae, är en blåvit underjätte i stjärnbilden Kölen. Stjärnan är en misstänkt variabel som har bolometrisk magnitud +4,42 och varierar i amplitud med 0,5 magnituder utan någon fastställd periodicitet.. Den är väl synlig vid normal seeing. Den befinner sig på ett avstånd av ungefär 490 ljusår.
rdf:langString 150 Carinae (m Carinae) é uma estrela na direção da Carina. Possui uma ascensão reta de 09h 39m 21.04s e uma declinação de −61° 19′ 41.2″. Sua magnitude aparente é igual a 4.51. Considerando sua distância de 224 anos-luz em relação à Terra, sua magnitude absoluta é igual a 0.33. Pertence à classe espectral B9V.
rdf:langString О звезде M Киля см. M Киля HD 83944, также известная как m Киля (m Car), — звезда в созвездии Киля. m Киля — бело-голубой, спектрального класса В субгигант с видимым блеском +4.51. Расстояние до Земли — 224 световых года.
rdf:langString HD 83944,又名CP-60 1477,SAO 250653、HR 3856,是一颗恒星,视星等为4.52,位于銀經281.89,銀緯-6.57,其B1900.0坐标为赤經9h 36m 34.8s,赤緯-60° -6.57′ 31″。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7234

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