Greed and fear
Cobdícia i por es refereix a dos estats emocionals oposats teoritzats com a factors que causen la imprevisibilitat i la volatilitat del mercat de valors, i el comportament irracional del mercat inconsistent amb la hipòtesi dels mercats eficients. La cobdícia i la por tenen a veure amb un vell adagi de Wall Street que diu: "Els mercats financers estan impulsats per dues emocions poderoses: la cobdícia i la por". La cobdícia i la por són un dels esperits animals que Keynes va identificar que afectaven profundament les economies i els mercats.
Greed and fear refer to two opposing emotional states theorized as factors causing the unpredictability and volatility of the stock market, and irrational market behavior inconsistent with the efficient-market hypothesis. Greed and fear relate to an old Wall Street saying: “financial markets are driven by two powerful emotions – greed and fear.”
Cobdícia i por
Greed and fear
Cobdícia i por es refereix a dos estats emocionals oposats teoritzats com a factors que causen la imprevisibilitat i la volatilitat del mercat de valors, i el comportament irracional del mercat inconsistent amb la hipòtesi dels mercats eficients. La cobdícia i la por tenen a veure amb un vell adagi de Wall Street que diu: "Els mercats financers estan impulsats per dues emocions poderoses: la cobdícia i la por". La cobdícia i la por són un dels esperits animals que Keynes va identificar que afectaven profundament les economies i els mercats.
Greed and fear refer to two opposing emotional states theorized as factors causing the unpredictability and volatility of the stock market, and irrational market behavior inconsistent with the efficient-market hypothesis. Greed and fear relate to an old Wall Street saying: “financial markets are driven by two powerful emotions – greed and fear.” Greed and fear are among the animal spirits that Keynes identified as profoundly affecting economies and markets. Warren Buffett found an investing rule in acting contrary to such prevailing moods, advising that the timing of buying or selling stocks should be "fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful." He uses the overall Market capitalization-to-GDP ratio to indicate relative value of the stock market in general, hence this ratio has become known as the "Buffett indicator".