Great Nigeria People's Party's_Party an entity of type: Thing
El partit dels Pobles de la Gran Nigèria (Great Nigeria People's Party GBPP) fou un dels sis partits polítics importants que van presentar candidats a les eleccions en la Segona República nigeriana. El partit va ser format per un grup escindit del Partit dels Pobles Nigerians (Nigerian People's Party NPP) i va estar dirigit per Waziri Ibrahim, un polític i home de negocis de Borno. Waziri era un dels dirigents de les tres associacions que van formar el nucli del NPP. La intenció original de NPP era transcendir la política d'etnicitat i promoure la causa tant dels grups ètnics prominents com de les minories ètniques. Tanmateix, l'entrada de Nnamdi Azikiwe al NPP va portar a una lluita de poder en la que Waziri va perdre. Waziri llavors va dirigir un grup de minories del nord i alguns merid
The Great Nigeria People's Party was one of the six major political parties that fielded candidates for elections in the Nigerian Second Republic. The party was formed by a splinter group from the Nigerian People's Party, the group was led by Waziri Ibrahim, a politician and businessman from Borno. Waziri was one of the leaders of the three associations that formed the nucleus of NPP. The original intention of NPP was to transcend the politics of ethnicity and to promote the cause of both the prominent ethnic groups and ethnic minorities. However, the entry of Nnamdi Azikiwe to NPP led to a power struggle in which Waziri lost. Waziri then led a group of minorities in the north and some southerners to form the Great Nigeria Peoples Party.
Great Nigeria People's Party
Partit dels Pobles de la Gran Nigèria
El partit dels Pobles de la Gran Nigèria (Great Nigeria People's Party GBPP) fou un dels sis partits polítics importants que van presentar candidats a les eleccions en la Segona República nigeriana. El partit va ser format per un grup escindit del Partit dels Pobles Nigerians (Nigerian People's Party NPP) i va estar dirigit per Waziri Ibrahim, un polític i home de negocis de Borno. Waziri era un dels dirigents de les tres associacions que van formar el nucli del NPP. La intenció original de NPP era transcendir la política d'etnicitat i promoure la causa tant dels grups ètnics prominents com de les minories ètniques. Tanmateix, l'entrada de Nnamdi Azikiwe al NPP va portar a una lluita de poder en la que Waziri va perdre. Waziri llavors va dirigir un grup de minories del nord i alguns meridionals per formar el Partit de Pobles de la Gran Nigèria. Encara que les intencions originals dels dirigents del partit era superar el sectarisme ètnic i polític, la força del partit va estar al nord-est, entre el kanuris i alguns minories del nord.
The Great Nigeria People's Party was one of the six major political parties that fielded candidates for elections in the Nigerian Second Republic. The party was formed by a splinter group from the Nigerian People's Party, the group was led by Waziri Ibrahim, a politician and businessman from Borno. Waziri was one of the leaders of the three associations that formed the nucleus of NPP. The original intention of NPP was to transcend the politics of ethnicity and to promote the cause of both the prominent ethnic groups and ethnic minorities. However, the entry of Nnamdi Azikiwe to NPP led to a power struggle in which Waziri lost. Waziri then led a group of minorities in the north and some southerners to form the Great Nigeria Peoples Party. Though the original intentions of leaders of the party was to surpass ethnic and sectarian politics, the party's strength nevertheless lay in the northeast, among the Kanuris and some northern minorities.