Great Britain at the Paralympics an entity of type: Thing
Groot-Brittannië is een van de landen die deelneemt aan de Paralympische Spelen. Het land debuteerde op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 1960.
A Grã Bretanha participou pela primeira vez dos Jogos Paralímpicos em 1960, e enviou atletas para competirem em todos os Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão desde então, em relação aos Jogos Paralímpicos de Inverno a primeira participação da Grã Bretanha foi em 1976 e participou de todas as edições desde então.
El Reino Unido en los Juegos Paralímpicos está representado por la Asociación Paralímpica Británica, miembro del Comité Paralímpico Internacional. Ha participado en todas las ediciones de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Verano (16 en total). El país ha obtenido un total de 1914 medallas en las ediciones de verano: 667 de oro, 621 de plata y 626 de bronce. En los Juegos Paralímpicos de Invierno ha participado todas las ediciones (12 en total). El país ha conseguido un total de 34 medallas en las ediciones de invierno: 2 de oro, 13 de plata y 19 de bronce.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has participated (under the name "Great Britain") in every summer and winter Paralympic Games. While the Olympic Games find their origin in Greece, Britain, and specifically the Stoke Mandeville Hospital is recognised as the spiritual home of the Paralympic Games. The first Paralympic Games, held in Rome in 1960, were simultaneously the 9th International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Games, a competition first devised by Dr Ludwig Guttmann in 1948 to coincide with the London Olympic Games of 1948, for soldiers with spinal cord injuries being cared for in Stoke Mandeville Hospital. While the Stoke Mandeville Games continue to exist as the IWAS World Games, a specific event for wheelchair and amputee athletes, the Paralympic Games evolve
Le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord participe (sous le nom de « Grande-Bretagne ») aux Jeux paralympiques d'été et d'hiver. Le pays a participé à tous les Jeux depuis les premiers en 1960. Les Britanniques ont obtenu de particulièrement bons résultats aux Jeux d'été, se classant deuxièmes au tableau d'ensemble des médailles après les Jeux de 2012. Aux Jeux d'hiver, la première médaille d'or britannique est obtenue par la skieuse Kelly Gallagher aux Jeux de 2014. Le Royaume-Uni a accueilli deux fois les Jeux paralympiques : en 1984 à Stoke Mandeville, et en 2012 à Londres.
大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國(名義是"大不列顛島")參與每屆夏季與冬季的残奥会。 奥林匹克运动会起源於希腊,那麼英國,特別是斯托克·曼德維爾醫院被認為是帕運會發源地及精神象徵。首次帕運會在1960年於罗马舉行,是追認於由路德維希·古特曼醫師為脊髓損傷士兵設計的斯托克曼德維爾輪椅運動會。 英國在夏季帕運會表現優異,每屆獎牌榜都在第二與第五之間 - 略好於奧運會。英國獲得一面冬季金牌以及562面夏季金牌。英國的名列第二。 英國是1984年夏季帕拉林匹克運動會在斯托克·曼德維爾主辦國之一,以及在倫敦2012年夏季残奥会的主辦國。 雖然國家名稱是"英國", 北爱尔兰有權成為為英國代表團的一部分。的代表,然而,他們反對這個名字,他們認為這個名字造成了北愛爾蘭不是英國奧運隊伍的一部分,並呼籲該隊改名為Team UK。 根據英國奧林匹克委員會與愛爾蘭奧林匹克議會的長期協議,北爱尔兰的運動員可以代表愛爾蘭奧運隊參賽,因為理論上擁有多重国籍。 英國最成功的帕運選手是游泳的在參與四屆帕運會中獲得16面個人金牌及兩面接力銀牌。雖然英國參加了每屆帕運會但是直到1989年在Kenny退役以後才成立。 來自英國的傳媒不斷提及那年參與殘奧會最多的運動員, 譚妮·葛雷-湯普森、 and 被稱為英國“最偉大的殘奧運動員”,偶爾用“現代”這個詞。然而,國際殘奧委員會將所有kenny的十八面獎牌都認定為殘奧獎牌
Great Britain at the Paralympics
Reino Unido en los Juegos Paralímpicos
Grande-Bretagne aux Jeux paralympiques
Groot-Brittannië op de Paralympische Spelen
Grã-Bretanha nos Jogos Paralímpicos
El Reino Unido en los Juegos Paralímpicos está representado por la Asociación Paralímpica Británica, miembro del Comité Paralímpico Internacional. Ha participado en todas las ediciones de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Verano (16 en total). El país ha obtenido un total de 1914 medallas en las ediciones de verano: 667 de oro, 621 de plata y 626 de bronce. En los Juegos Paralímpicos de Invierno ha participado todas las ediciones (12 en total). El país ha conseguido un total de 34 medallas en las ediciones de invierno: 2 de oro, 13 de plata y 19 de bronce. Este país fue anfitrión de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Verano en dos ocasiones: Stoke Mandeville 1984 y Londres 2012.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has participated (under the name "Great Britain") in every summer and winter Paralympic Games. While the Olympic Games find their origin in Greece, Britain, and specifically the Stoke Mandeville Hospital is recognised as the spiritual home of the Paralympic Games. The first Paralympic Games, held in Rome in 1960, were simultaneously the 9th International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Games, a competition first devised by Dr Ludwig Guttmann in 1948 to coincide with the London Olympic Games of 1948, for soldiers with spinal cord injuries being cared for in Stoke Mandeville Hospital. While the Stoke Mandeville Games continue to exist as the IWAS World Games, a specific event for wheelchair and amputee athletes, the Paralympic Games evolved from its Stoke Mandeville Games roots to include a comprehensive range of disabilities. This legacy is commemorated before each Paralympic Games since 2012 with the lighting of a 'legacy flame' at Stoke Mandeville as part of the Paralympic torch event. Britain has performed particularly well at the Summer Paralympic Games, consistently finishing between second and fifth on the medal tables - a slightly better performance than at the Olympics reflecting Britain's long-time connection and support of the event. Britain has won two gold medals at the Winter Paralympics and 626 at the Summer Games.Due the historical performances,the british team is second on the all-time Paralympic Games medal table. Britain was the one of the co-host countries of the 1984 Summer Paralympics in Stoke Mandeville, sharing the duties with New York, and the host of the 2012 Summer Paralympics, in London. Although the country uses the name "Great Britain", athletes from Northern Ireland are entitled to compete as part of British delegations. Representatives of the devolved Northern Ireland government, however, have objected to the name, which they argue creates a perception that Northern Ireland is not part of the British Olympic team, and have called for the team to be renamed as Team UK. Under the terms of a long-standing settlement between the British Paralympic Association and the Paralympics Ireland, athletes from Northern Ireland can elect to represent Ireland at the Paralympics, as Northern Irish people are legally entitled to dual citizenship. Britain's most successful Paralympian is swimmer turned cyclist Sarah Storey, who took the honour at the 2020 Summer Paralympics when she won her 16th gold medal, and 27th medal in all. Prior to 2020, the record had been held for decades by swimmer Mike Kenny who also won 16 individual gold medals, as well as two relay silvers, in four Games. Although Great Britain has competed in every Games, the British Paralympic Committee was only founded in 1989, after Kenny's retirement. Media in Britain consistently referred to the most decorated Paralympic athletes from that year, Tanni Grey-Thompson, Dave Roberts and Sarah Storey as Britain's "greatest Paralympians", occasionally with the phrase "of the modern era", attached. The International Paralympic Committee, however, recognise all of Kenny's eighteen medals as Paralympic medals, and he remains Great Britain's most successful male Paralympian and the most successful British Paralympian in a single sport (Of her 16 gold medals, Storey won 11 in cycling and 5 in swimming). Britain's first Paralympic gold was earned at the 1960 Rome Games by Margaret Maughan. Her feat was recognised when Maughan was chosen to light the Paralympic Flame during the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Summer Paralympics. Britain's first Winter Paralympic gold was earned at the Sochi 2014 Games by Kelly Gallagher and guide Charlotte Evans in the Women's Super-G Visually impaired. Multiple athletes have won 4 medals at the Winter Paralympics for Great Britain, each in alpine skiing. Most recently by Menna Fitzpatrick and her guide Jennifer Kehoe in 2018, Jade Etherington and guide Caroline Powell in 2014. Richard Burt won 4 medals across two games in 1992 and 1994. However, Fitzpatrick and her guide Kehoe are the only athletes to have won a gold medal. The only other British athlete to have won a gold medal at the Winter Paralympics is Kelly Gallagher and her guide Charlotte Evans, also in alpine skiing in 2014.
Le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord participe (sous le nom de « Grande-Bretagne ») aux Jeux paralympiques d'été et d'hiver. Le pays a participé à tous les Jeux depuis les premiers en 1960. Si la Grèce est à l'origine des Jeux olympiques, qui doivent leur renaissance à l'ère moderne au Français Pierre de Coubertin, le Royaume-Uni est le pays de naissance des Jeux paralympiques. En 1948, le docteur Ludwig Guttmann organise (en parallèle aux Jeux olympiques de Londres), une compétition sportive à l'hôpital de Stoke Mandeville, pour des vétérans britanniques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale atteints à la moelle épinière et participant en fauteuil roulant. Cette compétition s'internationalise en 1952 avec la participation de vétérans néerlandais, puis donne lieu aux premiers Jeux paralympiques à Rome en 1960, là aussi organisés en parallèle aux Jeux olympiques. Les Britanniques ont obtenu de particulièrement bons résultats aux Jeux d'été, se classant deuxièmes au tableau d'ensemble des médailles après les Jeux de 2012. Aux Jeux d'hiver, la première médaille d'or britannique est obtenue par la skieuse Kelly Gallagher aux Jeux de 2014. Le Royaume-Uni a accueilli deux fois les Jeux paralympiques : en 1984 à Stoke Mandeville, et en 2012 à Londres.
Groot-Brittannië is een van de landen die deelneemt aan de Paralympische Spelen. Het land debuteerde op de Paralympische Zomerspelen 1960.
A Grã Bretanha participou pela primeira vez dos Jogos Paralímpicos em 1960, e enviou atletas para competirem em todos os Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão desde então, em relação aos Jogos Paralímpicos de Inverno a primeira participação da Grã Bretanha foi em 1976 e participou de todas as edições desde então.
大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國(名義是"大不列顛島")參與每屆夏季與冬季的残奥会。 奥林匹克运动会起源於希腊,那麼英國,特別是斯托克·曼德維爾醫院被認為是帕運會發源地及精神象徵。首次帕運會在1960年於罗马舉行,是追認於由路德維希·古特曼醫師為脊髓損傷士兵設計的斯托克曼德維爾輪椅運動會。 英國在夏季帕運會表現優異,每屆獎牌榜都在第二與第五之間 - 略好於奧運會。英國獲得一面冬季金牌以及562面夏季金牌。英國的名列第二。 英國是1984年夏季帕拉林匹克運動會在斯托克·曼德維爾主辦國之一,以及在倫敦2012年夏季残奥会的主辦國。 雖然國家名稱是"英國", 北爱尔兰有權成為為英國代表團的一部分。的代表,然而,他們反對這個名字,他們認為這個名字造成了北愛爾蘭不是英國奧運隊伍的一部分,並呼籲該隊改名為Team UK。 根據英國奧林匹克委員會與愛爾蘭奧林匹克議會的長期協議,北爱尔兰的運動員可以代表愛爾蘭奧運隊參賽,因為理論上擁有多重国籍。 英國最成功的帕運選手是游泳的在參與四屆帕運會中獲得16面個人金牌及兩面接力銀牌。雖然英國參加了每屆帕運會但是直到1989年在Kenny退役以後才成立。 來自英國的傳媒不斷提及那年參與殘奧會最多的運動員, 譚妮·葛雷-湯普森、 and 被稱為英國“最偉大的殘奧運動員”,偶爾用“現代”這個詞。然而,國際殘奧委員會將所有kenny的十八面獎牌都認定為殘奧獎牌 英國首面帕運金牌為在1960年夏季残奥会獲得。 英國首面冬季帕運金牌為與其導航者在2014年冬季帕拉林匹克運動會在視覺障礙項目獲得。