Gotham Road an entity of type: Thing

Gotham Road (or Gotham Rd.) is a horror punk/heavy metal band formed after the demise of the band Graves by Michale Graves, Loki, J.V. Bastard and Paul Lifeless. rdf:langString
I Gotham Road (o Gotham Rd.) sono un gruppo musicale horror punk statunitense formato dopo lo scioglimento dei Graves da Michale Graves, Loki, JV Bastard e Paul Lifeless. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Gotham Road
rdf:langString Gotham Road
rdf:langString Gotham Road
rdf:langString Gotham Road
xsd:integer 3515258
xsd:integer 1092075194
rdf:langString Loki
rdf:langString Paul Lifeless
rdf:langString J.V. Bastard
rdf:langString None
rdf:langString New Jersey, U.S.
xsd:integer 2002
xsd:decimal 200820092014
rdf:langString Gotham Road (or Gotham Rd.) is a horror punk/heavy metal band formed after the demise of the band Graves by Michale Graves, Loki, J.V. Bastard and Paul Lifeless.
rdf:langString I Gotham Road (o Gotham Rd.) sono un gruppo musicale horror punk statunitense formato dopo lo scioglimento dei Graves da Michale Graves, Loki, JV Bastard e Paul Lifeless.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4589
xsd:gYear 2004
xsd:gYear 2002

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