Gossip Girl (novel series)

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Gossip_Girl_(novel_series) an entity of type: Thing

Gossip Girl is an American young adult novel series written by Cecily von Ziegesar and published by Little, Brown and Company, a subsidiary of the Hachette Group. The series revolves around the lives and romances of the privileged socialite teenagers at the Constance Billard School for Girls, an elite private school in New York City's Upper East Side. The books primarily focus on best friends Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen, whose experiences are among those chronicled by the eponymous gossip blogger. The novel series is based on the author's experiences at Nightingale-Bamford School and on what she heard from friends. rdf:langString
Gossip Girl is een boekenreeks geschreven door Cecily von Ziegesar voor tieners vanaf 14 jaar. Het eerste boek uit de serie heeft dezelfde naam. De boekenserie heeft ook geleid tot twee spin-offs genaamd The It Girl en Gossip Girl: The Carlyles. Sinds 2007 wordt het door The CW Television Network uitgezonden als een televisieserie in Amerika en sinds 2008 wordt het door Net5 uitgezonden in Nederland. rdf:langString
Gossip Girl è una collana di romanzi scritta da Cecily von Ziegesar. I primi quattro libri sono stati pubblicati in Italia con il nome Bad Girls dalla Sonzogno; con l'arrivo in Italia dell'omonima serie televisiva, i primi sei libri sono stati ripubblicati con il nome originale prima dalla Fabbri Editori e poi dalla Rizzoli. I libri sono inframmezzati dalle pagine del blog di una misteriosa ragazza che si fa chiamare Gossip Girl, che pubblica gossip e pettegolezzi sul gruppo di amici protagonista. rdf:langString
Gossip Girl är en serie ungdomsböcker skapad av den amerikanska författaren Cecily von Ziegesar, i Sverige utgivna av B. Wahlströms bokförlag. Böckerna handlar om en grupp till synes lyckliga ungdomar som bor i fabulösa lägenheter vid Upper East Side av New York. Gossip Girl - Tre x Carlyle är en fortsättning på bokserien, men med nya karaktärer. Bokserien är en spin-off med Jenny Humphrey som huvudkaraktär. Det finns en TV-serie med samma namn som är baserad på böckerna. rdf:langString
Wejście Carlsów. Plotkara – dalszy ciąg serii książek młodzieżowych Plotkara napisana przez Cecily von Ziegesar. W Polsce pierwszy tom został wydany w 2008 roku przez wydawnictwo Amber. rdf:langString
《花邊教主》(英語:Gossip Girl)是由美國作家所寫的系列小說。Gossip Girl在小說中是敘述者的筆名,本書同時也是該系列小說的第一本。2007年,由本書所改編的電視劇集開始在美國CW電視台播出,Gossip Girl系列還有衍生出另外兩個系列小說《The It Girl》以及《Gossip Girl: The Carlyles》。 rdf:langString
Gossip Girl je knižní série od americké autorky . Tato série je vyprávěna tajemnou blogerkou Super Drbnou, která na všechny postavy prozradí vše, ale o sobě velmi málo. Dílo má dvě série. V 1. sérii píše Super Drbna o Sereně van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Natovi Archibaldovi, sourozencích Humphreyových a Vanesse Abrams. Jedná se o prvních 13 knih (respektive 12 + 1 prequel). V předposledním díle Nezapomeň na mne se Blair stěhuje do L.A. a v dalším díle Miluji tě napořád se vrací na prázdniny do NY. Na motivy knižní série vznikly dva televizní seriál: Super drbna z let 2007–2012 a z roku 2021. rdf:langString
Gossip Girl est une série de dix-sept livres à succès écrite par Cecily von Ziegesar et destinée aux adolescents (à partir de 12 ans). Elle a été publiée par fleuve éditions le 26 janvier 2006. La saga relate la vie d'un groupe d'adolescents issus de la haute société new-yorkaise résidant dans le quartier le plus chic de Manhattan: l'Upper East Side. La narratrice, anonyme, semble être une étudiante du lycée privé pour filles Constance Billard (Constance Billard School for Girls) où sont également scolarisées les héroïnes de l'histoire. Pour créer son univers, Cecily von Ziegesar s'est inspirée de l'école privée Nightingale-Bamford School - située dans l'Upper East Side - au sein de laquelle elle a elle-même étudié quand elle était plus jeune. On retrouve dans chacun des livres de la série rdf:langString
Gossip Girl é uma série de livros para jovens adultos escrita por Cecily von Ziegesar e publicada pela Little, Brown and Company, uma subsidiária do Grupo Hachette. A série gira em torno das vidas e romances dos adolescentes socialites privilegiados da Constance Billard School for Girls, uma escola privada de elite no Upper East Side de Nova York. Os livros se concentram principalmente nas melhores amigas Blair Waldorf e Serena van der Woodsen, cujas experiências estão entre aquelas narradas pela blogueira de fofocas de mesmo nome. É baseada nas experiências de von Ziegesar na Nightingale-Bamford School e no que ela ouviu de amigos. O livro original tornou-se a inspiração para a série de televisão de drama adolescente Gossip Girl, criada por Josh Schwartz e Stephanie Savage, que estreou na rdf:langString
Сплетница (англ. Gossip Girl) — серия американских романов для молодёжи, написанных Сесили фон Зигесар и публикуемых издательством Little, Brown && Company, подразделением Hachette Group. Повествование ведётся от лица таинственной девушки-блогера, именующей себя Сплетницей: она рассказывает обо всём, что происходит в жизни Манхэттэнской элиты, включая и учащихся школы Constance Billard School For Girls — привилегированной частной школы в Верхнем Ист-Сайде, которую посещают Блэр Уолдорф и её лучшая подруга Серена Ван Дер Вудсен. Романы охватывают период от их обучения в старших классах и поступления в колледж. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (knižní série)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (novel series)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (série littéraire)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (serie di romanzi)
rdf:langString Plotkara: Wejście Carlsów
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (boekenreeks)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl
rdf:langString Сплетница (серия романов)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl (bokserie)
rdf:langString 花邊教主
rdf:langString Gossip Girl
rdf:langString Gossip Girl
xsd:string Little, Brown and Company
xsd:integer 779136
xsd:integer 1106546912
rdf:langString The Carlyles go on Vacation to the Bahamas with Remington, their mom's fiancé, his daughter, Layla, and her boyfriend, Riley. They are joined by Rhys, Owen's friend, and Jack. Baby feels alone, until she realizes that she and Riley have a real connection. But she and Layla make a great team too... Rhys is being pressured by Hugh and the swim team to hook up with a girl, so Owen decides to set him up with an aggressive British girl. But the only girl Rhys has eyes for is Avery... Owen's sister. Jack realizes that her feelings for Owen run much deeper than she thought, but she can't bring herself to tell Avery. Amidst all of the secret drama, Remington and Edie Carlyle decide to get married.
rdf:langString This prequel to the Gossip Girl series reveals how Serena left Constance Billard School for Girls after falling in love with Nate. The story also explores Blair's obsession with Audrey Hepburn, and how Nate came between best friends Serena and Blair.
rdf:langString It's September – time to put away your white eyelet sundresses and platform espadrilles and say goodbye to the East End. But say hello to Manhattan's newest residents, the scene-stealing, heart-stealing Carlyle triplets. Lock up your boyfriends and throw away the key, because B and A are hotter than NYC during a sultry Indian summer.
rdf:langString Vanessa and Dan's romance comes to a halt when he turns into an overnight literary superstar with her help. Serena makes her modeling debut during Fashion Week, inadvertently pushing away her boyfriend Aaron. Nate is sent to rehab where he meets Georgina Spark. Dan two times Vanessa with Mystery Craze while Vanessa watches crying silently.
rdf:langString The original cast returns to New York. Blair is studying law at Yale and has a boyfriend there. However, Blair and Nate have a whirlwind romance for several days and Nate realizes Blair is the one he was meant to be with. That is, until he lays eyes on Serena, who is now an A-list movie star, and is more confused than ever. Dan leaves Evergreen and transfers to Columbia so he can be close to Vanessa. Vanessa is overwhelmed with all of Dan's ideas of living together and starting a life causing her to cheat on him with Hollis, her TA. Dan is overwhelmed with sorrow until Serena reads one of his poems and they start dating again. Chuck returns straight, penniless, and full of wisdom. Vanessa leaves Hollis angrily.
rdf:langString Teenager Blair Waldorf sneaks away from a party to have sex with her boyfriend Nate Archibald, however they are interrupted by the return of Blair's old friend Serena van der Woodsen, who was away at boarding school. When Serena was around, Blair felt as if she were lost in Serena's shadow, so she is not thrilled that Serena has returned. She is also unhappy to find out that Nate and Serena had sex the summer before Serena left. She tries to keep Serena out of the loop and encourages others to ignore her. Not understanding why she is getting the cold shoulder, Serena decides to try new activities and tries out for the school play, but is rejected. Later she tries out for Vanessa Abrams' short film, War and Peace, in Central Park. However, Vanessa grows jealous when her best friend and secret crush, Dan Humphrey, who is in love with Serena, seems infatuated with her. Vanessa chooses another girl for the part. Undeterred, Serena decides to make her own film and enlists the help of Jenny Humphrey, Dan's younger sister. Throughout the story, the various characters regularly visit "Gossip Girl," a popular, anonymous blog that spreads rumors and gossip about them. During a benefit organized by Blair, which Jenny has been trying to get into, Chuck Bass attacks Jenny, but Dan Humphrey and Serena rescue her.
rdf:langString A slasher parody reworking of the first book of the series, turning Blair and Serena into serial killers.
rdf:langString As graduation approaches, Blair moves out of V's apartment and into the Yale club where she meets Lord Marcus. A filmmaker is casting talent for a remake of Breakfast at Tiffany's. Jenny scouts boarding schools, setting up her exit from the series for her spin-off series, The It Girl. B and S audition for the lead in Breakfast at Fred's but Serena lands the role, tearing her and Blair's friendship apart again.
rdf:langString Eleanor Waldorf's upcoming wedding with Cyrus Rose threatens to overshadow Blair's birthday. College interviews bring out the best and worst in the seniors, as Blair hangs out with her new stepbrother-to-be Aaron Rose, and Dan finds out how just not into him Serena is. Nate starts hanging out with Jenny, and Jenny falls madly in love with him. Serena and Blair reunite as best friends again. Nate eventually two times Blair with Jenny at Eleanor's wedding, bringing Serena and Blair closer.
rdf:langString College acceptance letters are arriving and Serena and Nate get in everywhere she applied while Blair is waitlisted for her dream school, Yale. Jenny becomes a model with S's help and realizes she wants to be more like Serena. Dan and Vanessa decide to live together – briefly. Dan becomes irritated with Vanessa's new friend Tiphany and her ferret.
rdf:langString After briefly living at the Plaza, Blair unexpectedly decides to move in with – Vanessa. Racy pictures of Jenny surface, landing her in trouble at Constance, which she loves. Jenny wants to go to boarding school.
rdf:langString Christmas time in New York City has arrived and Serena moves from dating superstar Flow to vegan Aaron when they all end up on a Caribbean vacation with the Waldorfs. Jenny gets stalkerish with Nate, while Nate realizes who he truly loves. Blair learns that her mother is pregnant and decides that Nate isn't worthy of being her leading man. Jenny paints a number of portraits of Nate.
rdf:langString Get out your Montblanc pens, Chloe satchels, and cashmere cardigans: it's a brand-new season on the Upper East Side, and the irresistible Carlyle triplets are taking Manhattan by storm. You know it's going to be another wild and wicked year, and I'll be here to whisper all the juicy secrets.
rdf:langString Baby Carlyle breaks up with J.P., Avery and Jack become good friends, and Owen dates Kelsey for a while and then dumps her, as he realizes that they don't really know each other and their only attraction is lust. Rhys is heartbroken over Kelsey, but gets over her and forgives Owen.
rdf:langString Nate dates a Hamptons townie named Tawny and Dan two-times Vanessa with yoga-loving Bree. Blair returns from London and lives with Serena. Not surprisingly when Nate and Tawny meet Blair and Serena, the two girls reaction is not impressed.
rdf:langString Blair and Nate reunite just as Serena realizes she's in love with him. Dan starts an experimental literary salon and thinks he's gay after making out with his male co-worker.
rdf:langString As summer winds down, Blair learns that her family is relocating to California. Dan finally figures out whom his heart really belongs to. Nate is forced to choose between Blair and Serena. Dan's mother returns and gives him presents for being gay.
rdf:langString Spring break arrives. Serena, Blair, Nate and Georgina are off to ski in Sun Valley where Blair nearly sleeps with Serena's brother Erik. Jenny finds out her boyfriend is keeping a secret from her. Dan interns at a pretentious literary magazine, while Nate realizes just how crazy Georgina Spark can be. Serena and Georgina become friends before Chuck and Georgina send Serena snow boarding in close to nothing. The board capsizes and Serena falls in a ditch.
xsd:integer 224 240 256 304 320 400 417
rdf:langString Cecily von Ziegesar Unknown ghostwriter
rdf:langString The first in the series of Gossip Girl novels
rdf:langString United States
xsd:integer 978
rdf:langString English
rdf:langString novel
xsd:integer 2002
rdf:langString Gossip Girl
rdf:langString I Like It Like That
rdf:langString All I Want Is Everything
rdf:langString It Had to Be You
rdf:langString You're the One That I Want
rdf:langString Psycho Killer
rdf:langString Because I'm Worth It
rdf:langString Don't You Forget About Me (written by ghost-writer)
rdf:langString I Will Always Love You (written by ghost-writer)
rdf:langString You Just Can't Get Enough (written by Annabelle Vestry)
rdf:langString Nobody Does It Better
rdf:langString Nothing Can Keep Us Together
rdf:langString Only in Your Dreams (written by ghost-writer)
rdf:langString Take a Chance on Me (written by Annabelle Vestry)
rdf:langString Would I Lie to You? (written by ghost-writer)
rdf:langString You Know You Love Me
rdf:langString Gossip Girl: The Carlyles (written by Baby Annabelle)
rdf:langString Love the One You're With (written by Annabelle Vestry)
rdf:langString Gossip Girl je knižní série od americké autorky . Tato série je vyprávěna tajemnou blogerkou Super Drbnou, která na všechny postavy prozradí vše, ale o sobě velmi málo. Dílo má dvě série. V 1. sérii píše Super Drbna o Sereně van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Natovi Archibaldovi, sourozencích Humphreyových a Vanesse Abrams. Jedná se o prvních 13 knih (respektive 12 + 1 prequel). V předposledním díle Nezapomeň na mne se Blair stěhuje do L.A. a v dalším díle Miluji tě napořád se vrací na prázdniny do NY. V 2. sérii se objeví nové postavy. Do bytu Waldorfových se stěhuje rodina Carlylových. Teď píše Super Drbna o sourozencích Baby, Avery a Owenovi. Serena a ostatní už zde nevystupují. Na motivy knižní série vznikly dva televizní seriál: Super drbna z let 2007–2012 a z roku 2021.
rdf:langString Gossip Girl is an American young adult novel series written by Cecily von Ziegesar and published by Little, Brown and Company, a subsidiary of the Hachette Group. The series revolves around the lives and romances of the privileged socialite teenagers at the Constance Billard School for Girls, an elite private school in New York City's Upper East Side. The books primarily focus on best friends Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen, whose experiences are among those chronicled by the eponymous gossip blogger. The novel series is based on the author's experiences at Nightingale-Bamford School and on what she heard from friends.
rdf:langString Gossip Girl est une série de dix-sept livres à succès écrite par Cecily von Ziegesar et destinée aux adolescents (à partir de 12 ans). Elle a été publiée par fleuve éditions le 26 janvier 2006. La saga relate la vie d'un groupe d'adolescents issus de la haute société new-yorkaise résidant dans le quartier le plus chic de Manhattan: l'Upper East Side. La narratrice, anonyme, semble être une étudiante du lycée privé pour filles Constance Billard (Constance Billard School for Girls) où sont également scolarisées les héroïnes de l'histoire. Pour créer son univers, Cecily von Ziegesar s'est inspirée de l'école privée Nightingale-Bamford School - située dans l'Upper East Side - au sein de laquelle elle a elle-même étudié quand elle était plus jeune. On retrouve dans chacun des livres de la série (tous les deux chapitres environ) quelques paragraphes extraits, semble-t-il, d'un site internet sur lequel sont publiés des ragots concernant les personnages principaux de la saga. L'intrigue tourne alors autour de ces mêmes rumeurs. La saga est divisée en deux séries de livres. La première relate les aventures de Serena Van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf (Olivia Waldorf dans la version traduite en français), Nathaniel Archibald, Daniel Humphrey et Vanessa Abrams depuis leur année de terminale jusqu'à la fin de leurs études universitaires mais aussi celles de Jennifer Humphrey depuis sa troisième année au lycée jusqu'à sa première année à l'université. Elle s'étend du préquel (le tome 17), directement suivi par le tome 1, jusqu'au tome 11 inclus auxquels vient s'ajouter le séquel (le tome 16). L'histoire débute quand la célèbre et sublime Serena Van Der Woodsen, ancienne reine des nuits new-yorkaises, débarque tout droit de son pensionnat à Manhattan après une année d'absence. Pourquoi est-elle partie? Pourquoi est-elle revenue? Ce sont les questions que tout le monde se pose. Dès son arrivée, sa meilleure amie d'enfance, Blair/Olivia, lui met des bâtons dans les roues. Quant à Nate, le petit ami de cette dernière, il semble troublé... La seconde partie relate l'arrivée des triplés Avery, Owen et Baby Carlyle en ville et leur adaptation à leur nouvelle vie dans les quartiers chics de Manhattan. Elle s'étend du tome 12 au tome 15 inclus.
rdf:langString Gossip Girl is een boekenreeks geschreven door Cecily von Ziegesar voor tieners vanaf 14 jaar. Het eerste boek uit de serie heeft dezelfde naam. De boekenserie heeft ook geleid tot twee spin-offs genaamd The It Girl en Gossip Girl: The Carlyles. Sinds 2007 wordt het door The CW Television Network uitgezonden als een televisieserie in Amerika en sinds 2008 wordt het door Net5 uitgezonden in Nederland.
rdf:langString Gossip Girl è una collana di romanzi scritta da Cecily von Ziegesar. I primi quattro libri sono stati pubblicati in Italia con il nome Bad Girls dalla Sonzogno; con l'arrivo in Italia dell'omonima serie televisiva, i primi sei libri sono stati ripubblicati con il nome originale prima dalla Fabbri Editori e poi dalla Rizzoli. I libri sono inframmezzati dalle pagine del blog di una misteriosa ragazza che si fa chiamare Gossip Girl, che pubblica gossip e pettegolezzi sul gruppo di amici protagonista.
rdf:langString Gossip Girl är en serie ungdomsböcker skapad av den amerikanska författaren Cecily von Ziegesar, i Sverige utgivna av B. Wahlströms bokförlag. Böckerna handlar om en grupp till synes lyckliga ungdomar som bor i fabulösa lägenheter vid Upper East Side av New York. Gossip Girl - Tre x Carlyle är en fortsättning på bokserien, men med nya karaktärer. Bokserien är en spin-off med Jenny Humphrey som huvudkaraktär. Det finns en TV-serie med samma namn som är baserad på böckerna.
rdf:langString Wejście Carlsów. Plotkara – dalszy ciąg serii książek młodzieżowych Plotkara napisana przez Cecily von Ziegesar. W Polsce pierwszy tom został wydany w 2008 roku przez wydawnictwo Amber.
rdf:langString Сплетница (англ. Gossip Girl) — серия американских романов для молодёжи, написанных Сесили фон Зигесар и публикуемых издательством Little, Brown && Company, подразделением Hachette Group. Повествование ведётся от лица таинственной девушки-блогера, именующей себя Сплетницей: она рассказывает обо всём, что происходит в жизни Манхэттэнской элиты, включая и учащихся школы Constance Billard School For Girls — привилегированной частной школы в Верхнем Ист-Сайде, которую посещают Блэр Уолдорф и её лучшая подруга Серена Ван Дер Вудсен. Романы охватывают период от их обучения в старших классах и поступления в колледж. Первый роман серии Сплетница был выпущен в апреле 2002 года. Одиннадцатый — в мае 2007 года. Последняя книга, роман-приквел, поступила в продажу в октябре 2007 года. Ещё один роман, рассказывающий о Рождественских каникулах героев, был издан в ноябре 2009 года. По мотивам первого романа был снят успешный одноименный телесериал, выпускаемый каналом theCW. Автор идеи — Джош Шварц. Премьера состоялась 19 сентября 2007 года. Последний 6 сезон сериала вышел в 2012 году. В мае 2008 года начала издаваться мини-серия романов-спин-оффов под названием Карлайлы: цикл рассказывает о трёх детях из семьи Карлайл и об их обучении в частной школе для девочек Billard. С 2005 года издаётся вторая серия-спин-офф под названием Эта девушка. Автор идеи Сесили фон Зигесар, но романы пишут писатели-призраки. Позже издательство Yen Press выпустило графический роман под названием Сплетница: Только для ваших глаз (англ. Gossip Girl: For Your Eyes Only).
rdf:langString Gossip Girl é uma série de livros para jovens adultos escrita por Cecily von Ziegesar e publicada pela Little, Brown and Company, uma subsidiária do Grupo Hachette. A série gira em torno das vidas e romances dos adolescentes socialites privilegiados da Constance Billard School for Girls, uma escola privada de elite no Upper East Side de Nova York. Os livros se concentram principalmente nas melhores amigas Blair Waldorf e Serena van der Woodsen, cujas experiências estão entre aquelas narradas pela blogueira de fofocas de mesmo nome. É baseada nas experiências de von Ziegesar na Nightingale-Bamford School e no que ela ouviu de amigos. O livro original tornou-se a inspiração para a série de televisão de drama adolescente Gossip Girl, criada por Josh Schwartz e Stephanie Savage, que estreou na rede de televisão The CW Television Network em 19 de setembro de 2007. Já foram publicados 13 livros. Em maio de 2008, uma série de sucessos, Gossip Girl: The Carlyles, começou a ser publicada, seguindo os trigêmeos Carlyle quando eles começaram a se mudar para o Upper East Side. Em outubro de 2009, quatro livros foram lançados nesta série. Ziegesar criou uma série spin-off, The It Girl, que começou a ser publicada em 2005, e a Yen Press adaptou a série para uma série de mangá intitulada Gossip Girl: For Your Eyes Only.
rdf:langString 《花邊教主》(英語:Gossip Girl)是由美國作家所寫的系列小說。Gossip Girl在小說中是敘述者的筆名,本書同時也是該系列小說的第一本。2007年,由本書所改編的電視劇集開始在美國CW電視台播出,Gossip Girl系列還有衍生出另外兩個系列小說《The It Girl》以及《Gossip Girl: The Carlyles》。
xsd:date 2002-04-01
xsd:date 2002-09-01
xsd:date 2003-05-07
xsd:date 2003-10-01
xsd:date 2004-05-05
xsd:date 2004-10-06
xsd:date 2005-05-11
xsd:date 2005-10-05
xsd:date 2006-05-10
xsd:date 2006-10-04
xsd:date 2007-05-01
xsd:date 2007-10-02
xsd:date 2008-05-06
xsd:date 2008-10-07
xsd:date 2009-05-12
xsd:date 2009-10-01
xsd:date 2009-11-03
xsd:date 2011-10-03
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 39141

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