Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator (consul 118)

Cneo o Gneo Pedanio Fusco Salinator (en latín: Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator) fue un senador romano, que vivió a fines del siglo I y principios del siglo II, y desarrolló su cursus honorum durante los reinados de los emperadores Nerva, Trajano, y Adriano. Fue cónsul ordinario en 118 como colega de este último César.​ rdf:langString
Cnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator est un sénateur romain du début du IIe siècle, consul éponyme en 118 avec Hadrien, dont il est le neveu. Il est le gendre de Lucius Iulius Ursus Servianus. rdf:langString
Гней Педаній Фуск Салінатор (лат. Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator; ? — між 136 та 138) — державний діяч Римської імперії, консул 118 року. rdf:langString
Cneu Pedânio Fusco Salinador (em latim: Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator) foi um senador romano eleito cônsul em 118 com o imperador Adriano. Membro da gente , originária de Barcino, na Hispânia Tarraconense, Salinador era filho de Cneu Pedânio Fusco Salinador, cônsul sufecto em 83 ou 84. Conhecido principalmente por ter sido amigo e aliado de Plínio, o Jovem. rdf:langString
Tiberi Claudi Salinator Fusc (llatí: Tiberius Claudius Salinator Fuscus) va ser un orador romà de gran eloqüència i erudició, membre d'una família senatorial. Era contemporani i amic de Plini el jove. Es va destacar pel seu caràcter sobri i simple. rdf:langString
Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator war ein römischer Politiker und Senator. Fuscus stammte aus Barcino in der Hispania Tarraconensis. Sein gleichnamiger Vater war um das Jahr 84 Suffektkonsul. Fuscus heiratete die Tochter des Lucius Iulius Ursus Servianus, Iulia Paulina. Seine Schwiegermutter Domitia Paulina war die Schwester des Kaisers Hadrian. Um die Redekunst zu erlernen, schloss sich Fuscus Plinius dem Jüngeren an. Im Jahr 118 wurde Fuscus zusammen mit Hadrian ordentlicher Konsul. Sein Todesdatum ist unbekannt. Es wird vermutet, dass er vor dem 138 verstorbenen Hadrian starb. rdf:langString
Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator was a Roman senator and lawyer. He served as ordinary consul for the year 118 AD as the colleague of the Emperor Hadrian. Salinator was a member of the circle of friends and peers around Pliny the Younger. Salinator was a member of the Pedanii, who had their roots as Roman colonists in the town of Barcino in Tarraconensis. Salinator himself was the son of Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator, suffect consul in either the year 83 or 84. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Tiberi Claudi Salinàtor Fusc
rdf:langString Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator (Konsul 118)
rdf:langString Cneo Pedanio Fusco Salinator
rdf:langString Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator (consul 118)
rdf:langString Cnaeus Pedanius Fuscus (consul en 118)
rdf:langString Cneu Pedânio Fusco Salinador (cônsul em 118)
rdf:langString Гней Фуск Салінатор
xsd:integer 55881593
xsd:integer 1081325933
rdf:langString Suffect consuls
rdf:langString and Bellicius Tebanianus
rdf:langString ignotus,
rdf:langString and Gnaeus Minicius Faustinus
rdf:langString Hadrian II
rdf:langString Consul of the Roman Empire
xsd:integer 118
rdf:langString Tiberi Claudi Salinator Fusc (llatí: Tiberius Claudius Salinator Fuscus) va ser un orador romà de gran eloqüència i erudició, membre d'una família senatorial. Era contemporani i amic de Plini el jove. Es va destacar pel seu caràcter sobri i simple. L'any 118 fou cònsol amb el mateix emperador Adrià com a col·lega. Es va casar amb una filla de Juli Servià, Júlia Serviana Paulina, i va tenir un fill, que a 19 anys va ser executat juntament amb Servià, per ordre d'Adrià, que els va acusar d'aspirar a l'imperi. Dió Cassi diu que Fusc i Servià van ser condemnats a mort per haver mostrat de forma imprudent el seu desacord en l'elecció de Luci Celoni Còmmode com a successor designat d'Adrià.
rdf:langString Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator war ein römischer Politiker und Senator. Fuscus stammte aus Barcino in der Hispania Tarraconensis. Sein gleichnamiger Vater war um das Jahr 84 Suffektkonsul. Fuscus heiratete die Tochter des Lucius Iulius Ursus Servianus, Iulia Paulina. Seine Schwiegermutter Domitia Paulina war die Schwester des Kaisers Hadrian. Um die Redekunst zu erlernen, schloss sich Fuscus Plinius dem Jüngeren an. Im Jahr 118 wurde Fuscus zusammen mit Hadrian ordentlicher Konsul. Sein Todesdatum ist unbekannt. Es wird vermutet, dass er vor dem 138 verstorbenen Hadrian starb. Fuscus’ Sohn aus seiner Ehe mit Iulia Paulina, , wurde verdächtigt, gemeinsam mit seinem Großvater Servianus den designierten Nachfolger Kaiser Hadrians, Lucius Aelius Caesar, ausschalten zu wollen. Angeblich strebte der jüngere Fuscus selbst die Kaiserwürde an. Er wurde daraufhin zusammen mit Servianus hingerichtet.
rdf:langString Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator was a Roman senator and lawyer. He served as ordinary consul for the year 118 AD as the colleague of the Emperor Hadrian. Salinator was a member of the circle of friends and peers around Pliny the Younger. Salinator was a member of the Pedanii, who had their roots as Roman colonists in the town of Barcino in Tarraconensis. Salinator himself was the son of Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator, suffect consul in either the year 83 or 84. Pliny addresses three letters to Salinator (whom he calls Pedanius Fuscus), and mentions him in three more. However, the three letters Pliny wrote him are on trivial matters: one contains advice to Salinator about how to study -- although Pliny notes Salinator's "particular interest is pleading"; the other two are essays wherein Pliny describes his daily schedule. The other letters mentioning him to third parties provide us more information about Salinator. One concerns Salinator's debut speech in the Senate, where he was opposed by another young Senator also delivering his debut speech, Ummidius Quadratus. Another, addressed to Lucius Julius Ursus Servianus, congratulates Servianus on the betrothal of his daughter to Salinator. Ronald Syme supplies a name for her: Julia, the daughter of Hadrian's sister Domitia Paulina. As for Salinator's senatorial career, we know few details. Pliny's third letter mentioning him is a letter for recommendation for one Nymphidius Lupus, written to the emperor Trajan in the year 110. In this letter he writes that "Fuscus Salinator" has also recommended Lupus in a manner to imply that Salinator was a governor at some time before 110. Over which province he was governor is not stated in the letter, but the consensus of the experts is that it was likely Moesia Inferior. He may be the subject of a mutilated inscription recovered from Durostorum; the tenure of this unknown senator has been dated by Werner Eck from the year 108 to the year 110. After he completed his term as ordinary consul, Salinator vanishes from recorded history, which is surprising. "The consular Fasti in the early season of Hadrian's reign duly disclose several of his allies," Syme writes. As Hadrian's colleague in his first consulate as emperor, Pedianus Fuscus Salinator would occupy a very prominent position in Hadrian's list of appointees. One would expect to hear more of Salinator, yet as Syme notes, he is "only a name in the Fasti". While his disappearance could be attributed to falling out of favor with Hadrian -- the emperor is known to have executed four men thought to have been a threat to him (Avidius Nigrinus, Cornelius Palma, Calpurnius Piso Licinianus and Lusius Quietus) -- Syme suggests that Salinator and his wife simply succumbed to "a malady or a pestilence soon after 118." Salinator is known to have had a son by Julia, the daughter of Servianus, named . This son, along with his grandfather Servianus, were accused of being involved in a plot against Hadrian; as a result both men were forced to commit suicide shortly before Hadrian's death.
rdf:langString Cneo o Gneo Pedanio Fusco Salinator (en latín: Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator) fue un senador romano, que vivió a fines del siglo I y principios del siglo II, y desarrolló su cursus honorum durante los reinados de los emperadores Nerva, Trajano, y Adriano. Fue cónsul ordinario en 118 como colega de este último César.​
rdf:langString Cnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator est un sénateur romain du début du IIe siècle, consul éponyme en 118 avec Hadrien, dont il est le neveu. Il est le gendre de Lucius Iulius Ursus Servianus.
rdf:langString Гней Педаній Фуск Салінатор (лат. Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator; ? — між 136 та 138) — державний діяч Римської імперії, консул 118 року.
rdf:langString Cneu Pedânio Fusco Salinador (em latim: Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator) foi um senador romano eleito cônsul em 118 com o imperador Adriano. Membro da gente , originária de Barcino, na Hispânia Tarraconense, Salinador era filho de Cneu Pedânio Fusco Salinador, cônsul sufecto em 83 ou 84. Conhecido principalmente por ter sido amigo e aliado de Plínio, o Jovem.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4891

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