Global public policy networks an entity of type: Abstraction100002137
Global public policy networks (GPPNs) are what may be considered a new actor in the stage of world affairs. A non-state entity in that they are not states, and not necessarily incorporated in the legal sense, they may take on an international role, even without the formal status of an international or multilateral organization/institution. These networks are comprised by various actors from civil society, governments, government agencies, industry, industry groups, and perhaps multilateral organizations/institutions. Their activities cover the range of steps in the policy process, beyond to policy proposals or lobbying, including agenda setting, policy formulation, negotiation, rule making, coordination, implementation, and evaluation. Their expertise can often play an important role in gl
Global public policy networks
Global public policy networks (GPPNs) are what may be considered a new actor in the stage of world affairs. A non-state entity in that they are not states, and not necessarily incorporated in the legal sense, they may take on an international role, even without the formal status of an international or multilateral organization/institution. These networks are comprised by various actors from civil society, governments, government agencies, industry, industry groups, and perhaps multilateral organizations/institutions. Their activities cover the range of steps in the policy process, beyond to policy proposals or lobbying, including agenda setting, policy formulation, negotiation, rule making, coordination, implementation, and evaluation. Their expertise can often play an important role in global debates and norm establishment. The basis for scholarship on GPPNs can be seen to be set by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, as well as Anne-Marie Slaughter in the United States. While their status and role in the development of norms in the transnational sphere can be understood through work on "hard" and "soft" law including , and . Further scholarship on their role in global governance includes work by Diane Stone.