Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict an entity of type: Thing
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) active in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding across the world. The network is organised around 15 regional networks of local organisations, each region having its own priorities, character and agenda. Each region is represented in an International Steering Group, which determines joint global priorities and actions. GPPAC was initiated through extensive consultations in 2003-4, and officially launched as part of a global conference in 2005 at the UN headquarters in New York.
De Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (mondiaal partnerschap voor de preventie van gewapend conflict), GPPAC (uitgeproken als [zjie-pèk]), is een internationaal netwerk van organisaties die zich inzetten voor het voorkomen van gewapende conflicten. De GPPAC omvat vijftien regionale netwerken. Elke regio beslaat een aantal landen. België en Nederland en hun buurlanden horen bij de regio Noord- en West-Europa. Tot de donateurs behoren het Nederlandse en Zweedse ministerie van buitenlandse zaken en de Nederlandse ontwikkelingsorganisatie Cordaid.
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
awareness raising and lobbying, education and networking
non-governmental, not for profit organization
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) active in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding across the world. The network is organised around 15 regional networks of local organisations, each region having its own priorities, character and agenda. Each region is represented in an International Steering Group, which determines joint global priorities and actions. GPPAC was initiated through extensive consultations in 2003-4, and officially launched as part of a global conference in 2005 at the UN headquarters in New York. As part of its mission to work towards a global shift from reaction to prevention of violent conflict, GPPAC strives towards multi-actor collaboration and local ownership. Together, GPPAC members aim to achieve greater synergy in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding by connecting different levels (from national to regional and global), and to strengthen the role of local civil society groups in conflict regions. GPPAC supports the capacity of the regional networks to interact and act together, and facilitates regional and global exchanges, where members from different parts of the world come together and learn from each other's experiences and develop joint strategies. GPPAC also connect its members with other relevant actors, including the UN, regional intergovernmental organisations, state actors, the media and academia. This has enabled unique initiatives, showing GPPAC’s ability to bridge global policy making with local ownership and practice on the ground. Achievements of GPPAC so far have included:
* Greater access and direct involvement of local civil society in policy processes such as the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development and UN initiatives such as the UN Peacebuilding Commission;
* Mobilisation of the global network in support of local CSOs - through tools, advice, contacts, political leverage or international civil society delegations – contributing to efforts to prevent or constrain violence in times of crisis or political change, as seen during the post-election crisis in Kenya, the political transition in Guinea Conakry, and clashes in Kyrgyzstan;
* The development of a Preventive Action framework to enable CSOs to engage from the stage of conflict assessment to the implementation and monitoring of conflict prevention strategies;
* Promotion of networks and dialogue initiatives (track II diplomacy) in the Caucasus, Latin America and other politically sensitive regions such as South Asia and Northeast Asia (Ulaanbaatar Process);
* Initiation of a dialogue and collaboration between CSOs and regional organisations such as the OAS, ECOWAS, SAARC and ASEAN on security issues
* Increased capacity of CSOs to work together in reaching out to the media and policy makers through ‘Media Focal Points’, quiet diplomacy workshops and policy liaison functions.
* Setting up of the Peace Portal, an online platform that is being custom-built to support the interaction, information-sharing and joint action of actors and initiatives in the conflict prevention and peacebuilding field.
* A global mapping of expertise and initiatives within the GPPAC network related to the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security
De Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (mondiaal partnerschap voor de preventie van gewapend conflict), GPPAC (uitgeproken als [zjie-pèk]), is een internationaal netwerk van organisaties die zich inzetten voor het voorkomen van gewapende conflicten. De GPPAC omvat vijftien regionale netwerken. Elke regio beslaat een aantal landen. België en Nederland en hun buurlanden horen bij de regio Noord- en West-Europa. Er is een internationale stuurgroep van ongeveer twintig personen, in meerderheid bestaande uit vertegenwoordigers van de 15 regio's.Het algemene secretariaat is gevestigd in Den Haag. Er is een bestuur van zeven personen, met de Fijiaanse activiste als voorzitter en de Nederlandse politicus Joris Voorhoeve als vicevoorzitter. Tot de donateurs behoren het Nederlandse en Zweedse ministerie van buitenlandse zaken en de Nederlandse ontwikkelingsorganisatie Cordaid. Ter bevordering van de communicatie tussen de betrokken organisaties en personen heeft GPPAC het Vredesportaal (Peace Portal) opgericht, een soort sociaalnetwerksite op het Internet. Ook verscheidene door GPPAC opgezette projecten zijn hier ondergebracht. Het Vredesportaal is tot stand gekomen dankzij financiële steun van de gemeente Den Haag en het Nederlandse Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
15 Regions
awareness raising and lobbying, education and networking