German Film Award for Best Fiction Film
Le Deutscher Filmpreis du meilleur film (Bester Spielfilm, anciennement Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm), dit « Lola d'or », est le principal prix remis lors de la cérémonie annuelle des Deutscher Filmpreis, qui récompense les meilleures productions cinématographiques de l'année en Allemagne.
Tyska filmpriset för bästa film (tyska: Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm) delas ut sedan 1951 som en av Tyska filmprisets kategorier.
Gewinner des Deutschen Filmpreises in der Kategorie Bester Spielfilm (früher: Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm). Seit 1999 wird der Gewinner mit der Preisstatuette „Lola“ geehrt. Davor gab es bis 1953 den Wanderpreis „Goldener Leuchter“, dann bis 1960 den Wanderpreis „Goldene Schale“ (ebenso 1974, 1976, 1977 und 1979) und ab 1961 das Filmband in Gold.
The German Film Award for Best Fiction Film (German: Bester Spielfilm) is the main award given for best German film at the annual Deutscher Filmpreis awards, the German national film awards. It has been held annually since 1951 in varying formats. As the constitution said the prize was only awarded, if outstanding achievement was given, not every year a film was declared the winner of the prize. For the first three years, the Golden Candlestick was the highest honour for this category. It was then replaced by the Golden Bowl as a Challenge Prize, that would be passed to the winner of the next occasion, however as it was not given out for 17 years, the prize was abandoned for good in 1996. Regular prize winners receive a Film Award in Gold whereas the runners-up receive a silver award. A br
Il Lola al miglior film (Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm) è un premio cinematografico che viene assegnato al miglior film tedesco dell'anno, secondo il giudizio della , nell'ambito del Deutscher Filmpreis. A differenza di altri riconoscimenti cinematografici, il Lola è accompagnato da un premio in denaro: attualmente per i migliori i tre lungometraggi si assegna il Lola d'oro (500000 €), il Lola d'argento (425000 €) ed il Lola di bronzo (375000 €). La sola candidatura viene premiata con 250000 €.
Deutscher Filmpreis/Bester Spielfilm
Deutscher Filmpreis du meilleur film
German Film Award for Best Fiction Film
Lola al miglior film
Tyska filmpriset för bästa film
Gewinner des Deutschen Filmpreises in der Kategorie Bester Spielfilm (früher: Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm). Seit 1999 wird der Gewinner mit der Preisstatuette „Lola“ geehrt. Davor gab es bis 1953 den Wanderpreis „Goldener Leuchter“, dann bis 1960 den Wanderpreis „Goldene Schale“ (ebenso 1974, 1976, 1977 und 1979) und ab 1961 das Filmband in Gold. Gegenwärtig werden für die besten drei Spielfilmproduktionen absteigend ein Filmpreis in Gold (Dotierung: 500.000 Euro), ein Filmpreis in Silber (425.000 Euro) und ein Filmpreis in Bronze (375.000 Euro) vergeben. Die übrigen nominierten Filme erhalten ein Preisgeld von 250.000 Euro. Am häufigsten wurden Filmproduktionen von Peter Lilienthal ausgezeichnet (drei Siege), gefolgt von Fatih Akin, Helmut Dietl, Rudolf Jugert, Alexander Kluge, Norbert Kückelmann, Johannes Schaaf, Maximilian Schell, Volker Schlöndorff, Margarethe von Trotta, Wim Wenders und Sönke Wortmann (je zwei Siege).
The German Film Award for Best Fiction Film (German: Bester Spielfilm) is the main award given for best German film at the annual Deutscher Filmpreis awards, the German national film awards. It has been held annually since 1951 in varying formats. As the constitution said the prize was only awarded, if outstanding achievement was given, not every year a film was declared the winner of the prize. For the first three years, the Golden Candlestick was the highest honour for this category. It was then replaced by the Golden Bowl as a Challenge Prize, that would be passed to the winner of the next occasion, however as it was not given out for 17 years, the prize was abandoned for good in 1996. Regular prize winners receive a Film Award in Gold whereas the runners-up receive a silver award. A bronze award for the second runner-up was introduced in 2008. On some occasions, no film received the gold prize and a winner of the Silver Award was declared the best film of the year.
Le Deutscher Filmpreis du meilleur film (Bester Spielfilm, anciennement Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm), dit « Lola d'or », est le principal prix remis lors de la cérémonie annuelle des Deutscher Filmpreis, qui récompense les meilleures productions cinématographiques de l'année en Allemagne.
Il Lola al miglior film (Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm) è un premio cinematografico che viene assegnato al miglior film tedesco dell'anno, secondo il giudizio della , nell'ambito del Deutscher Filmpreis. A differenza di altri riconoscimenti cinematografici, il Lola è accompagnato da un premio in denaro: attualmente per i migliori i tre lungometraggi si assegna il Lola d'oro (500000 €), il Lola d'argento (425000 €) ed il Lola di bronzo (375000 €). La sola candidatura viene premiata con 250000 €. Dal 1951 al 1985 vi era un solo vincitore per il premio come miglior film.Dal 1986 vengono aggiunti due vincitori con premio d'argento ad ex aequo, fino all'anno 2007 in cui viene aggiunto il bronzo per la terza posizione.
Tyska filmpriset för bästa film (tyska: Bester programmfüllender Spielfilm) delas ut sedan 1951 som en av Tyska filmprisets kategorier.