Gelidium amansii an entity of type: Alga101397114
Gelidium amansii ist eine perennierende Rotalgen-Art, die in flachem Wasser wächst und in Ostasien weit verbreitet ist. Das Basionym ist Fucus amansii J.V.Lamour (1805).
우뭇가사리(학명: Gelidium amansii)는 우뭇가사리과에 속하는 홍조류의 해조류이다. 바닷말의 일종으로 주로 한천의 주원료로 이용되는 바닷말을 가리킨다. 여러해살이 해조류로서 여름의 번식기가 지나면 본체의 상부는 녹아 없어지고 하부만 남아 있다가 다음해 봄에 다시 새싹이 자라난다. 동해안·남해안과 황해의 바깥 도서에 분포하나 동해 남부 연안의 것이 품질도 좋고 가장 많이 생산된다. 바닷속 20-30m 깊이의 바위에 붙어 자라는데, 바깥바다에 면하고 바닥이 모래로 되어 있으며, 해수의 소통이 잘되는 곳에 산다.
Galaretówka Amansa (Gelidium amansii) - gatunek krasnorosta z rodziny . Występuje w Oceanie Spokojnym i Indyjskim. Plecha w kolorze czerwonym, typy osiadłego o długości do 25 cm. Jest sztywna i pierzasto rozgałęziona. Plecha wykorzystywana jest do produkcji agar-agar.
Gelidium amansii — вид червоних водоростей роду .
Gelidium amansii, also known as umutgasari, is an economically important species of red algae commonly found and harvested in the shallow coast (3 to 10 m or 10 to 33 ft of depth below the water) of many East Asian countries including North and South Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, and northeast Taiwan. G. amansii is an important food source in East Asian countries and has been shown to have medicinal effects on dieting. Hence, in folklore medicine G. amansii is used to treat constipation. This algae is used to make agar, whose components are the polysaccharide agarose and agaropectin, from the large amount of algin which is located in the algae's cell wall, as well it is sometimes served as part of a salad, puddings, jams, and other culinary dishes in producing regions. Agar is a gelatino
Gelidium amansii
Gelidium amansii
Galaretówka Amansa
Gelidium amansii
Tengusa work.jpg
Illustration of Gelidium amansii
Gelidium amansii ist eine perennierende Rotalgen-Art, die in flachem Wasser wächst und in Ostasien weit verbreitet ist. Das Basionym ist Fucus amansii J.V.Lamour (1805).
Gelidium amansii, also known as umutgasari, is an economically important species of red algae commonly found and harvested in the shallow coast (3 to 10 m or 10 to 33 ft of depth below the water) of many East Asian countries including North and South Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, and northeast Taiwan. G. amansii is an important food source in East Asian countries and has been shown to have medicinal effects on dieting. Hence, in folklore medicine G. amansii is used to treat constipation. This algae is used to make agar, whose components are the polysaccharide agarose and agaropectin, from the large amount of algin which is located in the algae's cell wall, as well it is sometimes served as part of a salad, puddings, jams, and other culinary dishes in producing regions. Agar is a gelatinous substance that is commercially used both as an ingredient in gelatinous desserts and as an incubation matrix for microbes and other products that require an ecologically friendly gelatinous matrix. G. amansii can be purple, red, to yellowish-red because it contains the class of pigments known as phycobiliprotein. Its branching body is cartilaginous and can grow up to a height of 8 to 30 cm or 3 to 12 in. G. amansii may have four or five opposite, compound-lobed, pinnate leaves on each branch. It is uniaxial with an apical cell and whorled cells coming from the axial towards the exterior of the algae. The pith is compacted with apical cells and the epidermis is formed by rounded whorled cells. G. amansii is being studied as a cheap biofuel.
우뭇가사리(학명: Gelidium amansii)는 우뭇가사리과에 속하는 홍조류의 해조류이다. 바닷말의 일종으로 주로 한천의 주원료로 이용되는 바닷말을 가리킨다. 여러해살이 해조류로서 여름의 번식기가 지나면 본체의 상부는 녹아 없어지고 하부만 남아 있다가 다음해 봄에 다시 새싹이 자라난다. 동해안·남해안과 황해의 바깥 도서에 분포하나 동해 남부 연안의 것이 품질도 좋고 가장 많이 생산된다. 바닷속 20-30m 깊이의 바위에 붙어 자라는데, 바깥바다에 면하고 바닥이 모래로 되어 있으며, 해수의 소통이 잘되는 곳에 산다.
Galaretówka Amansa (Gelidium amansii) - gatunek krasnorosta z rodziny . Występuje w Oceanie Spokojnym i Indyjskim. Plecha w kolorze czerwonym, typy osiadłego o długości do 25 cm. Jest sztywna i pierzasto rozgałęziona. Plecha wykorzystywana jest do produkcji agar-agar.
Gelidium amansii — вид червоних водоростей роду .
Drying Gelidium amansii to make agar in Japan