GameLine an entity of type: Organisation

GameLine was a dialup game distribution service for the Atari 2600, developed and operated by Control Video Corporation (CVC). Subscribers could install the proprietary modem and storage cartridge in their home game console, accessing the GameLine service to download games over a telephone line. GameLine had an exclusive selection of games, and its pioneering business model eventually gave rise to America Online. Despite being ahead of its time, it wasn't very popular, possibly due to its price of $60 for the hardware, $15 for the membership fee, and $1 per game, which you could only keep for a week. rdf:langString
GameLine – nieistniejąca już usługa dystrybucji gier komputerowych z początku lat 80. XX wieku, odbywająca się za pomocą strumienia danych poprzez połączenie wdzwaniane. Stworzona została przez firmę Control Video Corporation (CVC) w 1983 roku i przeznaczona była dla konsol z serii Atari 2600. Za pośrednictwem GameLine były dostępne gry komputerowe różnych producentów, z których największym był . Liderzy rynku, tacy jak Atari, Activision, , Mattel, czy nie zdecydowali się na współpracę z GameLine. Roczna subskrypcja dostępowa do GameLine kosztowała użytkownika 49.95 dolarów amerykańskich. rdf:langString
O GameLine foi um serviço de distribuição de jogos em rede desenvolvido pela Control Video Corporation (CVC) para o Atari 2600. O serviço funcionava via assinatura, onde o assinante recebia um modem dial-up, um cartucho para armazenar os jogos e um PIN, além de periódicas revistas, os jogos geralmente vinham com uma limitação de tempo ou de quantidade de vezes em que o jogador poderia jogar, os jogadores também podiam enviar suas pontuações pela rede para concorrer a prêmios. rdf:langString
rdf:langString GameLine
rdf:langString GameLine
rdf:langString GameLine
xsd:integer 406514
xsd:integer 1058375726
rdf:langString GameLine was a dialup game distribution service for the Atari 2600, developed and operated by Control Video Corporation (CVC). Subscribers could install the proprietary modem and storage cartridge in their home game console, accessing the GameLine service to download games over a telephone line. GameLine had an exclusive selection of games, and its pioneering business model eventually gave rise to America Online. Despite being ahead of its time, it wasn't very popular, possibly due to its price of $60 for the hardware, $15 for the membership fee, and $1 per game, which you could only keep for a week. In 1983, cable pioneer William von Meister was looking for a way to use his modem transmission technology, which was previously acquired in ill-fated attempts of sending music to cable companies. Legal issues caused cable providers to step away from the service, leaving Von Meister with a delivery tool and no content. He then converted his variable speed adaptive modem technology to download games from central servers to individual households. This allowed users to dial a system and, for a fee, download games to their GameLine modules. The game would typically work for 5-10 plays, after which the user would have to connect to GameLine again and pay for another download. The "Master Module" has 8 KB of RAM and a 1,200 Bps modem, and physically resembles an oversized silver Atari cartridge. It has a phone jack on the side that was used to link the Master Module with the CVC computers. The module is able to transmit with pulse or tone dialing, allowing the unit to be versatile in the field. The games available on the GameLine service were all from third-party gamemakers, the largest of which was Imagic. CVC tried, but failed to obtain licensing agreements from the largest game makers, such as Atari, Activision, Coleco, Mattel, and Parker Brothers.
rdf:langString GameLine – nieistniejąca już usługa dystrybucji gier komputerowych z początku lat 80. XX wieku, odbywająca się za pomocą strumienia danych poprzez połączenie wdzwaniane. Stworzona została przez firmę Control Video Corporation (CVC) w 1983 roku i przeznaczona była dla konsol z serii Atari 2600. Użytkownicy (subskrybenci) usługi mogli pobierać gry dostępne na GameLine poprzez podłączenie do konsoli Atari 2600 specjalnego kartridża z wbudowanym modemem, który następnie podłączało się do linii telefonicznej. Pomysłodawcą i twórcą systemu był . Pierwotnie próbował zainteresować nim firmy medialne, które miałyby przesyłać za pomocą tego kanału muzykę. Pomysł nie spotkał się jednak z odpowiednim odzewem ze strony potencjalnych inwestorów. Za pośrednictwem GameLine były dostępne gry komputerowe różnych producentów, z których największym był . Liderzy rynku, tacy jak Atari, Activision, , Mattel, czy nie zdecydowali się na współpracę z GameLine. Roczna subskrypcja dostępowa do GameLine kosztowała użytkownika 49.95 dolarów amerykańskich. Oprócz gier komputerowych twórcy planowali również dystrybucję innych treści. Planowali uruchomienie dodatkowych kanałów, z wiadomościami (NewsLine), z informacjami ze świata sportu (SportLine), bankowością online (BankLine), forami internetowymi (OpinionLine) czy też z pocztą elektroniczną (MailLine). Jednakże ze względu na krach w branży gier komputerowych, jaki miał miejsce w roku 1983, firma Control Video Corporation upadła.
rdf:langString O GameLine foi um serviço de distribuição de jogos em rede desenvolvido pela Control Video Corporation (CVC) para o Atari 2600. O serviço funcionava via assinatura, onde o assinante recebia um modem dial-up, um cartucho para armazenar os jogos e um PIN, além de periódicas revistas, os jogos geralmente vinham com uma limitação de tempo ou de quantidade de vezes em que o jogador poderia jogar, os jogadores também podiam enviar suas pontuações pela rede para concorrer a prêmios. O GameLine foi uma das vítimas da crise dos jogos eletrônicos de 1983, encerrando as atividades do serviço e da própria CVC na época, apesar de haver projetos para expansão do serviço para notícias, correio eletrônico, internet banking e fóruns online. Posteriormente, alguns investidores formaram uma nova empresa, a , que criou o sucessor espiritual do GameLine em 1985, o Quantum Link para o Commodore 64 e , em 1991 a empresa mudou seu nome para America Online.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10159

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