Fu Yaoyu

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Fu_Yaoyu an entity of type: WikicatSongDynastyPoliticians

Fu Yaoyu (傅堯俞; courtesy name: Qinzhi 欽之) (1024–1091) was a Chinese government official of the Song Dynasty. Because of his vigorous opposition to the reforms of Wang Anshi, he was banished to serve as a Superintendent of Pastures. After Fu Yaoyu became a Xuzhou magistrate, he found that some of the provisions for the army had been appropriated by his predecessor. Though he tried to make up for the loss, he was dismissed from office. Having offered neither an explanation or an excuse, Shao Yong, the Song dynasty philosopher, praised Fu Yaoyu: "O Qinzhi! You are clear and yet not shining, upright and yet not extreme, and courageous and yet courteous! What an achievement you made!" At his death, the empress said, "Truly he was a perfect man, as it were of gold or jade!" rdf:langString
傅尧俞(1024年-1091年),字钦之,北宋郓州须城县(今山东省东平县)人,迁籍孟州济源县(今河南省济源市)。宋哲宗时中书侍郎。 傅尧俞十岁能做文章,未行冠礼登进士第,历任监西京(即河南府,治所在今河南省洛阳市)税院事、知新息县,转任太常博士。嘉祐末年,为监察御史。请宋仁宗建储。宋英宗即位,历任殿中侍御史、起居舍人、右司谏、同知谏院。出使契丹还,担任侍御史知杂事,被他辞谢。因濮議中反对以濮王赵允让为皇考,被降职外调知和州。宋神宗即位,改知庐州、陕西转运使。熙宁三年(1070年),傅尧俞入京师,对王安石言新法不便,担任权盐铁副使。不久改任河北转运使、知江宁府。历任知许州、河阳、徐州。因事免官,复职,监仓草场十年。宋哲宗即位,从明州召他为秘书少监兼侍讲,升为给事中、吏部侍郎、御史中丞。官至吏部尚书兼侍读。元祐四年(1089年)担任中书侍郎,元祐六年(1091年)傅尧俞去世,赠银青光禄大夫,谥号献简。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Fu Yaoyu
rdf:langString 傅尧俞
xsd:integer 31379014
xsd:integer 1064294831
rdf:langString Fu Yaoyu (傅堯俞; courtesy name: Qinzhi 欽之) (1024–1091) was a Chinese government official of the Song Dynasty. Because of his vigorous opposition to the reforms of Wang Anshi, he was banished to serve as a Superintendent of Pastures. After Fu Yaoyu became a Xuzhou magistrate, he found that some of the provisions for the army had been appropriated by his predecessor. Though he tried to make up for the loss, he was dismissed from office. Having offered neither an explanation or an excuse, Shao Yong, the Song dynasty philosopher, praised Fu Yaoyu: "O Qinzhi! You are clear and yet not shining, upright and yet not extreme, and courageous and yet courteous! What an achievement you made!" At his death, the empress said, "Truly he was a perfect man, as it were of gold or jade!"
rdf:langString 傅尧俞(1024年-1091年),字钦之,北宋郓州须城县(今山东省东平县)人,迁籍孟州济源县(今河南省济源市)。宋哲宗时中书侍郎。 傅尧俞十岁能做文章,未行冠礼登进士第,历任监西京(即河南府,治所在今河南省洛阳市)税院事、知新息县,转任太常博士。嘉祐末年,为监察御史。请宋仁宗建储。宋英宗即位,历任殿中侍御史、起居舍人、右司谏、同知谏院。出使契丹还,担任侍御史知杂事,被他辞谢。因濮議中反对以濮王赵允让为皇考,被降职外调知和州。宋神宗即位,改知庐州、陕西转运使。熙宁三年(1070年),傅尧俞入京师,对王安石言新法不便,担任权盐铁副使。不久改任河北转运使、知江宁府。历任知许州、河阳、徐州。因事免官,复职,监仓草场十年。宋哲宗即位,从明州召他为秘书少监兼侍讲,升为给事中、吏部侍郎、御史中丞。官至吏部尚书兼侍读。元祐四年(1089年)担任中书侍郎,元祐六年(1091年)傅尧俞去世,赠银青光禄大夫,谥号献简。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1763

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