Friend of a friend an entity of type: Person
In sociology, a friend of a friend is a human contact that exists because of a mutual friend. Person C is a friend of a friend of person A when there is a person B that is a friend of both A and C. Thus the human relation "friend of a friend" is a compound relation among friends, similar to the uncle and aunt relations of kinship. Though friendship is a reciprocal relation, the relation of a friend of a friend may not be a friendship, though it holds potential for coalition building and dissemination of information.
FOAF (ang. Friend Of A Friend - znajomy znajomego) - akronim używany w slangu internetowym oznaczający niezweryfikowaną, prawdopodobnie nieprawdziwą historię. Określenie znajomy znajomego wywodzi się od powiedzenia znajomy mojego znajomego powiedział...
Friend of a friend
FOAF (akronim)
In sociology, a friend of a friend is a human contact that exists because of a mutual friend. Person C is a friend of a friend of person A when there is a person B that is a friend of both A and C. Thus the human relation "friend of a friend" is a compound relation among friends, similar to the uncle and aunt relations of kinship. Though friendship is a reciprocal relation, the relation of a friend of a friend may not be a friendship, though it holds potential for coalition building and dissemination of information.
FOAF (ang. Friend Of A Friend - znajomy znajomego) - akronim używany w slangu internetowym oznaczający niezweryfikowaną, prawdopodobnie nieprawdziwą historię. Określenie znajomy znajomego wywodzi się od powiedzenia znajomy mojego znajomego powiedział...