Friedrich Hornemann an entity of type: Thing

فريدريك كونراد هورنمان (15 سبتمبر 1772 - 1801) مستكشف ألماني في إفريقيا. rdf:langString
Friedrich Konrad Hornemann (* 15. September 1772 in Hildesheim; † 9. Februar 1801 in , Nigeria) zählt neben Mungo Park zu den ersten erfolgreichen Forschungsreisenden der Londoner African Association. rdf:langString
Friedrich Konrad Hornemann (né le 15 septembre 1772 à Hildesheim et décédé le 9 février 1801 à , Nigeria) est un explorateur allemand de l'Afrique, du Sahara en particulier. rdf:langString
Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (ur. w 1772 w Hildesheim w pobliżu Hanoweru, zm. w 1801 w Nigerii) – niemiecki podróżnik i badacz północnej i zachodniej Afryki. rdf:langString
Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (15 September 1772 – 1801) was a German explorer in Africa. Hornemann was born in Hildesheim, a city in Lower Saxony, Germany, located about 30 km southeast of Hannover. He was a young man when, early in 1796, he offered his services to the African Association of London as an explorer in Africa. The African Association sent him to the University of Göttingen to study Arabic and otherwise prepare for an expedition from the east into the unknown regions of North Africa. In September 1797 he arrived in Egypt, where he continued his studies. When the country was invaded by the French, he was confined in the citadel of Cairo to preserve him from the fanaticism of the populace. Liberated by the French, he received the patronage of Bonaparte. On 5 September 1798 he join rdf:langString
Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (Hildesheim, 15 de septiembre de 1772 - , Nigeria, febrero de 1801) fue un explorador alemán de África, empleado en 1795 por la londinense African Association. Esta Asociación tenía como objetivo promover el descubrimiento de las partes del interior de África desconocidas por los europeos. A mediados de la década de 1790 la Asociación se interesó por la zona noroccidental del continente por donde se suponía que discurría el río Nilo, habiendo fracasado ya en dos intentos de enviar viajeros hasta la zona, envió a Friedrich Hornemann en 1797 a África, éste haciéndose pasar por un comerciante árabe se unió a una caravana en Egipto y se dirigió de El Cairo hasta Murzuk, en Fezzan (suroeste de Libia), por entonces un oasis importante en la ruta comercial de Trípoli (L rdf:langString
rdf:langString فريدريك هورنمان
rdf:langString Friedrich Konrad Hornemann
rdf:langString Friedrich Hornemann
rdf:langString Friedrich Hornemann
rdf:langString Friedrich Konrad Hornemann
rdf:langString Friedrich Conrad Hornemann
xsd:integer 1115733
xsd:integer 1120042658
rdf:langString فريدريك كونراد هورنمان (15 سبتمبر 1772 - 1801) مستكشف ألماني في إفريقيا.
rdf:langString Friedrich Konrad Hornemann (* 15. September 1772 in Hildesheim; † 9. Februar 1801 in , Nigeria) zählt neben Mungo Park zu den ersten erfolgreichen Forschungsreisenden der Londoner African Association.
rdf:langString Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (15 September 1772 – 1801) was a German explorer in Africa. Hornemann was born in Hildesheim, a city in Lower Saxony, Germany, located about 30 km southeast of Hannover. He was a young man when, early in 1796, he offered his services to the African Association of London as an explorer in Africa. The African Association sent him to the University of Göttingen to study Arabic and otherwise prepare for an expedition from the east into the unknown regions of North Africa. In September 1797 he arrived in Egypt, where he continued his studies. When the country was invaded by the French, he was confined in the citadel of Cairo to preserve him from the fanaticism of the populace. Liberated by the French, he received the patronage of Bonaparte. On 5 September 1798 he joined a caravan returning to the Maghreb from Mecca, attaching himself to a party of Fezzan merchants who accompanied the pilgrims. As an avowed Christian would not have been permitted to join the caravan Hornemann assumed the character of a young mamluk trading to Fezzan. He then spoke, but indifferently, both Arabic and Turkish, and he was accompanied as servant and interpreter by , a German convert to Islam, who had thrice made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Travelling by way of the oases of Siwa and Aujila, a black rocky desert was traversed to Temissa in Fezzan. Murzuk was reached on 17 November 1798. Here Hornemann lived until June 1799, going thence to the city of Tripoli, whence in August of the same year he despatched his journals to London. He then returned to Murzuk. Nothing further is known with certainty concerning him or his companion. In Murzuk Hornemann had collected a great deal of trustworthy information concerning the peoples and countries of the western Sahara and central Sudan, and when he left Tripoli it was his intention to go directly to the Hausa country, which region he was the first European definitely to locate. "If I do not perish in my undertaking", he wrote in his journal, "I hope in five years I shall be able to make the Society better acquainted with the people of whom I have given this short description." The British consul at Tripoli heard from a source believed to be trustworthy that about June 1803 Jusef (Hornemann's Muslim name) was at Caina, i.e. Katsina, in Northern Nigeria, in good health and highly respected as a marabout. A report reached Murzuk in 1819 that the traveller had gone to Noofy (Nupe), and had died there. Hornemann was the first European in modern times to traverse the north-eastern Sahara, and up to 1910 no other explorer had followed his route across the Jebel-es-Suda from Aujila to Temissa. The original text of Hornemann's journal, which was written in German, was printed at Weimar in 1801; an English translation, The Journal of Frederick Hornemann's travels, from Cairo to Mourzouk : the Capital of the Kingdom of Fezzan, in Africa, with maps and dissertationsby Major James Rennell, appeared in London in 1802. A French translation of the English work, made by order of the First Consuls and augmented with notes and a memoir on the Egyptian oases by L. Langlès, was published in Paris in the following year. The French version is the most valuable of the three. Consult also the Proceedings of the African Association (1810), and The Geographical Journal November 1906.
rdf:langString Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (Hildesheim, 15 de septiembre de 1772 - , Nigeria, febrero de 1801) fue un explorador alemán de África, empleado en 1795 por la londinense African Association. Esta Asociación tenía como objetivo promover el descubrimiento de las partes del interior de África desconocidas por los europeos. A mediados de la década de 1790 la Asociación se interesó por la zona noroccidental del continente por donde se suponía que discurría el río Nilo, habiendo fracasado ya en dos intentos de enviar viajeros hasta la zona, envió a Friedrich Hornemann en 1797 a África, éste haciéndose pasar por un comerciante árabe se unió a una caravana en Egipto y se dirigió de El Cairo hasta Murzuk, en Fezzan (suroeste de Libia), por entonces un oasis importante en la ruta comercial de Trípoli (Libia) al territorio del Imperio Kanem-Bornu y los reinos hausa. Visitó Trípoli y en 1800 partió en dirección sur desde Murzuk y fue el primer europeo que cruzó el desierto del Sáhara hasta Borno.​ Falleció de disentería antes de llegar al río Níger. El texto original del diario de Hornemann, escrito en alemán, fue publicado en Weimar (Alemania) en 1801.
rdf:langString Friedrich Konrad Hornemann (né le 15 septembre 1772 à Hildesheim et décédé le 9 février 1801 à , Nigeria) est un explorateur allemand de l'Afrique, du Sahara en particulier.
rdf:langString Friedrich Conrad Hornemann (ur. w 1772 w Hildesheim w pobliżu Hanoweru, zm. w 1801 w Nigerii) – niemiecki podróżnik i badacz północnej i zachodniej Afryki.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4382

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