Francis Everitt an entity of type: Thing

فرانسيس إيفيريت (بالإنجليزية: Francis Everitt)‏ (و. 1934 – م) هو فيزيائي من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . rdf:langString
C. W. Francis Everitt (* 8. März 1934 in Sevenoaks, Großbritannien) ist ein britisch-US-amerikanischer Physiker. Er ist bekannt für Präzisionstests der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Everitt studierte an der Universität London mit dem Bachelorabschluss 1955 und der Promotion in Physik 1959. 1955 war er Gastwissenschaftler an der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. 1958 bis 1960 forschte er am Imperial College London und 1960 bis 1962 an der University of Pennsylvania. Danach war er an der Stanford University, wo er 1967 Senior Research Physicist wurde, 1974 Adjunct Professor und ab 1982 eine Forschungsprofessur hatte. rdf:langString
C. W. Francis Everitt (born 8 March 1934) is a US-based English physicist working on experimental testing of general relativity. Everitt was educated at Imperial College London and the University of Pennsylvania in low-temperature physics. He is Professor at the Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory of Stanford University and is also an Associate Member of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC). rdf:langString
C. W. Francis Everitt (8 de março de 1934) é um físico inglês radicado nos Estados Unidos, que trabalha com investigação experimental da relatividade geral. Everitt estudou no Imperial College London e na Universidade da Pensilvânia, com interesse em criogenia. É professor no da Universidade Stanford e também membro associado do (KIPAC). Recebeu o Prêmio Marcel Grossmann de 1997. rdf:langString
rdf:langString فرانسيس إيفيريت
rdf:langString Francis Everitt
rdf:langString Francis Everitt
rdf:langString Francis Everitt
rdf:langString Francis Everitt
rdf:langString Francis Everitt
xsd:date 1934-03-08
xsd:integer 25578671
xsd:integer 1083150975
rdf:langString Guggenheim Fellowship, History of Science and Technology 1976 NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal 2005
xsd:date 1934-03-08
rdf:langString Francis Everitt at a NASA press conference
rdf:langString Gravity Probe B, relativity
rdf:langString Physicist
rdf:langString فرانسيس إيفيريت (بالإنجليزية: Francis Everitt)‏ (و. 1934 – م) هو فيزيائي من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية .
rdf:langString C. W. Francis Everitt (* 8. März 1934 in Sevenoaks, Großbritannien) ist ein britisch-US-amerikanischer Physiker. Er ist bekannt für Präzisionstests der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Everitt studierte an der Universität London mit dem Bachelorabschluss 1955 und der Promotion in Physik 1959. 1955 war er Gastwissenschaftler an der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. 1958 bis 1960 forschte er am Imperial College London und 1960 bis 1962 an der University of Pennsylvania. Danach war er an der Stanford University, wo er 1967 Senior Research Physicist wurde, 1974 Adjunct Professor und ab 1982 eine Forschungsprofessur hatte. Er ist leitender Wissenschaftler des 2004 gestarteten Gravity Probe B Experiments. An der Vorbereitung des komplexen Satelliten-Experiment, dass den Lense-Thirring-Effekt (und andere Frame Dragging Effekte der ART) bestätigen sollte, und der dazu nötigen Tieftemperaturtechniken arbeitete er vierzig Jahre (mit dem 1989 verstorbenen William Fairbank Sr.) Ergebnisse, die die Vorhersagen der ART bestätigen, wurden 2011 veröffentlicht. 1955 erhielt er den Tyndall Preis des Imperial College London. 1997 erhielt er den Marcel Grossmann Award. Er ist Fellow der American Physical Society. 1976/77 war er Guggenheim Fellow. Er erhielt die NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. Seit 1985 war er Ko-Direktor des International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics und seit 1985 war er im Beratungsgremium für Astrophysik der NASA.
rdf:langString C. W. Francis Everitt (born 8 March 1934) is a US-based English physicist working on experimental testing of general relativity. Everitt was educated at Imperial College London and the University of Pennsylvania in low-temperature physics. He is Professor at the Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory of Stanford University and is also an Associate Member of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC). Everitt is Principal Investigator of the Gravity Probe B mission mainly aimed to test frame-dragging at an of 1%. According to general relativity, it is an effect induced by the rotation of the Earth on orbiting gyroscopes. Everitt spent more than 40 years on the project and was awarded with the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. The results were published in Physical Review Letters in May 2011. The results confirm general relativity's predictions, though not to the project's ambitious goal of 1% precision. In 1985, along with Remo Ruffini, Riccardo Giacconi, Abdus Salam, Paul Boynton, George Coyne, and Fang Li-Zhi, Professor Everitt co-founded the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics. Everitt is the current Chairman of the ICRANet Steering Committee for the ICRANet Center at the Leland Stanford Junior University.
rdf:langString C. W. Francis Everitt (8 de março de 1934) é um físico inglês radicado nos Estados Unidos, que trabalha com investigação experimental da relatividade geral. Everitt estudou no Imperial College London e na Universidade da Pensilvânia, com interesse em criogenia. É professor no da Universidade Stanford e também membro associado do (KIPAC). Everitt é da missão Gravity Probe B, destinada a testar arrasto de referenciais com uma espectativa de precisão de 1%. De acordo com a relatividade geral, este é um efeito induzido pela rotação da Terra sobre giroscópios em órbita. Everitt passou mais de 40 anos trabalhando no projeto e foi reconhecido com a Medalha NASA por Serviço Público de Destaque. Os resultados foram publicados no Physical Review Letters em maio de 2011. Os resultados confirmam as predições da relatividade geral, embora não atingindo a precisão visada no projeto de 1%. Recebeu o Prêmio Marcel Grossmann de 1997.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4274
xsd:gYear 1934

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