Foundation doctor an entity of type: Abstraction100002137
A foundation doctor is a grade of medical practitioner in the United Kingdom undertaking the Foundation Programme, a two-year, general postgraduate medical training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/general practice training. Doctors in the first year of the programme are known as Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors, and those in the second year are known as Foundation Year 2 (FY2) doctors. Being a foundation doctor is compulsory for all newly qualified medical practitioners in the UK starting from 2005 onwards. The grade of foundation doctor has replaced the traditional grades of pre-registration house officer and senior house officer.
Als Turnusarzt bezeichnet man in Österreich im weitesten Sinn den Arzt in Ausbildung zum praktischen Arzt (Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin) oder den Arzt in Ausbildung zum Facharzt. Der Begriff wird jedoch fast ausschließlich auf die Ärzte in Ausbildung zum Allgemeinmediziner angewandt.
Foundation doctor
Als Turnusarzt bezeichnet man in Österreich im weitesten Sinn den Arzt in Ausbildung zum praktischen Arzt (Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin) oder den Arzt in Ausbildung zum Facharzt. Der Begriff wird jedoch fast ausschließlich auf die Ärzte in Ausbildung zum Allgemeinmediziner angewandt. Der Turnusarzt ist vergleichbar dem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis 30. September 2004 existierenden Arzt im Praktikum, dessen Praktikum jedoch nur 18 Monate dauerte. Seither erhalten Mediziner in Deutschland sofort mit abgeschlossenem Studium ihre Approbation und somit (nach erfolgreicher Bewerbung) den Status eines Assistenzarztes in einer Klinik.
A foundation doctor is a grade of medical practitioner in the United Kingdom undertaking the Foundation Programme, a two-year, general postgraduate medical training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/general practice training. Doctors in the first year of the programme are known as Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors, and those in the second year are known as Foundation Year 2 (FY2) doctors. Being a foundation doctor is compulsory for all newly qualified medical practitioners in the UK starting from 2005 onwards. The grade of foundation doctor has replaced the traditional grades of pre-registration house officer and senior house officer. Foundation doctors have the opportunity to gain experience in a series of posts in a variety of specialties and healthcare settings. Learning objectives for each stage are specific and focused on demonstration of clinical competences. Emphasis was on the assessment and management of acutely ill patients, but changes in the curriculum have stressed that chronic conditions are also important. Training also encompasses the generic professional skills applicable to all areas of medicine – teamwork, time management, communication and IT skills.