Fort Phil Kearny an entity of type: Thing

Fort Phil Kearny ist ein ehemaliger Militärposten im US-Bundesstaat Wyoming. Er wurde 1866 erbaut, um Reisende des Bozeman Trails zu schützen, Kriege zwischen Indianervölkern dieser Region zu verhindern und um die Aufmerksamkeit feindlich gestimmter indianischer Gruppierungen von der Errichtung der transkontinentalen Eisenbahn weiter südlich abzulenken. Benannt wurde er nach dem US-General . Seit Dezember 1960 sind das Fort und weitere historische Orte der Region unter dem Namen Fort Phil Kearny and Associated Sites als National Historic Landmark ausgewiesen. rdf:langString
El fuerte Phil Kearny fue un antiguo bastión del ejército de los Estados Unidos localizado en Wyoming que actualmente está declarado como Hito Histórico Nacional. El emplazamiento fue erigido como parte de una misión militar al mando de para asegurar el paso de civiles en el norte de las Grandes Llanuras. Durante su funcionamiento sufrió de continuos ataques por parte de amerindios de la zona en el marco de la denominada Guerra de Nube Roja. rdf:langString
Fort Phil Kearny – w latach 60. XIX wieku posterunek United States Army w dzisiejszym północno-wschodnim Wyomingu na szlaku Bozemana. Budowę rozpoczęły 13 lipca 1866 roku kompanie A, C, E i H z 2. batalionu 18. pułku piechoty pod okiem dowódcy pułku i dowódcy Obszaru Górskiego płk Henry’ego Carringtona. Posterunek został nazwany na cześć gen. Philipa Kearny'ego, znanego dowódcy z okresu wojny secesyjnej. Nazwy nie należy mylić z nazwą posterunku w Nebrasce – – który otrzymał imię wuja generała, Stephena Kearny'ego. rdf:langString
Artikeln behandlar fortet i nuvarande Johnson County, Wyoming. Ej att förväxla med eller . Fort Phil Kearny är en tidigare amerikansk armépostering i nuvarande Wyoming. Fortet uppfördes 1866 på Bighorn Mountains östra sida, vid nybyggarleden i det dåvarande Dakotaterritoriet. Platsen är idag ett historiskt minnesmärke i Johnson County, beläget omkring 8 kilometer sydost om orten Story, Wyoming och 25 kilometer norr om staden Buffalo, Wyoming. rdf:langString
Fort Phil Kearny was an outpost of the United States Army that existed in the late 1860s in present-day northeastern Wyoming along the Bozeman Trail. Construction began in 1866 on Friday, July 13, by Companies A, C, E, and H of the 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry, under the direction of the regimental commander and Mountain District commander Colonel Henry B. Carrington. Fort Phil Kearny, including the nearby sites of the Fetterman Fight and the Wagon Box Fight, was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1960. rdf:langString
Fort Phil Kearny est un ancien poste militaire de la United States Army établi en 1866 dans le nord-est du Wyoming. Avec Fort Reno et Fort C. F. Smith, Fort Phil Kearny était destiné à protéger les convois d'émigrants empruntant la piste Bozeman des attaques des Indiens des Plaines. Le site est inscrit au registre national des lieux historiques en 1962. rdf:langString
Fort Phil Kearny era un avamposto militare situato nella regione del fiume Powder, sulla sponda occidentale del torrente Little Piney, ai piedi dei Monti Bighorn (Wyoming) in un'area che allora era in pieno territorio indiano. Il forte porta il nome del generale Philip Kearny, un ufficiale che acquisì rinomanza durante la guerra contro il Messico e, soprattutto, nella guerra civile americana. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fuerte Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny and Associated Sites
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny and Associated Sites
xsd:float 44.53222274780273
xsd:float -106.8263854980469
xsd:integer 1682881
xsd:integer 1122271781
xsd:date 1966-10-15
xsd:integer 1866
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny, between Buffalo & Sheridan, WY
xsd:date 1960-12-19
rdf:langString Plan of Fort Kearney from Indian Fights and Fighters . Pilot Hill, where a lookout was established. Communication with the fort was via signal flags.
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearney - Pilot Hill.JPG
rdf:langString FortPhillipKearney.JPG
xsd:integer 240
rdf:langString n SR W off U.S. 87
rdf:langString Wyoming#USA
rdf:langString Location in Wyoming##Location in the United States
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny
rdf:langString nhl
xsd:integer 66000756
xsd:integer 440
xsd:string 44.532222222222224 -106.82638888888889
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny ist ein ehemaliger Militärposten im US-Bundesstaat Wyoming. Er wurde 1866 erbaut, um Reisende des Bozeman Trails zu schützen, Kriege zwischen Indianervölkern dieser Region zu verhindern und um die Aufmerksamkeit feindlich gestimmter indianischer Gruppierungen von der Errichtung der transkontinentalen Eisenbahn weiter südlich abzulenken. Benannt wurde er nach dem US-General . Seit Dezember 1960 sind das Fort und weitere historische Orte der Region unter dem Namen Fort Phil Kearny and Associated Sites als National Historic Landmark ausgewiesen.
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny was an outpost of the United States Army that existed in the late 1860s in present-day northeastern Wyoming along the Bozeman Trail. Construction began in 1866 on Friday, July 13, by Companies A, C, E, and H of the 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry, under the direction of the regimental commander and Mountain District commander Colonel Henry B. Carrington. The post was named for Major General Philip Kearny (1815–1862), a popular figure in the Civil War. The fort should be distinguished from the similarly named Fort Kearny in Nebraska, which was named for his uncle, Stephen Kearny (1794–1848). Today, the fort and the nearby Fetterman and Wagon Box battle sites are maintained by the State of Wyoming as the Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site. The fort was located along the east side of the Bighorn Mountains in present-day northern Johnson County, approximately fifteen miles (24 km) north of Buffalo. Along with Fort Reno and Fort C. F. Smith, the fort was established along the Bozeman Trail in the Powder River Country at the height of the Indian Wars to protect prospective miners traveling the trail north from the Oregon Trail to present-day Montana. At an elevation of 4,700 feet (1,430 m) above sea level, Fort Phil Kearny was the largest of the three stockaded fortifications along the trail. Its eight-foot-high (2.4 m) log walls enclosed an area of 17 acres (6.9 ha). The longer walls on the northeast and southwest sides each measured 1,496 feet (456 m) in length; the width of the northwest side was 600 feet (180 m) and this tapered to 240 feet (73 m) at the southeast side. The perimeter of the stockade was approximately 3,900 feet (1,190 m), and its construction took more than four thousand logs. Further building construction in 1867 required over 606,000 board feet of lumber and 130,000 adobe bricks. The fort was under continuous construction and was nearing completion in December 1866, when its garrison was due to be re-designated the 27th Infantry. At its peak strength, the garrison numbered 400 troops and 150 civilians: 9 officers, a surgeon, and 329 enlisted men of five infantry companies of the 18th/27th Infantry, including the newly recruited Company K, 27th; one officer and 60 men of Company C, 2nd Cavalry, and 150 civilian quartermaster and contractor employees. The fort, known to the Indians as the "hated post on the Little Piney", played an important role in Red Cloud's War. The area around the fort was the site of the Fetterman Fight in 1866 and the Wagon Box Fight in 1867. By 1868, the Union Pacific Railroad had reached far enough west that emigrants could reach the Montana gold fields through present-day Idaho, rendering the dangerous Bozeman Trail obsolete. All three forts along the trail were abandoned as part of the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868). Shortly thereafter, Fort Kearney was burned by Cheyenne Indians. Fort Phil Kearny, including the nearby sites of the Fetterman Fight and the Wagon Box Fight, was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1960.
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny est un ancien poste militaire de la United States Army établi en 1866 dans le nord-est du Wyoming. Avec Fort Reno et Fort C. F. Smith, Fort Phil Kearny était destiné à protéger les convois d'émigrants empruntant la piste Bozeman des attaques des Indiens des Plaines. La construction de Fort Phil Kearny débute en juillet 1866 sous le commandement du colonel (en). Initialement dénommé Fort Carrington, il est rapidement renommé en l'honneur du major général Philip Kearny tué le 1er septembre 1862 à la bataille de Chantilly. Le fort joue un rôle important durant la guerre de Red Cloud et plusieurs batailles ont lieu à proximité, notamment la bataille de Fetterman en décembre 1866. Après la signature du traité de Fort Laramie de 1868, les forts le long de la piste Bozeman sont abandonnés et le fort Phil Kearny est incendié par les Amérindiens durant l'été 1868. Le site est inscrit au registre national des lieux historiques en 1962.
rdf:langString El fuerte Phil Kearny fue un antiguo bastión del ejército de los Estados Unidos localizado en Wyoming que actualmente está declarado como Hito Histórico Nacional. El emplazamiento fue erigido como parte de una misión militar al mando de para asegurar el paso de civiles en el norte de las Grandes Llanuras. Durante su funcionamiento sufrió de continuos ataques por parte de amerindios de la zona en el marco de la denominada Guerra de Nube Roja.
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny – w latach 60. XIX wieku posterunek United States Army w dzisiejszym północno-wschodnim Wyomingu na szlaku Bozemana. Budowę rozpoczęły 13 lipca 1866 roku kompanie A, C, E i H z 2. batalionu 18. pułku piechoty pod okiem dowódcy pułku i dowódcy Obszaru Górskiego płk Henry’ego Carringtona. Posterunek został nazwany na cześć gen. Philipa Kearny'ego, znanego dowódcy z okresu wojny secesyjnej. Nazwy nie należy mylić z nazwą posterunku w Nebrasce – – który otrzymał imię wuja generała, Stephena Kearny'ego.
rdf:langString Fort Phil Kearny era un avamposto militare situato nella regione del fiume Powder, sulla sponda occidentale del torrente Little Piney, ai piedi dei Monti Bighorn (Wyoming) in un'area che allora era in pieno territorio indiano. Il forte porta il nome del generale Philip Kearny, un ufficiale che acquisì rinomanza durante la guerra contro il Messico e, soprattutto, nella guerra civile americana. Fort Phil Kearny era uno dei tre forti costruiti lungo il Bozeman Trail dal colonnello Henry B. Carrington quando l'Esercito degli Stati Uniti si spostò a nord. Lo scopo era quello di proteggere dagli attacchi degli indiani delle pianure i cercatori d'oro e le carovane di coloni che si spostavano lungo la pericolosa Pista Bozeman. Gli altri due avamposti erano Fort Reno (Wyoming), a sud sull’alto corso del Powder River, e Fort C. F. Smith, a nord sul fiume Bighorn (Montana), anch'essi nella regione del Powder River. La costruzione del forte iniziò a metà del mese di luglio del 1866 e i soldati del colonnello Carrington impiegarono circa cinque mesi per completare l’enorme struttura che era la più grande e la più poderosa delle tre fortificazioni realizzate lungo la pista Bozeman. «La migliore struttura che io abbia mai visto, tranne una nell'America britannica, costruita dalla Hudson Bay Company» questo fu il lusinghiero commento del generale William B. Hazen quando visitò il forte nell'autunno del 1866. Il perimetro del forte, che aveva forma trapezoidale, era delimitato da una palizzata di tronchi d’albero alta 2 metri e mezzo e lunga circa 1200 metri, all’interno della quale c’erano gli acquartieramenti dei soldati, gli alloggi per i civili, gli uffici, i magazzini, l’armeria, le stalle, insomma tutto quanto era necessario per la vita e la salvaguardia degli oltre mille tra militari e civili che normalmente facevano base nel forte.
rdf:langString Artikeln behandlar fortet i nuvarande Johnson County, Wyoming. Ej att förväxla med eller . Fort Phil Kearny är en tidigare amerikansk armépostering i nuvarande Wyoming. Fortet uppfördes 1866 på Bighorn Mountains östra sida, vid nybyggarleden i det dåvarande Dakotaterritoriet. Platsen är idag ett historiskt minnesmärke i Johnson County, beläget omkring 8 kilometer sydost om orten Story, Wyoming och 25 kilometer norr om staden Buffalo, Wyoming.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 8901
xsd:string 66000756
xsd:gYear 1866
<Geometry> POINT(-106.82638549805 44.532222747803)

data from the linked data cloud