Form W-2
W-2 서식(영어: Form W-2)은 미국 국세청(Internal Revenue Service, IRS)의 세금 서식으로, 공식적으로는 "급여 및 세금 신고서"(Wage and Tax Statement)이라는 이름을 가지고 있다. 고용주가 피고용인에게 지급한 급여(wage)와 원천징수한 세금(tax)을 신고하는 데 쓰인다. 고용주는 각 피고용인에 대한 W-2 서식을 채워서, 매년 1월 31일까지 해당 피고용인에게 보내야 한다.
W-2 – obowiązująca w Stanach Zjednoczonych karta podatkowa, jest odpowiednikiem polskiego PIT-11 i zawiera informacje o uzyskanych dochodach oraz zapłaconych podatkach u konkretnego pracodawcy w roku, za który została wystawiona. Pracodawca ma obowiązek dostarczyć W-2 pracownikowi pod wskazany przez niego adres do 31 stycznia.
Form W-2 (officially, the "Wage and Tax Statement") is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form used in the United States to report wages paid to employees and the taxes withheld from them. Employers must complete a Form W-2 for each employee to whom they pay a salary, wage, or other compensation as part of the employment relationship. An employer must mail out the Form W-2 to employees on or before January 31. This deadline gives these taxpayers about 2 months to prepare their returns before the April 15 income tax due date. The form is also used to report FICA taxes to the Social Security Administration. The Form W-2, along with Form W-3, generally must be filed by the employer with the Social Security Administration by the end of February. Relevant amounts on Form W-2 are reported by
Form W-2
W-2 서식
Form W-2 (officially, the "Wage and Tax Statement") is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form used in the United States to report wages paid to employees and the taxes withheld from them. Employers must complete a Form W-2 for each employee to whom they pay a salary, wage, or other compensation as part of the employment relationship. An employer must mail out the Form W-2 to employees on or before January 31. This deadline gives these taxpayers about 2 months to prepare their returns before the April 15 income tax due date. The form is also used to report FICA taxes to the Social Security Administration. The Form W-2, along with Form W-3, generally must be filed by the employer with the Social Security Administration by the end of February. Relevant amounts on Form W-2 are reported by the Social Security Administration to the Internal Revenue Service. In territories, the W-2 is issued with a two letter code indicating which territory, such as W-2GU for Guam. If corrections are made, it can be done on a W-2c.
W-2 서식(영어: Form W-2)은 미국 국세청(Internal Revenue Service, IRS)의 세금 서식으로, 공식적으로는 "급여 및 세금 신고서"(Wage and Tax Statement)이라는 이름을 가지고 있다. 고용주가 피고용인에게 지급한 급여(wage)와 원천징수한 세금(tax)을 신고하는 데 쓰인다. 고용주는 각 피고용인에 대한 W-2 서식을 채워서, 매년 1월 31일까지 해당 피고용인에게 보내야 한다.
W-2 – obowiązująca w Stanach Zjednoczonych karta podatkowa, jest odpowiednikiem polskiego PIT-11 i zawiera informacje o uzyskanych dochodach oraz zapłaconych podatkach u konkretnego pracodawcy w roku, za który została wystawiona. Pracodawca ma obowiązek dostarczyć W-2 pracownikowi pod wskazany przez niego adres do 31 stycznia.