Food swamps
The term "food swamps" refers to urban environments with few grocery stores but several non-nutritious food options such as corner stores or fast-food restaurants, with a general ratio of four unhealthy options for each healthy option. Food swamps have positive, statistically significant effects on adult obesity rates, especially in areas where a majority of residents do not have access to personal or public transportation, and have disproportionate health impact on low-income minorities. This environment is found in areas with strong corporate or industrial influence and is becoming a global phenomenon. To eliminate food swamps, the introduction of policies which limit the amount of fast-food establishments and incentivize the distribution of healthy food options in an area is proposed.
Food swamps
The term "food swamps" refers to urban environments with few grocery stores but several non-nutritious food options such as corner stores or fast-food restaurants, with a general ratio of four unhealthy options for each healthy option. Food swamps have positive, statistically significant effects on adult obesity rates, especially in areas where a majority of residents do not have access to personal or public transportation, and have disproportionate health impact on low-income minorities. This environment is found in areas with strong corporate or industrial influence and is becoming a global phenomenon. To eliminate food swamps, the introduction of policies which limit the amount of fast-food establishments and incentivize the distribution of healthy food options in an area is proposed.