

Die Flabellinia sind eine Gruppe von Amöben innerhalb der Amoebozoa. rdf:langString
Flabellinia es una subclase de protistas del filo Amoebozoa.​​​ Incluye amebas aplanadas, por lo general en forma de abanico, discoide o triangular irregular, nunca con subseudopodia puntiaguda. Las células carecen de centrosomas.​ rdf:langString
플라벨리나아강(Flabellinia)은 아메바문에 속하는 육질충류 아강의 하나이다. rdf:langString
Flabellinia – podgromada ameb należących do supergrupy Amoebozoa w klasyfikacji Cavaliera-Smitha. Klasyfikacja Adla traktuje Flabellinia jako klad. Należą tutaj następujące rzędy według Cavalier-Smitha: * Dactylopodida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Vannellida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Page, 1987 * Stygamoebida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith, 2011 * Pellitida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith * Moebius, 1889 W klasyfikacji Adla wyróżniamy tylko 4 klady: * Pellitida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith * Schaudinn, 1899 * Dactylopodida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Vannellida Smirnov i inni, 2005 rdf:langString
The Flabellinia are a subclass of Amoebozoa. During locomotion the cells are flattened and have a clear layer called hyaloplasm along the front margin. Some form slender subpseudopodia projecting outward from the hyaloplasm, but the cell mass does not flow into these as in true pseudopodia, and advances without a definite central axis as in the Tubulinea. They also lack distinctive features like shells and flagella, and are united mainly by evidence from molecular trees. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Flabellinia
rdf:langString Flabellinia
rdf:langString Flabellinia
rdf:langString 플라벨리나아강
rdf:langString Flabellinia
xsd:integer 50408433
xsd:integer 1020407192
rdf:langString Smirnov et al. 2005
rdf:langString Acanthamoeba sp.
rdf:langString * Dactylopodida * Dermamoebida * Stygamoebida * Vannellida
rdf:langString Orders
rdf:langString Flabellinia
rdf:langString Die Flabellinia sind eine Gruppe von Amöben innerhalb der Amoebozoa.
rdf:langString Flabellinia es una subclase de protistas del filo Amoebozoa.​​​ Incluye amebas aplanadas, por lo general en forma de abanico, discoide o triangular irregular, nunca con subseudopodia puntiaguda. Las células carecen de centrosomas.​
rdf:langString The Flabellinia are a subclass of Amoebozoa. During locomotion the cells are flattened and have a clear layer called hyaloplasm along the front margin. Some form slender subpseudopodia projecting outward from the hyaloplasm, but the cell mass does not flow into these as in true pseudopodia, and advances without a definite central axis as in the Tubulinea. They also lack distinctive features like shells and flagella, and are united mainly by evidence from molecular trees. The group was originally created by Alexey Smirnov and his coauthors as the class Flabellinea, which was similar in composition to the group Discosea, proposed by Cavalier-Smith et al. (2004). In 2011, Smirnov accepted Discosea as a class and reduced Flabellinea to the rank of a subclass, with the name Flabellinia.
rdf:langString 플라벨리나아강(Flabellinia)은 아메바문에 속하는 육질충류 아강의 하나이다.
rdf:langString Flabellinia – podgromada ameb należących do supergrupy Amoebozoa w klasyfikacji Cavaliera-Smitha. Klasyfikacja Adla traktuje Flabellinia jako klad. Należą tutaj następujące rzędy według Cavalier-Smitha: * Dactylopodida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Vannellida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Page, 1987 * Stygamoebida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith, 2011 * Pellitida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith * Moebius, 1889 W klasyfikacji Adla wyróżniamy tylko 4 klady: * Pellitida Smirnov i Cavalier-Smith * Schaudinn, 1899 * Dactylopodida Smirnov i inni, 2005 * Vannellida Smirnov i inni, 2005
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2396

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