Five-number summary
5가지 요약 수치란 기술통계학에서 자료의 정보를 알려주는 아래의 다섯 가지 수치를 의미한다. 1.
* 최솟값 2.
* 제 1사분위수 3.
* 제 2사분위수, 즉 중앙값 4.
* 제 3 사분위 수 5.
* 최댓값
O resumo dos cinco números é uma estatística descritiva que representa informação recolhida através de um número de observações. Ela é composta pelos cinco percentis:
* Mínimo amostral
* Quartil inferior
* Mediana
* Quartil superior
* Máximo amostral Para esta estatística existir é necessário que os percentis tenham como base uma variável aleatória que seja avaliada numa escala.
The five-number summary is a set of descriptive statistics that provides information about a dataset. It consists of the five most important sample percentiles: 1.
* the sample minimum (smallest observation) 2.
* the lower quartile or first quartile 3.
* the median (the middle value) 4.
* the upper quartile or third quartile 5.
* the sample maximum (largest observation) In order for these statistics to exist the observations must be from a univariate variable that can be measured on an ordinal, interval or ratio scale.
De vijf-getallensamenvatting is in de beschrijvende statistiek de opsomming van de kwartielen van een dataset. Daarbij worden minimum en maximum, aangeduid met en ook tot de kwartielen gerekend. De kwartielen verdelen de data in vier delen, van elk een kwart van de data. Uit de ligging van de kwartielen krijgen we een indruk van de vorm van de verdeling van de data. Door de grafische weergave van de vijf-getallensamenvatting in een boxplot wordt de indruk van deze verdeling gevisualiseerd
Five-number summary
5가지 요약 수치
Resumo dos cinco números
The five-number summary is a set of descriptive statistics that provides information about a dataset. It consists of the five most important sample percentiles: 1.
* the sample minimum (smallest observation) 2.
* the lower quartile or first quartile 3.
* the median (the middle value) 4.
* the upper quartile or third quartile 5.
* the sample maximum (largest observation) In addition to the median of a single set of data there are two related statistics called the upper and lower quartiles. If data are placed in order, then the lower quartile is central to the lower half of the data and the upper quartile is central to the upper half of the data. These quartiles are used to calculate the interquartile range, which helps to describe the spread of the data, and determine whether or not any data points are outliers. In order for these statistics to exist the observations must be from a univariate variable that can be measured on an ordinal, interval or ratio scale.
5가지 요약 수치란 기술통계학에서 자료의 정보를 알려주는 아래의 다섯 가지 수치를 의미한다. 1.
* 최솟값 2.
* 제 1사분위수 3.
* 제 2사분위수, 즉 중앙값 4.
* 제 3 사분위 수 5.
* 최댓값
De vijf-getallensamenvatting is in de beschrijvende statistiek de opsomming van de kwartielen van een dataset. Daarbij worden minimum en maximum, aangeduid met en ook tot de kwartielen gerekend. De kwartielen verdelen de data in vier delen, van elk een kwart van de data. Uit de ligging van de kwartielen krijgen we een indruk van de vorm van de verdeling van de data. Door de grafische weergave van de vijf-getallensamenvatting in een boxplot wordt de indruk van deze verdeling gevisualiseerd Een uitgebreidere vorm van de vijf-getallensamenvatting somt ook nog de interkwartielafstand en de eventuele uitschieters op.
O resumo dos cinco números é uma estatística descritiva que representa informação recolhida através de um número de observações. Ela é composta pelos cinco percentis:
* Mínimo amostral
* Quartil inferior
* Mediana
* Quartil superior
* Máximo amostral Para esta estatística existir é necessário que os percentis tenham como base uma variável aleatória que seja avaliada numa escala.