Fishing industry in Canada
تمتلك كندا أحد أكثر صناعات صيد الأسماك التجاري قيمةً في العالم، وتقدر بأكثر من 5 ملايين دولار كندي سنوياً، وتوفّر أكثر من 120,000 وظيفة للكنديين. تعدّ صناعة صيد السمك دعامة اقتصادية لحوالي 1500 من المجتمعات المحلية الريفية والساحلية في كندا.
Canada's fishing industry is a key contributor to the success of the Canadian economy. In 2016, Canada's fishing industry exported $6.6 billion in fish and seafood products and employed approximately 72,000 people in the industry. Aquaculture, which is the farming of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants in fresh or salt water, is the fastest growing food production activity in the world and a growing sector in Canada. In 2015, aquaculture generated over $1 billion in GDP and close to $3 billion in total economic activity. The Department Of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) oversees the management of Canada's aquatic resources and works with fishermen across the country to ensure the sustainability of Canada's oceans and in-land fisheries.
صيد السمك في كندا
Fishing industry in Canada
تمتلك كندا أحد أكثر صناعات صيد الأسماك التجاري قيمةً في العالم، وتقدر بأكثر من 5 ملايين دولار كندي سنوياً، وتوفّر أكثر من 120,000 وظيفة للكنديين. تعدّ صناعة صيد السمك دعامة اقتصادية لحوالي 1500 من المجتمعات المحلية الريفية والساحلية في كندا.
Canada's fishing industry is a key contributor to the success of the Canadian economy. In 2016, Canada's fishing industry exported $6.6 billion in fish and seafood products and employed approximately 72,000 people in the industry. Aquaculture, which is the farming of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants in fresh or salt water, is the fastest growing food production activity in the world and a growing sector in Canada. In 2015, aquaculture generated over $1 billion in GDP and close to $3 billion in total economic activity. The Department Of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) oversees the management of Canada's aquatic resources and works with fishermen across the country to ensure the sustainability of Canada's oceans and in-land fisheries.