Female urinal
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Female_urinal an entity of type: Thing
Ein Frauenurinal ist ein Urinal, welches an die anatomischen Voraussetzungen von Frauen angepasst ist, es ermöglicht die Miktion in aufrechter Körperhaltung und unter Vermeidung eines direkten Körperkontakts zum Objekt. Neben ausschließlich für Frauen konzipierten Urinalen werden von verschiedenen Anbietern Unisex-Urinale vertrieben, die gleichermaßen von Frauen und Männern benutzt werden können. Urinale für Frauen sind insgesamt weitaus weniger verbreitet als reine Männerurinale und finden sich meist auf stark frequentierten öffentlichen Toiletten.
Urinoar perempuan dirancang untuk , yang dipakai untuk mempermudah wanita dan gadis. Model-model berbeda membolehkan kencing dalam keadaan berdiri, menunduk atau jongkok, sering kali tanpa kontak ragawi langsung dengan urinoar. Model duduk juga ada, namun dengan kontak ragawi langsung dengan urinoar. Urinoar juga dipasarkan oleh berbagai perusahaan, dan dapat dipakai oleh seluruh gender. Urinoar perempuan dan urinoar uniseks lebih kurang umum ketimbang urinoar laki-laki.
Een vrouwenurinoir is een urinoir dat ergonomisch is afgestemd op vrouwen. Vrouwen dienen dit soort urinoirs in skihouding te gebruiken met de toiletmuur aan de rugzijde. Tot op heden worden ze zelden toegepast.
A female urinal is a urinal designed for the female anatomy to allow for ease of use by women and girls. Different models enable urination in standing, semi-squatting, or squatting postures, but usually without direct bodily contact with the toilet. Sitting models also exist, and are designed for body contact with the urinal. Danish brand Pollee sells a portable female urinal (similar to porta johns) for public, outdoor events.
Un urinario femenino es un urinario diseñado para la anatomía femenina para facilitar su uso por parte de mujeres y niñas. Diferentes modelos permiten orinar en posturas de pie, semicuclillas o en cuclillas , pero generalmente sin contacto corporal directo con el inodoro . También existen modelos sentados, y están diseñados para el contacto del cuerpo con el urinario. Los urinarios unisex también son comercializados por varias empresas, y pueden ser utilizados por ambos sexos.
Un urinoir féminin est un urinoir adapté à l'anatomie des femmes, pour faciliter la satisfaction de leurs besoins, surtout dans l'espace public. Différents modèles permettent d'uriner : en position debout, semi-accroupie (position de skieuse) ou accroupie, toujours sans contact corporel direct avec l'urinoir. Des modèles assis existent également, mais nécessitent un contact direct avec l'urinoir.
Urinario femenino
Urinoar perempuan
Female urinal
Urinoir féminin
Marcus Werner
Munich City Archive 1902
Munich City Archive 1906
Handbuch der Architektur: "Entwässerungsanlagen amerikanischer Gebäude", 1897
Berlin has now taken up the problem heroically and is planning urinals for women and men in all public toilets. This is part of the toilet concept for Berlin, which was presented last week by the Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, together with the company Zebralog and the Technical University of Berlin. The advantage of the unisex urinal is that it catches women's and men's urine stream earlier and thus avoids the otherwise unavoidable splashing and is thus simply more hygienic. Therefore, the urinal can be conveniently used by both sexes. For gender justice[...]!
The basins should be made of cast iron with enamel coating. A seat board is not to be provided. On the other hand, it might be advisable to mount brass rods above the basin, which extend from one wall to another and are fixed there. Older and weaker people could gain support at this pole. An intermittent rinse may be required for both pools every 10 minutes. ... For the first attempts to set up "women's urinals", it may be advisable to choose the locations of such urinals near playgrounds so that nannies or other female supervisors can use the same ones.
Therefore, it would be very, very sad if the unisex toilet trend would end up causing men to have to queue up because every urinal would be housed in a booth, which would dramatically reduce the number of facilities. That would be a total waste of time, calculated in terms of gender. Men lose time without women winning. There can be unisex urinals here. But please use the ergonomically wall-mounted urinals in a row. That would take the pressure off everyone.
It was suggested by several parties that the various classes of toilets should be abolished, that the establishment should be uniform and that a fee of 5 Pfennig should be charged for all toilets, with the exception of the free toilets, , and that free toilets should be set up in all existing sanitary facilities. The construction of women's urinals, such as those found in other cities, was also mentioned.
Pissoirs for the female sex have even been successfully used in recent years. These consist of so-called "urinettes" or porcelain sitting basins with automatic flushing and are set up especially in the waiting halls of railway stations, in shops where many girls are employed, in theatres where there is a large choir or ballet. ... Such "urinettes" have the great fortune of being able to be placed where a 2-inch drainpipe is present, while the rinsing lavatories usually used by women for urination require a 4-inch waste pipe.
Ein Frauenurinal ist ein Urinal, welches an die anatomischen Voraussetzungen von Frauen angepasst ist, es ermöglicht die Miktion in aufrechter Körperhaltung und unter Vermeidung eines direkten Körperkontakts zum Objekt. Neben ausschließlich für Frauen konzipierten Urinalen werden von verschiedenen Anbietern Unisex-Urinale vertrieben, die gleichermaßen von Frauen und Männern benutzt werden können. Urinale für Frauen sind insgesamt weitaus weniger verbreitet als reine Männerurinale und finden sich meist auf stark frequentierten öffentlichen Toiletten.
A female urinal is a urinal designed for the female anatomy to allow for ease of use by women and girls. Different models enable urination in standing, semi-squatting, or squatting postures, but usually without direct bodily contact with the toilet. Sitting models also exist, and are designed for body contact with the urinal. Unisex urinals are also marketed by various companies, and can be used by both sexes. Female and unisex urinals are much less common than male urinals (often assumed by the term urinal). Moreover, male urinals are more abundant in men's or boys' public toilets than in the toilets of private homes. Danish brand Pollee sells a portable female urinal (similar to porta johns) for public, outdoor events.
Un urinario femenino es un urinario diseñado para la anatomía femenina para facilitar su uso por parte de mujeres y niñas. Diferentes modelos permiten orinar en posturas de pie, semicuclillas o en cuclillas , pero generalmente sin contacto corporal directo con el inodoro . También existen modelos sentados, y están diseñados para el contacto del cuerpo con el urinario. Los urinarios unisex también son comercializados por varias empresas, y pueden ser utilizados por ambos sexos. La marca danesa Pollee vende un urinario femenino portátil (similar a un porta johns) para eventos públicos al aire libre.
Un urinoir féminin est un urinoir adapté à l'anatomie des femmes, pour faciliter la satisfaction de leurs besoins, surtout dans l'espace public. Différents modèles permettent d'uriner : en position debout, semi-accroupie (position de skieuse) ou accroupie, toujours sans contact corporel direct avec l'urinoir. Des modèles assis existent également, mais nécessitent un contact direct avec l'urinoir. Sous le nom générique d'urinoir féminin, on trouve des dispositifs individuels portatifs (urinettes, piss-debout), des appareils sanitaires à usage domestique ou collectif et des installations complètes (cabines) pour des toilettes publiques. Par ailleurs, des urinoirs unisexes sont également commercialisés et peuvent être utilisés par tous.
Urinoar perempuan dirancang untuk , yang dipakai untuk mempermudah wanita dan gadis. Model-model berbeda membolehkan kencing dalam keadaan berdiri, menunduk atau jongkok, sering kali tanpa kontak ragawi langsung dengan urinoar. Model duduk juga ada, namun dengan kontak ragawi langsung dengan urinoar. Urinoar juga dipasarkan oleh berbagai perusahaan, dan dapat dipakai oleh seluruh gender. Urinoar perempuan dan urinoar uniseks lebih kurang umum ketimbang urinoar laki-laki.
Een vrouwenurinoir is een urinoir dat ergonomisch is afgestemd op vrouwen. Vrouwen dienen dit soort urinoirs in skihouding te gebruiken met de toiletmuur aan de rugzijde. Tot op heden worden ze zelden toegepast.