
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Fazogli an entity of type: SpatialThing

Fazughli fou un regne del sud de Sudan prop de la frontera etíop, vassall del sultanat funj de Sennar. La capital fou la vila del mateix nom a pocs quilòmetres de la frontera etíop, existent avui dia al costat d'un embassament modern. La seva importància derivava de l'or que portava un riu. El rei, que tenia el títol de , duia com insígnia un ple de corns. A la caiguda del sultanat el regne va subsistir fins que el 1821 o gener del 1822 fou conquerit per , de l'exèrcit de , i llavors va quedar sota sobirania d'Egipte pagant un tribut. El 1841 fou capital d'una de les set províncies en què es va dividir el Sudan (Fazughli, Sennar, Khartum, Taka, Berber, Dongola i Kordufan). El 1867 la província fou unida a Sennar. Sota va esdevenir lloc de desterrament. En no poder-se explotat l'or va pe rdf:langString
Fazogli (Arabic: فازوغلي), also known as Fazughli, Fazoghl or Fazokl, was a historical province in what is now the border region between Sudan and Ethiopia. It was established by the Funj after their conquest of the kingdom of Fazughli in 1685 and was continued under the Turkiyyah and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. It lay between the Blue Nile and the Sobat River, and included the mountains in the modern Asosa Zone of the Ethiopian Benishangul-Gumuz Region. The west slope of the hills drains the White Nile. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Fazughli
rdf:langString Fazogli
xsd:float 11.28333377838135
xsd:float 34.76666641235352
xsd:integer 3981748
xsd:integer 1053220983
xsd:string 11.283333333333333 34.766666666666666
rdf:langString Fazughli fou un regne del sud de Sudan prop de la frontera etíop, vassall del sultanat funj de Sennar. La capital fou la vila del mateix nom a pocs quilòmetres de la frontera etíop, existent avui dia al costat d'un embassament modern. La seva importància derivava de l'or que portava un riu. El rei, que tenia el títol de , duia com insígnia un ple de corns. A la caiguda del sultanat el regne va subsistir fins que el 1821 o gener del 1822 fou conquerit per , de l'exèrcit de , i llavors va quedar sota sobirania d'Egipte pagant un tribut. El 1841 fou capital d'una de les set províncies en què es va dividir el Sudan (Fazughli, Sennar, Khartum, Taka, Berber, Dongola i Kordufan). El 1867 la província fou unida a Sennar. Sota va esdevenir lloc de desterrament. En no poder-se explotat l'or va perdre importància.
rdf:langString Fazogli (Arabic: فازوغلي), also known as Fazughli, Fazoghl or Fazokl, was a historical province in what is now the border region between Sudan and Ethiopia. It was established by the Funj after their conquest of the kingdom of Fazughli in 1685 and was continued under the Turkiyyah and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. It lay between the Blue Nile and the Sobat River, and included the mountains in the modern Asosa Zone of the Ethiopian Benishangul-Gumuz Region. The west slope of the hills drains the White Nile. The area was believed to be rich in gold deposits, which led an Egyptian military expedition under the leadership of , son of Wali Muhammad Ali into the area (1820–1823) in part determine the truth of this belief, as well as to capture some 30,000 inhabitants to be slaves. He was accompanied by Frédéric Cailliaud, George Waddington, and George Bethune English, all of whom later wrote accounts of the expedition. Pasha Mohammad Ali later organized Fazogli into a number of sheikhdoms to govern its inhabitants. Later geologists who surveyed the area for gold included Josef von Russegger.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2155
<Geometry> POINT(34.766666412354 11.283333778381)

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