Fante people an entity of type: Thing

Els fantes (o fantis, o Mfantseko) són els membres d'un grup ètnic que tenen com a llengua materna el fante, dialecte de l'àkan. La majoria dels fantes viuen a Ghana, a la regió Central però també hi ha minories a Monròvia, Libèria i a la regió de Comoé Meridional, a Costa d'Ivori. En total entre 1.900.000 i més de tres milions de fantes. Originàriament, amb el terme de fante es referia als estats que hi havia a 50 milles de radi de la ciutat de Mankessim: Kurantsi, Abura, Anyan, Akumfi, Nsukum, Ejumako i Gomoa. rdf:langString
Die Fante gehören zur Volksgruppe der Akan. Die etwa 1,7 bis 1,9 Millionen Angehörigen leben hauptsächlich in der Central Region im Süden Ghanas. Im Rahmen der innerghanaischen Migration stellen die Fante heute aber auch etwa 10 % der 1,5 Millionen Bewohner der Hauptstadtregion Greater Accra. rdf:langString
La fanteoj apartenas al la etna grupo de la akanoj. La proksimume 1,7 ĝis 1,9 milionoj da anoj vivas precipe en la Centra Regiono (Central Region) en la sudo de Ganao. Sed kadre de la intraganaa migrado la fantoj reprezentas ankaŭ proksimume 10 % de la 1,5 milionoj da loĝantoj de la ĉefurba regiono . rdf:langString
Les Fanti sont une population d'Afrique de l'Ouest, vivant dans le golfe de Guinée, principalement au Ghana. Une importante communauté s'est également installée en Côte d'Ivoire pour y pratiquer la pêche, notamment à la langouste, à l'ouest du pays, près des villes de San-Pédro et Sassandra. Ils font partie du groupe des Akans. rdf:langString
Los fante o fanti, son un grupo étnico que habita en el sur de Ghana así como en Costa de Marfil. Los fante y los ashanti, con quienes mantienen lazos culturales, son los grupos étnicos más importantes del pueblo akan, que ocupa la actual Ghana. Su estructura familiar es matrilineal. Su religión es una mezcolanza de ritos de tradición tribal y sincretismo del cristianismo absorbido por la colonización europea. * Datos: Q301533 * Multimedia: Fante people / Q301533 rdf:langString
I Fanti sono un gruppo etnico Akan stanziato in Africa occidentale. Originari dei territori a sud del Volta Nero, tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo migrarono sulle coste del Ghana. Secondo Ethnologue, nel 2004 in Ghana la popolazione fanti contava 1 900 000 persone. rdf:langString
De Fante, Fanti of Mfantsefo zijn een etnische groep uit zuidelijk Ghana met ook een kleiner aantal in Ivoorkust. Momenteel is hun aantal ongeveer 500.000. Ze vormen een onderdeel van de overkoepelende etnische groep de Akan. Ze spreken het gelijknamige , een dialect van het Akan. In de 18e eeuw vormden zij de Fante Confederatie. Ze stonden aan de kant van de Britten tijdens de Anglo-Ashanti Oorlog (1873-1874). Peter Kodwo Appiah kardinaal Turkson en wijlen president John Atta Mills zijn wellicht de meest bekende Fantes ter wereld. rdf:langString
Os fantes ou fantés são um povo da África ocidental que fala a língua fante. Ocupam a zona costeira do sul do Gana. Pertencem ao grupo acã. Baseiam a sua subsistência na agricultura e na pesca e dão grande importância às trocas comerciais (mercados). De filiação bilinear, estão organizados politicamente numa confederação de aldeias cujos chefes dependem dos , organização que representa o estado. rdf:langString
Фа́нти (самоназвание мфантсе, фанте), народ, по большей части живущий в Гане между г. Секонди и р. Денсу (ок. 1,8 млн человек), также небольшая часть живёт в Либерии (около 10 тыс. человек). Относится к группе акан. Народы, родственные фанти — и (гомуа). Генеральный секретарь ООН Кофи Аннан является представителем народа фанти. rdf:langString
The Mfantsefo or Fante ("Fanti" is an older spelling) are an Akan people. The Fante people are mainly located in the Central and Western coastal regions of Ghana. Over the last half century, due to fishing expeditions, Fante communities are found as far as Gambia, Liberia and even Angola. Major Fante cities in modern Ghana include Kasoa, Winneba, Agona Swedru, Tarkwa, Oguaa (Cape Coast), Edina (Elmina), Mankessim, Sekondi and Takoradi. However, Fante males of fighting age traditionally belonged to their father's Asafo company. rdf:langString
Fante albo Fanti – grupa etniczna w południowej Ghanie i częściowo na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej. Aktualnie liczy około 1 850 000 ludzi. W XVIII wieku zawiązali Konfederację, byli sprzymierzeni z Brytyjczykami podczas wojny w latach 1873–1874. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Fante people
rdf:langString Fantes
rdf:langString Fante (Volk)
rdf:langString Fanteoj
rdf:langString Fante
rdf:langString Fanti (peuple)
rdf:langString Fanti (gruppo etnico)
rdf:langString Fante
rdf:langString Fante
rdf:langString Fantes
rdf:langString Фанти (народ)
rdf:langString Fante
xsd:integer 936945
xsd:integer 1123908777
rdf:langString Els fantes (o fantis, o Mfantseko) són els membres d'un grup ètnic que tenen com a llengua materna el fante, dialecte de l'àkan. La majoria dels fantes viuen a Ghana, a la regió Central però també hi ha minories a Monròvia, Libèria i a la regió de Comoé Meridional, a Costa d'Ivori. En total entre 1.900.000 i més de tres milions de fantes. Originàriament, amb el terme de fante es referia als estats que hi havia a 50 milles de radi de la ciutat de Mankessim: Kurantsi, Abura, Anyan, Akumfi, Nsukum, Ejumako i Gomoa.
rdf:langString Die Fante gehören zur Volksgruppe der Akan. Die etwa 1,7 bis 1,9 Millionen Angehörigen leben hauptsächlich in der Central Region im Süden Ghanas. Im Rahmen der innerghanaischen Migration stellen die Fante heute aber auch etwa 10 % der 1,5 Millionen Bewohner der Hauptstadtregion Greater Accra.
rdf:langString La fanteoj apartenas al la etna grupo de la akanoj. La proksimume 1,7 ĝis 1,9 milionoj da anoj vivas precipe en la Centra Regiono (Central Region) en la sudo de Ganao. Sed kadre de la intraganaa migrado la fantoj reprezentas ankaŭ proksimume 10 % de la 1,5 milionoj da loĝantoj de la ĉefurba regiono .
rdf:langString The Mfantsefo or Fante ("Fanti" is an older spelling) are an Akan people. The Fante people are mainly located in the Central and Western coastal regions of Ghana. Over the last half century, due to fishing expeditions, Fante communities are found as far as Gambia, Liberia and even Angola. Major Fante cities in modern Ghana include Kasoa, Winneba, Agona Swedru, Tarkwa, Oguaa (Cape Coast), Edina (Elmina), Mankessim, Sekondi and Takoradi. Like all Akans, they originated from Bono state. Originally, "Fante" referred to "the half that left" and broke away from other Akans and initially settled at Mankessim. Some of the states that make up the Fante are Agona, Ahanta, Kurantsi, Abura, Anyan, Ekumfi, Nkusukum, Ajumako and Gomoa. The Fante, like other related Akans, trace their roots to the ancient Sahara in the Old Ghana Empire. The Fante then migrated south to modern-day Techiman in the Brong Ahafo region. It was from here that, legend says, their three great leaders – Oson, Odapagyan and Obrumankoma – led them south and separated from other Akans, to Mankessim. The historical and spiritual capital of Mfantseman is Mankessim (Oman kesi mu). The Fante people are one of the largest Akan groups, along with the "Asantefo" or Ashantis, the Akuapem, the Akyem, the Bono, The Kwahu, the Baoule, Nzema, Ahanta and others. Despite the rapid growth of the Ashanti Empire and constant war with the Ashanti and allied Dutch in the mid-1800s, the Fante have always retained their state to this day and fought numerous wars to protect their northern flank from Ashanti incursions and several other wars with the Dutch, and English. Currently, they number about 6 million, the second largest grouping of Akan people or about 13% of modern Ghana's total population. Inheritance and succession to public office among the Fante are traditionally determined by matrilineal descent, which is common among Akan peoples. However, Fante males of fighting age traditionally belonged to their father's Asafo company. When the Portuguese arrived in the 15th century, the Fante prevented them from venturing inland and leased properties for Portuguese trading missions. But when the Portuguese objected to Fante rules and regulations, the Fante expelled them after a series of skirmishes and battles. Thereafter the Dutch arrived, followed by the British. The Fante served as middlemen in the commerce between the interior and British and Dutch traders on the coast. The Fante became a very wealthy and prosperous state upon their dealings with the various European powers. In the early 18th century, the modern Fante Confederacy was formed, with the aim of establishing themselves as a nation to be taken seriously by their European counterparts and the withdrawal of Europeans from Fante lands. The Fantes for centuries already had a very complex system of federal government in which various states co-exist in an alliance. Each Fante state is led by a Paramount Chief. However, in times of war, they always mobilized a Union army often commanded by the Paramount Chief of Abura. Facing such stern resistance, the Portuguese, Germans, Swedish and Danes after many decades vacated all trading forts in Mfantseman. The Dutch decided to stay, leading to many wars between Fante and the Dutch, who failed to colonize them. In 1844, having been weakened by constant battles with the Ashanti and their allies the Dutch, the Fante Confederacy signed the bond of 1844 with the British. The British left Cape Coast and moved the capital of Gold Coast to Accra as a response to the resistance movement. The modern Fante Confederacy was established in response to the threat of Europeans attempting to colonize vast areas within modern-day Ghana. So in 1844 a bond was signed between the Fante Confederacy, on behalf of the Gold Coast, and the British, allowing the Gold Coast to gain total independence without war one hundred years later. Several Ashanti-Fante Wars followed, due to the Ashanti quest for direct trade routes to the coast. On one occasion, the Fante were aided by the British, who nevertheless managed to seriously weaken the strong Fante confederation established between 1868 and 1872, believing it a threat to their hegemony on the coast. The British and the Dutch took sides in these Ashanti-Fante wars, with the British supporting the Fante and the Dutch supporting the Ashanti. While Mfantsefo are known widely to be a peaceful people, in times of war they rally for the common defence. Due to wars with the Dutch and allied Ashanti, the combined strength of the Fante Union Army numbered more than thirty thousand men in 1844. It was under the command of Amfo Otu, Paramount Chief of Abura, that they laid siege to their own town of Elmina and its European castle, eventually expelling the Dutch from their stronghold in Elmina. The Fante have produced numerous illustrious and prominent people in Ghana, notable among whom are Kofi Annan (former UN Secretary General); Jacob Wilson Sey (first indigenous multimillionaire on the Gold Coast); British journalist and writer Ekow Eshun; Ottobah Cugoano (abolitionist and natural rights philosopher), Sam Jonah (ex-CEO of AngloGold Ashanti); former president, John Atta Mills, former vice-presidents, Joseph W.S. de Graft-Johnson, Kow Nkensen Arkaah and Kwesi Amissah-Arthur; Peter Turkson (first Ghanaian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church) and a number of major advocates of independence, not only in Ghana but also in the West African sub-region and the African diaspora, such as John Mensah Sarbah, James Kwegyir Aggrey, Ottobah Cugoano (Fante-British Slave Abolitionist), Chief Takyi (leader of Jamaican slave revolt), Paa Grant (founding father of the UGCC) and J. E. Casely Hayford. Other notable Fante luminaries include Sir Knight Joseph Panford, the Fante Chief in Koforidua, Eastern Region, who represented the entire Catholic Church of Ghana, in Rome and met Pope John Paul I and was knighted in doing so; Joseph Ellis and Joseph Biney, who both discovered the gold deposits in 1897 situated at Obuasi in the Ashanti region; black navigator Pedro Alonso Niño (1468–c. 1505), also known as El Negro ("The Black"), Spanish-born of African descent, who sailed with Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic in 1492, and whose father was a Fante seaman from Elmina. He explored the coasts of Africa in his early years. He piloted one of Columbus' ships in the expedition of 1492, and accompanied him during his third voyage that saw the discovery of Trinidad and the mouths of the Orinoco River.
rdf:langString Les Fanti sont une population d'Afrique de l'Ouest, vivant dans le golfe de Guinée, principalement au Ghana. Une importante communauté s'est également installée en Côte d'Ivoire pour y pratiquer la pêche, notamment à la langouste, à l'ouest du pays, près des villes de San-Pédro et Sassandra. Ils font partie du groupe des Akans.
rdf:langString Los fante o fanti, son un grupo étnico que habita en el sur de Ghana así como en Costa de Marfil. Los fante y los ashanti, con quienes mantienen lazos culturales, son los grupos étnicos más importantes del pueblo akan, que ocupa la actual Ghana. Su estructura familiar es matrilineal. Su religión es una mezcolanza de ritos de tradición tribal y sincretismo del cristianismo absorbido por la colonización europea. * Datos: Q301533 * Multimedia: Fante people / Q301533
rdf:langString I Fanti sono un gruppo etnico Akan stanziato in Africa occidentale. Originari dei territori a sud del Volta Nero, tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo migrarono sulle coste del Ghana. Secondo Ethnologue, nel 2004 in Ghana la popolazione fanti contava 1 900 000 persone.
rdf:langString De Fante, Fanti of Mfantsefo zijn een etnische groep uit zuidelijk Ghana met ook een kleiner aantal in Ivoorkust. Momenteel is hun aantal ongeveer 500.000. Ze vormen een onderdeel van de overkoepelende etnische groep de Akan. Ze spreken het gelijknamige , een dialect van het Akan. In de 18e eeuw vormden zij de Fante Confederatie. Ze stonden aan de kant van de Britten tijdens de Anglo-Ashanti Oorlog (1873-1874). Peter Kodwo Appiah kardinaal Turkson en wijlen president John Atta Mills zijn wellicht de meest bekende Fantes ter wereld.
rdf:langString Os fantes ou fantés são um povo da África ocidental que fala a língua fante. Ocupam a zona costeira do sul do Gana. Pertencem ao grupo acã. Baseiam a sua subsistência na agricultura e na pesca e dão grande importância às trocas comerciais (mercados). De filiação bilinear, estão organizados politicamente numa confederação de aldeias cujos chefes dependem dos , organização que representa o estado.
rdf:langString Fante albo Fanti – grupa etniczna w południowej Ghanie i częściowo na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej. Aktualnie liczy około 1 850 000 ludzi. W XVIII wieku zawiązali Konfederację, byli sprzymierzeni z Brytyjczykami podczas wojny w latach 1873–1874. Według przekazów ustnych, Fanti przybyli na obecne tereny z północy w XVII stuleciu. Byli pośrednikami w handlu między lokalnymi i brytyjskimi oraz holenderskimi kupcami na wybrzeżu. Na początku XVIII wieku Fanti utworzyli Konfederację, przede wszystkim jako środek ochrony przeciw najazdom Aszanti z wnętrza kraju, wybuchło jednak kilka wojen z Aszanti. Fanti byli wspomagani przez Brytyjczyków, którzy jednak rozbili silną konfederację założoną między 1868 a 1872, wierząc w groźbę ich hegemonii na wybrzeżu. W roku 1874 połączone armie Fanti i brytyjska pokonały Aszanti i w tym samym roku Fanti stali się częścią brytyjskiego Złotego Wybrzeża.
rdf:langString Фа́нти (самоназвание мфантсе, фанте), народ, по большей части живущий в Гане между г. Секонди и р. Денсу (ок. 1,8 млн человек), также небольшая часть живёт в Либерии (около 10 тыс. человек). Относится к группе акан. Народы, родственные фанти — и (гомуа). Генеральный секретарь ООН Кофи Аннан является представителем народа фанти.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 16654
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2000000

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