Euthymius II of Constantinople an entity of type: Thing
Euthymios II. (griechisch Ευθύμιος Β΄; † 29. März 1416) war Patriarch von Konstantinopel (1410–1416).
Euthyme II fut patriarche de Constantinople du 26 octobre 1410 à sa mort le 29 mars 1416.
Eutymiusz II, gr. Ευθύμιος Β΄, Eythymios II (zm. 29 marca 1416 w Konstantynopolu) – patriarcha Konstantynopola w latach 1410–1416.
Eutímio II de Constantinopla foi o patriarca grego ortodoxo de Constantinopla de 26 de outubro de 1410 até a sua morte em 29 de março de 1416.
Ο Ευθύμιος Β΄ διετέλεσε Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως κατά τα έτη 1410-1416. Σε νεαρή ηλικία έγινε ιερέας και εκάρη μοναχός. Αναδείχθηκε σε σπουδαίο ρήτορα και σθεναρό υπερασπιστή του Γρηγορίου του Παλαμά, για το λόγο αυτό ονομάστηκε και «διδάσκαλος της Εκκλησίας».
Euthymius II (Greek: Εὐθύμιος Β΄), (? – 29 March 1416) was Patriarch of Constantinople in 1410–16. He became a monk at a young age and was soon after ordained a priest. He distinguished himself for his theological and rhetorical abilities, which he employed in defence of Palamism and against the Union of the Eastern Orthodox Church with the Roman Catholic Church, for which he was accorded the honorific appellation "Doctor of the Church". Despite being a fervent anti-unionist, he was sent by the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (reigned 1391–1425) to participate in the discussions for a prospective union with Pope Urban VI (1378–89). The mission achieved some success, but with no firm commitments on either side, and on his return to Constantinople he was promoted to archimandrite and
Eutimio II (in greco moderno: Εὐθύμιος Β΄; XIV secolo – 29 marzo 1416) è stato un arcivescovo ortodosso bizantino, che ha ricoperto la carica di Patriarca ecumenico di Costantinopoli tra il 1410 e il 1416. Alla fine Eutimio passò alla carica di protosynkellos, dopodiché divenne Patriarca di Costantinopoli. Durante il suo mandato, si sforzò di allontanare la Chiesa dal controllo imperiale e di farla agire in autonomia. Dei suoi scritti, sopravvivono solo un trattato filosofico "Sull'essere e non essere" e due lettere. Eutimio II morì il 29 marzo 1416.
Euthymios II. (Konstantinopel)
Ευθύμιος Β΄
Euthymius II of Constantinople
Eutimio II di Costantinopoli
Euthyme II de Constantinople
Eutymiusz II (patriarcha Konstantynopola)
Eutímio II de Constantinopla
Euthymios II. (griechisch Ευθύμιος Β΄; † 29. März 1416) war Patriarch von Konstantinopel (1410–1416).
Ο Ευθύμιος Β΄ διετέλεσε Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως κατά τα έτη 1410-1416. Σε νεαρή ηλικία έγινε ιερέας και εκάρη μοναχός. Αναδείχθηκε σε σπουδαίο ρήτορα και σθεναρό υπερασπιστή του Γρηγορίου του Παλαμά, για το λόγο αυτό ονομάστηκε και «διδάσκαλος της Εκκλησίας». Ήταν ανθενωτικός και αποφασιστικός αντίπαλος της Λατινικής Εκκλησίας. Ο Αυτοκράτορας Μανουήλ Β' Παλαιολόγος τον έστειλε μάλιστα στη Ρώμη για διαπραγματεύσεις με τον Πάπα Ουρβανό ΣΤ΄. Η αποστολή του στέφθηκε με επιτυχία, χωρίς παράλληλα να δεσμευθεί σε κάτι. Έτσι, όταν επέστρεψε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη χειροθετήθηκε αρχιμανδρίτης και έγινε ηγούμενος της ονομαστής Μονής Στουδίου, ενώ λίγο αργότερα έγινε Μέγας Πρωτοσύγγελος του Οικουμενικού Θρόνου. Τον Οκτώβριο ή Νοέμβριο του 1410 εξελέγη Πατριάρχης. Κατά την Πατριαρχία του προσπάθησε να ανεξαρτητοποιήσει την Εκκλησία από την κηδεμονία του Αυτοκράτορα. Όταν, το 1414, ο Αυτοκράτορας Μανουήλ Β´ μετέθεσε έναν επίσκοπο της Μακεδονίας στη Μολδαβία, διαμαρτυρήθηκε έντονα. Διασώθηκαν δυο επιστολές του, καθώς και μια σύντομη φιλοσοφική του διατριβή «Περὶ τοῦ ὄντος καὶ τοῦ μὴ ὄντος».
Euthymius II (Greek: Εὐθύμιος Β΄), (? – 29 March 1416) was Patriarch of Constantinople in 1410–16. He became a monk at a young age and was soon after ordained a priest. He distinguished himself for his theological and rhetorical abilities, which he employed in defence of Palamism and against the Union of the Eastern Orthodox Church with the Roman Catholic Church, for which he was accorded the honorific appellation "Doctor of the Church". Despite being a fervent anti-unionist, he was sent by the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (reigned 1391–1425) to participate in the discussions for a prospective union with Pope Urban VI (1378–89). The mission achieved some success, but with no firm commitments on either side, and on his return to Constantinople he was promoted to archimandrite and became abbot of the prestigious Stoudios Monastery. Eventually Euthymius advanced to the post of protosynkellos, after which he became Patriarch of Constantinople. During his tenure, he endeavoured to remove the Church from imperial control and act autonomously. Of his writings, only a philosophical treatise "On being and not being" and two letters survive. Euthymius II died on 29 March 1416.
Euthyme II fut patriarche de Constantinople du 26 octobre 1410 à sa mort le 29 mars 1416.
Eutymiusz II, gr. Ευθύμιος Β΄, Eythymios II (zm. 29 marca 1416 w Konstantynopolu) – patriarcha Konstantynopola w latach 1410–1416.
Eutimio II (in greco moderno: Εὐθύμιος Β΄; XIV secolo – 29 marzo 1416) è stato un arcivescovo ortodosso bizantino, che ha ricoperto la carica di Patriarca ecumenico di Costantinopoli tra il 1410 e il 1416. Diventò monaco in giovane età e poco dopo fu ordinato sacerdote. Si distinse per le sue capacità teologiche e retoriche, che impiegò in difesa del palamismo e contro l'Unione della Chiesa ortodossa con la Chiesa cattolica, per cui gli fu accordata la denominazione onorifica di "Dottore della Chiesa". Nonostante fosse un fervente anti-unionista, fu inviato dall'imperatore bizantino Manuele II Paleologo (che regnò dal 1391 al 1425) per partecipare alle discussioni per una futura unione con Papa Urbano VI (1378–1389). La missione ottenne un certo successo, ma senza fermi impegni da entrambe le parti, e al suo ritorno a Costantinopoli Eutimio fu promosso archimandrita e divenne abate del prestigioso monastero di Stoudios. Alla fine Eutimio passò alla carica di protosynkellos, dopodiché divenne Patriarca di Costantinopoli. Durante il suo mandato, si sforzò di allontanare la Chiesa dal controllo imperiale e di farla agire in autonomia. Dei suoi scritti, sopravvivono solo un trattato filosofico "Sull'essere e non essere" e due lettere. Eutimio II morì il 29 marzo 1416.
Eutímio II de Constantinopla foi o patriarca grego ortodoxo de Constantinopla de 26 de outubro de 1410 até a sua morte em 29 de março de 1416.
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople