European Skeptics Podcast
European Skeptics Podcast (TheESP) je týdenní podcast moderován třemi skeptiky zastupujícími několik skeptických organizací v Evropě. Je to Gábor András Pintér z Maďarska, Jelena Levin z Lotyšska a Pontus Böckman ze Švédska. Hlavním cílem podcastu je „podpora akcí na evropské úrovni v rámci skeptického hnutí“. Po vzniku byl ESP prezentován v několika podcastech (např. Skeptoid a Token Skeptik podcast) a na webu CSI. V roce 2017 European Skeptics Podcast během konference QED v Manchesteru, UK získal cenu časopisu The Skeptic „Ockham's Award“ v kategorii podcast.
The European Skeptics Podcast (TheESP) is a weekly podcast recorded in English and hosted by three skeptics from several different European countries: András Gábor Pintér from Hungary, Pontus Böckman from Sweden and Annika Harrison from Germany who joined the team in July 2020. The main goal of the podcast is to "support European level actions within the skeptical movement and build bridges among skeptics" all over the continent. The show is often jokingly referred to by other podcasters and people interviewed on the show as "the REAL ESP experience" referring to a namesake pseudoscientific concept.
European Skeptics Podcast
European Skeptics Podcast
András Gábor Pintér
Annika Harrison
Pontus Böckman
The European Skeptics Podcast
European Skeptics Podcast (TheESP) je týdenní podcast moderován třemi skeptiky zastupujícími několik skeptických organizací v Evropě. Je to Gábor András Pintér z Maďarska, Jelena Levin z Lotyšska a Pontus Böckman ze Švédska. Hlavním cílem podcastu je „podpora akcí na evropské úrovni v rámci skeptického hnutí“. Vytvoření podcastu bylo navrženo na zasedání rady Evropské Rady Skeptických Organizací (European Council of Skeptical Organisations, ECSO) v průběhu 16. European Skeptics Congress v Londýně v září 2015. V září 2017 byli dva moderátoři ESP (András G. Pintér a Pontus Böckman) zvoleni do představenstva ECSO. Po vzniku byl ESP prezentován v několika podcastech (např. Skeptoid a Token Skeptik podcast) a na webu CSI. V roce 2017 European Skeptics Podcast během konference QED v Manchesteru, UK získal cenu časopisu The Skeptic „Ockham's Award“ v kategorii podcast.
The European Skeptics Podcast (TheESP) is a weekly podcast recorded in English and hosted by three skeptics from several different European countries: András Gábor Pintér from Hungary, Pontus Böckman from Sweden and Annika Harrison from Germany who joined the team in July 2020. The main goal of the podcast is to "support European level actions within the skeptical movement and build bridges among skeptics" all over the continent. The show is often jokingly referred to by other podcasters and people interviewed on the show as "the REAL ESP experience" referring to a namesake pseudoscientific concept. The idea of launching a podcast with a clear European focus emerged at the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO) board meeting during the 16th European Skeptics Congress in London in September 2015. Although the show is independent, the first episode, aired on 18th November 2015, featured an interview with then ECSO chairman Gábor Hraskó and since then current chair of the organisation, Claire Kraulik-Klingenberg has also appeared on the podcast several times. In September 2017, two of the hosts (András G Pintér and Pontus Böckman) also became members of the board of directors of ECSO. The podcast or its hosts have been featured on several podcasts of international acclaim, including Richard Saunders' The Skeptic Zone, Brian Dunning's Skeptoid, Kylie Sturgess' Token Skeptic podcast, the Canadian podcast The Reality Check and the CSI's webpage. The show was awarded the 2017 Ockham's Award in the podcast category by The Skeptic magazine during QED conference in Manchester, UK.