Entomological Society of Stettin
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La Société entomologique de Stettin ou Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin basée à Stettin a été une des grandes sociétés d'entomologie du XIXe siècle. La plupart des entomologistes allemands de renom en firent partie, ainsi que des membres étrangers, français, britanniques, italiens, espagnols et suédois. Elle possédait une collection fort riche et une bibliothèque importante et variée.
The Entomological Society of Stettin (German: Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin) or Stettin Entomological Society, based in Stettin (Szczecin), was one of the leading entomological societies of the 19th century. Most German entomologists were members, as were many from England, Sweden, Italy, France, and Spain. The society had very large collections and a very comprehensive library. The society's journal was called the Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, abbreviated Stett. Ent. Zeit.
Stettiner Entomologische Verein (Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin) – Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne; organizacja założona w 1837 roku przez von Bunina (spotykana też data 1839). Było wiodącym na świecie stowarzyszeniem tego typu, trzecim towarzystwem entomologów na świecie (po paryskim założonym w 1832 i młodszym o rok londyńskim). Wydawało czasopismo „Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung”.
Entomological Society of Stettin
Société entomologique de Stettin
Stettiner Entomologische Verein
The Entomological Society of Stettin (German: Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin) or Stettin Entomological Society, based in Stettin (Szczecin), was one of the leading entomological societies of the 19th century. Most German entomologists were members, as were many from England, Sweden, Italy, France, and Spain. The society had very large collections and a very comprehensive library. This first German entomological society was formed in 1839. Following the death at age 39 of its first and short-lived president, Dr. Wilhelm Ludwig Ewald Schmidt, Carl August Dohrn (1806-1892), a lifelong resident of the then Prussian town of Stettin, became its second president. He was elected at an anniversary meeting on 5 November 1843. Having acted as secretary of the society for the previous four years, he continued in this role, and that of president, for the next forty. Under Dohrn's presidency the society became as important as the entomological societies of London and Paris. As in these countries, the society reflected the growing professionalism during the second half of the 19th century, necessitating specialisation. Specialisation was accompanied by a rise in technical standards of argument and presentation and a tendency toward the use of learned jargon. There were differences, however, as German universities and academies became increasingly advanced relative to those of England and France, organising seminars (with their published proceedings) and encouraging early publication of, for instance, the Ph.D. dissertation, the academic "program" and the technical monograph. Also, after about 1850, any entomologist who wished to keep abreast of developments in his subject had to be able to read at least English, French, German, Italian, and, in some cases, Swedish. Latin and Greek were indispensable. Far fewer entomologists in England and France were multilingual than in Germany. The Irish entomologist Alexander Henry Haliday, an early member of the society, was a notable exception. Stettin (Szczecin) is close to Lund in Sweden, home of the great Swedish dipterist Johann Wilhelm Zetterstedt, and also to Mesritz, where Hermann Loew, the greatest dipterist of the century, was to become Director of the Royal "Realschule". Both were members of the society. The society's journal was called the Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, abbreviated Stett. Ent. Zeit.
La Société entomologique de Stettin ou Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin basée à Stettin a été une des grandes sociétés d'entomologie du XIXe siècle. La plupart des entomologistes allemands de renom en firent partie, ainsi que des membres étrangers, français, britanniques, italiens, espagnols et suédois. Elle possédait une collection fort riche et une bibliothèque importante et variée.
Stettiner Entomologische Verein (Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin) – Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne; organizacja założona w 1837 roku przez von Bunina (spotykana też data 1839). Było wiodącym na świecie stowarzyszeniem tego typu, trzecim towarzystwem entomologów na świecie (po paryskim założonym w 1832 i młodszym o rok londyńskim). Wydawało czasopismo „Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung”. Pierwszym prezesem był doktor medycyny Wilhelm Ludwig Ewald Schmidt; po jego przedwczesnej śmierci w wieku 39 lat przewodnictwo objął Carl August Dohrn. Wyboru Dohrna dokonano na corocznym spotkaniu towarzystwa 5 listopada 1843 roku. Po jego śmierci prezesem został wybrany jego syn, Heinrich Dohrn.