Empress Ju (Xue Ju's wife)
鞠皇后(?-?),隋末民变领袖、秦帝薛举的皇后。 隋朝大业十三年、薛举秦兴元年(617年)夏,薛举反隋自称西秦霸王,没有给鞠氏后妃的名分,同年秋,薛举称帝,以鞠氏为皇后。但史书没有记载薛举的儿子薛仁果和薛仁越是否是她所生。 鞠皇后为人残忍,好鞭挞下人,那些不能忍受鞠皇后鞭挞的人,在地上打滚哀号。她就将他们的脚埋在土里,让他们不能动,继续打他们的胸背。这是薛举的秦国不得人心的原因之一。 薛举在秦兴二年(618年)秋,高墌之战胜利后不久暴病而死,攻打长安的计划落空。薛仁果即位,三个月后被唐朝秦王李世民所灭,薛仁果被唐高祖李渊处死。鞠皇后不知所终,连薛仁果即位后,她是否进位皇太后都不得而知。
Empress Ju (鞠皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the short-lived state of Qin at the end of the Chinese dynasty Sui Dynasty. Her husband was the state's founder Xue Ju (Emperor Wu). Little is known about her. When Xue Ju first rose against Sui rule in summer 617 and claimed the title of "Hegemonic Prince of Western Qin" (西秦霸王), there was no record of his creating her any titles. In fall 617, when Xue Ju claimed the title Emperor of Qin, he created her empress. It is not known whether his crown prince Xue Rengao or the only other son of his whose name was recorded in history, Xue Renyue (薛仁越), was her son or not.
Empress Ju (Xue Ju's wife)
Empress Zhangsun of Tang Dynasty
Empress Xiao of Sui Dynasty
Empress Ju (鞠皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the short-lived state of Qin at the end of the Chinese dynasty Sui Dynasty. Her husband was the state's founder Xue Ju (Emperor Wu). Little is known about her. When Xue Ju first rose against Sui rule in summer 617 and claimed the title of "Hegemonic Prince of Western Qin" (西秦霸王), there was no record of his creating her any titles. In fall 617, when Xue Ju claimed the title Emperor of Qin, he created her empress. It is not known whether his crown prince Xue Rengao or the only other son of his whose name was recorded in history, Xue Renyue (薛仁越), was her son or not. Empress Ju was said to be cruel. She liked to whip and batter her servants, and when those who could not endure her beating would roll in pain on the ground, she would bury their feet in dirt so that they would be immobile, and resume the beating. It was said that this was part of the reason why Xue Ju was unable to get as many people to follow him as he hoped. Xue Ju, while initially successful against the forces of Tang Dynasty, which had seized most of modern Shaanxi and who had plans to attack the Tang capital Chang'an, died in fall 618. Xue Rengao inherited the title of emperor, but three months later was defeated by and forced to surrender to the Tang general Li Shimin (the future Emperor Taizong). Xue Rengao was executed, but his brothers and his generals were largely spared. No reference was made, however, to the fate of Empress Ju, and there was no historical record indicating whether Xue Rengao honored her as empress dowager.
鞠皇后(?-?),隋末民变领袖、秦帝薛举的皇后。 隋朝大业十三年、薛举秦兴元年(617年)夏,薛举反隋自称西秦霸王,没有给鞠氏后妃的名分,同年秋,薛举称帝,以鞠氏为皇后。但史书没有记载薛举的儿子薛仁果和薛仁越是否是她所生。 鞠皇后为人残忍,好鞭挞下人,那些不能忍受鞠皇后鞭挞的人,在地上打滚哀号。她就将他们的脚埋在土里,让他们不能动,继续打他们的胸背。这是薛举的秦国不得人心的原因之一。 薛举在秦兴二年(618年)秋,高墌之战胜利后不久暴病而死,攻打长安的计划落空。薛仁果即位,三个月后被唐朝秦王李世民所灭,薛仁果被唐高祖李渊处死。鞠皇后不知所终,连薛仁果即位后,她是否进位皇太后都不得而知。