Electronics industry in East Germany
East Germany was one of the leading computer producers in the Eastern Bloc as purchases of higher technologies from the West were under various embargoes. A program of illegal purchases, copying and reverse engineering of Western examples was established, after which GDR sold these computers to COMECON countries. Under the rule of Erich Honecker, electronics, microelectronics and data processing industries grew at average 11.4% in the 1970s and 12.9% during the 1980s.
L'industria elettronica nella Repubblica Democratica Tedesca fu una delle maggiori nel Blocco orientale. Un programma di acquisti illeciti di violazione di copyright e reverse engineering della tecnologia industriale occidentale fu messa in atto per fornire elettronica al COMECON. Sotto la direzione di Erich Honecker, l'industria elettronica aumentò dell'ordine del 11.4% negli anni '70 del XX secolo e del 12.9% durante gli anni '80.
Electronics industry in East Germany
Industria elettronica nella Repubblica Democratica Tedesca
East Germany was one of the leading computer producers in the Eastern Bloc as purchases of higher technologies from the West were under various embargoes. A program of illegal purchases, copying and reverse engineering of Western examples was established, after which GDR sold these computers to COMECON countries. Under the rule of Erich Honecker, electronics, microelectronics and data processing industries grew at average 11.4% in the 1970s and 12.9% during the 1980s.
L'industria elettronica nella Repubblica Democratica Tedesca fu una delle maggiori nel Blocco orientale. Un programma di acquisti illeciti di violazione di copyright e reverse engineering della tecnologia industriale occidentale fu messa in atto per fornire elettronica al COMECON. Sotto la direzione di Erich Honecker, l'industria elettronica aumentò dell'ordine del 11.4% negli anni '70 del XX secolo e del 12.9% durante gli anni '80.