Edmund Hoffmeister
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Edmund Hoffmeister (* 4. März 1893 in Aschaffenburg; † 20. Februar 1951 im Lager Nr. 476 Asbest, Oblast Swerdlowsk, Russland) war ein deutscher Offizier, zuletzt Generalleutnant im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Edmund Hoffmeister (4 mars 1893 à Aschaffenbourg - 20 février 1951 dans un camp de prisonniers de guerre soviétique près de Asbest) est un Generalleutnant allemand qui a servi au sein de la Heer dans la Wehrmacht pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il a été récipiendaire de la croix de chevalier de la Croix de fer. Cette décoration est attribuée pour récompenser un acte d'une extrême bravoure sur le champ de bataille ou un commandement militaire avec succès.
Edmund Hoffmeister, född 4 mars 1893 i Aschaffenburg (Bayern), död 1951 i krigsfångeläger vid Asbest i Sovjetunionen, var en tysk militär; Generallöjtnant. Han tilldelades i oktober 1943 Riddarkorset av Järnkorset. Hoffmeister hamnade i sovjetisk fångenskap 1 juli 1944.
Эдмунд Хоффмайстер (4 марта 1893, Ашаффенбург, Королевство Бавария, Германская империя—20 февраля 1951, Асбест, Свердловская область, СССР) — германский военачальник, генерал-лейтенант вермахта. Награждён Рыцарским крестом Железного креста (1943).
Edmund Hoffmeister (4 March 1893 – 20 February 1951) was an officer in the German Army, mainly notable for his service in World War II. Hoffmeister's military service began in 1914 in the Imperial German army. During the 1930s, Hoffmeister was part of the 'Foreign Armies' (German: Fremde Heere) section of the German military and acted as liaison officer with the Soviet Union on the development of mechanised units. Later in July, Hoffmeister made a radio broadcast from Moscow on behalf of the National Committee for a Free Germany, again attacking the Nazi regime in similar terms:
Edmund Hoffmeister foi um General Alemão que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial, sendo capturado e faleceu em cativeiro. Nasceu em Aschaffenburg em 4 de Março de 1893, faleceu no cativeiro em 1951. Ele foi um oficial cadete e após um Leutnant num regimento de infantaria em 1914. Em Setembro de 1939, se tornou um Oberstleutnant e comandante de um regimento de infantaria. Foi feito prisioneiro pelos Soviéticos em 1 de Julho de 1944, e faleceu no cativeiro em 1951.
Edmund Hoffmeister
Edmund Hoffmeister
Edmund Hoffmeister
Edmund Hoffmeister
Хоффмайстер, Эдмунд
Edmund Hoffmeister
Edmund Hoffmeister
Edmund Hoffmeister
General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling
General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling
October 2012
Military of Germany
World War I
World War II
Commander of XXXXI Panzerkorps
Edmund Hoffmeister (4 March 1893 – 20 February 1951) was an officer in the German Army, mainly notable for his service in World War II. Hoffmeister's military service began in 1914 in the Imperial German army. During the 1930s, Hoffmeister was part of the 'Foreign Armies' (German: Fremde Heere) section of the German military and acted as liaison officer with the Soviet Union on the development of mechanised units. Colonel (Oberst) Hoffmeister, as commander of Infantry Regiment 21 of the German 17th Infantry Division, was scheduled to link up with a 131-man Brandenburger commando team during Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) and push up the coast to Dover. Hoffmeister's division was to be part of the German 16th Army's area of operations. Operation Sea Lion was to have been launched in 1940 after the Fall of France, but it was abandoned in September of that same year. Promoted to Lieutenant-General (Generalleutnant), Hoffmeister commanded the German 383rd Infantry Division on the Eastern Front from 1 July 1943 to 20 June 1944, and on 6 October 1943, was awarded a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Hoffmeister had just been promoted from command of the division to acting command of the formation of which it was a part, the XXXXI Panzer Corps (replacing Artillery General Helmuth Weidling), when it was destroyed in late June 1944. The 383rd Division was given the task of holding Babruysk against an overwhelming Soviet assault during Operation Bagration. Much of the remainder of XXXXI Panzer Corps was also destroyed, along with its parent formation, the Ninth Army. Hoffmeister was taken prisoner by Soviet forces of the 2nd Belorussian Front on 1 July during a breakout attempt from the encirclement at Babruysk. The front's report for 8 July quoted Hoffmeister as giving a bitter and expletive-laden diatribe against the "amateurs" (i.e. the Nazi regime and senior generals loyal to them) whom he held responsible for the military catastrophe. Later in July, Hoffmeister made a radio broadcast from Moscow on behalf of the National Committee for a Free Germany, again attacking the Nazi regime in similar terms: The defeat in White Russia is not the only example of Hitler's ineptitude as a commander. When Field Marshals von Leeb, List, von Rundstedt, von Bock and von Brauchitsch, Colonel General Halder and many others attempted to point out these mistakes Hitler dismissed them from their posts ... The newer generals, however, such as Rommel, Dietl, Schörner, Keitel and others who had not gone through a long military schooling failed to perceive these mistakes. This represented something of a propaganda coup for the Soviets. Hoffmeister was also featured in NKFD-produced propaganda leaflets. Hoffmeister died in 1951 while still in captivity in Asbest POW camp.
Edmund Hoffmeister (* 4. März 1893 in Aschaffenburg; † 20. Februar 1951 im Lager Nr. 476 Asbest, Oblast Swerdlowsk, Russland) war ein deutscher Offizier, zuletzt Generalleutnant im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Edmund Hoffmeister (4 mars 1893 à Aschaffenbourg - 20 février 1951 dans un camp de prisonniers de guerre soviétique près de Asbest) est un Generalleutnant allemand qui a servi au sein de la Heer dans la Wehrmacht pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il a été récipiendaire de la croix de chevalier de la Croix de fer. Cette décoration est attribuée pour récompenser un acte d'une extrême bravoure sur le champ de bataille ou un commandement militaire avec succès.
Edmund Hoffmeister foi um General Alemão que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial, sendo capturado e faleceu em cativeiro. Nasceu em Aschaffenburg em 4 de Março de 1893, faleceu no cativeiro em 1951. Ele foi um oficial cadete e após um Leutnant num regimento de infantaria em 1914. Em Setembro de 1939, se tornou um Oberstleutnant e comandante de um regimento de infantaria. Promovido à Oberst em 1 de Março de 1940, se tornou Generalmajor em 1 de Setembro de 1943 e Generalleutnant em 1 de Março de 1944. Ele comandou sucessivamente o Regimento de Infantaria 206 (10 de Dezembro de 1940), Regimento de Infantaria 61 (1 de Outubro de 1942), 383ª Divisão de Infantaria (1 de Julho de 1943) e o XXXXI Corpo Panzer (20 de Junho de 1944, m.d.F.b.). Foi feito prisioneiro pelos Soviéticos em 1 de Julho de 1944, e faleceu no cativeiro em 1951.
Edmund Hoffmeister, född 4 mars 1893 i Aschaffenburg (Bayern), död 1951 i krigsfångeläger vid Asbest i Sovjetunionen, var en tysk militär; Generallöjtnant. Han tilldelades i oktober 1943 Riddarkorset av Järnkorset. Hoffmeister hamnade i sovjetisk fångenskap 1 juli 1944.
Эдмунд Хоффмайстер (4 марта 1893, Ашаффенбург, Королевство Бавария, Германская империя—20 февраля 1951, Асбест, Свердловская область, СССР) — германский военачальник, генерал-лейтенант вермахта. Награждён Рыцарским крестом Железного креста (1943).
(to 1933)
(to 1918)
383rd Infantry Division