EWI (musical instrument)
http://dbpedia.org/resource/EWI_(musical_instrument) an entity of type: Thing
Un Electronic Wind Instrument (ou EWI) est un (en) inventé par Nyle Steiner dans les années 1970. Cet instrument permet de piloter un synthétiseur avec le souffle. Plusieurs modèles de marques différentes ont ensuite été fabriqués.
EWIシリーズ(アカイ・イーウィ・シリーズ)はAKAI professionalのウインドシンセサイザーの型番・商品名。ヤマハ・WXシリーズと並んで、ウインドシンセサイザーの代名詞的に用いられていた。 が製作したスタイナーホーン(トランペットタイプのウィンドシンセサイザーで、EVI1000の原型)であり、独特のコントロール体系を持っていたため人気を博した。その優れた表現力に木管楽器奏者が注目、木管楽器タイプのコントローラーの製作をスタイナーに依頼し、完成させたものがEWI1000の原型である。当初は完全ハンドメイド。 だが人気が出たため生産が追いつかなくなり、AKAIがライセンスを買取り、EWI1000として製品化した。 マイケル・ブレッカーや伊東たけしも開発に携わった。 T-SQUAREの歴代サクソフォーン奏者(伊東たけし、本田雅人、宮崎隆睦)が使用していることで知られている。
L'Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) è uno strumento musicale elettrofono.
EWI (ang. Electric Wind Instrument) – seria dętych kontrolerów MIDI firmy AKAI, instrumentu muzycznego zaprojektowanego przez . W Polsce na EWI grają m.in. Marcin Nowakowski, Maciej Maleńczuk, , i oraz Krzysztof Rudowski, .
EWI (from electronic wind instrument, pronounced EE-wee) is a type of wind controller, an electronic musical instrument. The EWI was invented by , his second electronic wind instrument design. Steiner originally brought to market a brass style fingering analogue wind synthesizer instrument known as the EVI in the 1970s. Steiner then went on to develop the EWI which had a unique fingering system closer to the woodwind style. These instrument designs first working models appeared in the 1970s, with the EWI appearing commercially during the early 1980s.
O EWI, acrônimo em inglês de Electronic Wind Instrument, ou Instrumento Eletrônico de Sopro, é um instrumento musical eletrônico desenvolvido pela Akai Electronic Musical Instruments Corporation of Japan. Embora seja geralmente associado com jazz / fusion e, mais recentemente, com a música New Age, o EWI é um instrumento musicalmente versátil. O sensor de pressão do ar permite uma grande gama dinâmica, especialmente em combinação com um sintetizador analógico. Gama tonal também é grande, geralmente estendendo oito oitavas.
En EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument) benämns en grupp elektroniska blåsinstrument liknande en elektrisk klarinett/saxofon, som kopplas till en synthmodul eller dator. De senare modellerna har inbyggda ljud och behöver varken dator eller synthmodul (endast PA/Förstärkare). EWI har använts flitigt inom jazz av bland annat grupper som Hawk On Flight. Den största tillverkaren är och deras största konkurrent är Yamaha. En EWI har en del funktioner som vanliga blåsinstrument saknar:
EWI (musical instrument)
Electronic Wind Instrument
Electronic Wind Instrument
EWI (from electronic wind instrument, pronounced EE-wee) is a type of wind controller, an electronic musical instrument. The EWI was invented by , his second electronic wind instrument design. Steiner originally brought to market a brass style fingering analogue wind synthesizer instrument known as the EVI in the 1970s. Steiner then went on to develop the EWI which had a unique fingering system closer to the woodwind style. These instrument designs first working models appeared in the 1970s, with the EWI appearing commercially during the early 1980s. The early models of EWI and EVI consisted of two parts: a wind controller and a digitally-controlled analog synthesizer in a rackmount box (which also houses the instrument's electronics). Akai took over the EVI and EWI instruments from Steiner and released several models with his help. Today Akai only makes designs based around the EWI, having dropped the less commercially successful EVI. The current Akai models EWI5000, and EWI SOLO contain built-in sample-based digital synthesizers and don't strictly require an external box. Akai also offered the EWI USB, a five-octave MIDI controller that connects directly to a Mac or Windows computer via USB and uses software for control. EWIs, depending on the brand (Akai or Berglund; the latter referred to as NuRad), can use the Boehm fingering system used by most woodwind instruments, or other fingerings, like that of the recorder or tin whistle. The instrument feels somewhat like a soprano saxophone or clarinet, except that its keys are activated by touch rather than being depressed (i.e. the player's fingers don't rest on the keys). Nyle Steiner’s EWI fingering was novel because it does not operate as an acoustic instrument. Instead of closing or opening a hole, each EWI key acts as a pitch modifier that can change note values by plus or minus a half step or whole step. As a result, fingerings that are similar to that of a Boehm instrument, but many other alternate fingers are possible on EWI that are not possible on acoustic instruments. This gave Steiner’s invention flexibility yet remains familiar to woodwind players. Later generation EWIs can be switched to flute, oboe, and saxophone fingering modes. The EWI 5000 and EWI USB also have an electronic valve instrument (EVI) fingering mode that allows brass players to play the EWI. Like a straight soprano saxophone or clarinet, the EWI is straight with a slight inward bend a few inches below the mouthpiece, and it is held in front of the body with a neck strap. The EWI has a silicone mouthpiece with sensors for air pressure (sending MIDI Breath Control by default) and bite pressure (which sends vibrato, more specifically a quick pitch up-down "blip" by default, but can also be routed to modulation or other CC controls of the player's preference). Because the EWI keys do not move (instead, they sense when fingers are touching them by body capacitance). Owing to the touch capacitative switches and breath and bite sensors the instrument is highly responsive, however, this sensitive nature of the touch capacitative switches does not immediately appeal to all players, some of which may prefer electronic wind instruments with mechanical buttons on which they can rest their fingers, more similar to a saxophone, though a short period of adjustment will allow wind players to easily adapt. It also requires substantially less breath control than an acoustic instrument; breath sensitivity is one of the parameters that can be adjusted to the player's preference. Unlike acoustic wind instruments, the fingering is identical in every octave. The current octave is determined by putting your left thumb between any two of the four to eight rollers (*depending on model), and also by rolling the thumb to the ends of the EWI USB roller track to achieve the fifth octave from just the four-octave rollers on that model. Touching a plate next to the rollers sends portamento by default (this portamento strip is not on the EWI USB). EWI USB and EWI 5000 also have pitch bend up and down plates all operated by the right thumb. The latest EWI known as Solo only has pitch bend down plate so the player has to scoop up from the bottom pitch down plate before blowing a note for an upwards pitch bend which will be of a more limited range compared to all the other twin bend plate EWI models; this sacrifice apparently made as the thumb hold at the same position also supports the greater weight of the instrument. The Solo however has seen the addition of a dedicated F# key to the EWI key sensors. A key not seen before on previous EWI models, which should be welcome for players using the saxophone fingering mode instead of traditional EWI. EWI models can control external synthesizers or other MIDI instruments, either simultaneously or instead of the synthesizers that come with the instrument. Earlier EWIs require the external box unit, while the discontinued (as of 2019) EWI4000s and still currently available EWI5000 have built-in MIDI outputs. The newest EWI SOLO and the now discontinued (as of 2022) EWI USB have only a USB connector. In 2021 a small volume (cottage industry) company Berglund also makes its own original variations on classic Steiner EVI and EWI designs, approved and demonstrated by Nyle Steiner himself. The Berglund designs offer MIDI over wireless, unlike the current Akai products (as of 2022). Wireless MIDI can be achieved on the Akai models with unofficial third party add on products at lower cost, albeit in a somewhat DIY fashion. Any EWI can play software synthesizers running on a computer.
Un Electronic Wind Instrument (ou EWI) est un (en) inventé par Nyle Steiner dans les années 1970. Cet instrument permet de piloter un synthétiseur avec le souffle. Plusieurs modèles de marques différentes ont ensuite été fabriqués.
EWIシリーズ(アカイ・イーウィ・シリーズ)はAKAI professionalのウインドシンセサイザーの型番・商品名。ヤマハ・WXシリーズと並んで、ウインドシンセサイザーの代名詞的に用いられていた。 が製作したスタイナーホーン(トランペットタイプのウィンドシンセサイザーで、EVI1000の原型)であり、独特のコントロール体系を持っていたため人気を博した。その優れた表現力に木管楽器奏者が注目、木管楽器タイプのコントローラーの製作をスタイナーに依頼し、完成させたものがEWI1000の原型である。当初は完全ハンドメイド。 だが人気が出たため生産が追いつかなくなり、AKAIがライセンスを買取り、EWI1000として製品化した。 マイケル・ブレッカーや伊東たけしも開発に携わった。 T-SQUAREの歴代サクソフォーン奏者(伊東たけし、本田雅人、宮崎隆睦)が使用していることで知られている。
L'Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) è uno strumento musicale elettrofono.
EWI (ang. Electric Wind Instrument) – seria dętych kontrolerów MIDI firmy AKAI, instrumentu muzycznego zaprojektowanego przez . W Polsce na EWI grają m.in. Marcin Nowakowski, Maciej Maleńczuk, , i oraz Krzysztof Rudowski, .
O EWI, acrônimo em inglês de Electronic Wind Instrument, ou Instrumento Eletrônico de Sopro, é um instrumento musical eletrônico desenvolvido pela Akai Electronic Musical Instruments Corporation of Japan. Os primeiros modelos consistiam em duas partes: um controlador de sopro (wind controller) e um sintetizador. O atual modelo, EWI 4000S, combina as duas partes em um, colocando o sintetizador na seção inferior do controlador. Ele usa o sistema de digitação Boehm e foi projetado para ser semelhante em ação a um saxofone soprano, embora clarinetistas não devam ter nenhum problema de adaptação à digitação. Como um saxofone soprano, ele é reto, e é empunhado em frente ao corpo com o auxílio de uma um correia presa ao pescoço. Os principais fabricantes de controladores de sopro são Akai e Yamaha. Modelos disponíveis incluem o AKAI-EWI3020, AKAI-EWI4000s, Yamaha WX-5, Yamaha WX-11, e Yamaha WX-7. Há também um controlador destinado a músicos que tocam em instrumentos de metal, como o trompete, chamado EVI, acrônimo para Electric Valve Instrument, ou Instrumeno Eletrônico de Válvulas. O Akai EWI4000S EVI tem um modo especial que permite a músicos de instrumentos de metais tocar o EWI. Há também outros EWIs experimentais com desenhos diferentes. A parte controladora de sopro do EWI tem uma boquilha com sensores de pressão do ar (controle de volume) e pressão do lábio (vibrato). As chaves do EWI não se movem, mas funcionam através de condutividade, sentindo o posicionamento dos dedos por corrente elétrica; isso permite tocar muito rápido. A oitava é determinada por um conjunto de rolos operado pelo polegar esquerdo. O controlador de sopro é usado para controlar um sintetizador. Alguns EWIs têm de ser ligados a um módulo sintetizador específico, e alguns têm saída direta para a interface MIDI. Embora seja geralmente associado com jazz / fusion e, mais recentemente, com a música New Age, o EWI é um instrumento musicalmente versátil. O sensor de pressão do ar permite uma grande gama dinâmica, especialmente em combinação com um sintetizador analógico. Gama tonal também é grande, geralmente estendendo oito oitavas.
En EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument) benämns en grupp elektroniska blåsinstrument liknande en elektrisk klarinett/saxofon, som kopplas till en synthmodul eller dator. De senare modellerna har inbyggda ljud och behöver varken dator eller synthmodul (endast PA/Förstärkare). EWI har använts flitigt inom jazz av bland annat grupper som Hawk On Flight. Den största tillverkaren är och deras största konkurrent är Yamaha. EWI utvecklades först av amerikanen på 1970-talet efter hans uppfinning av EVI (Electronic Valve Instrument), en elektronisk form av bleckblåsinstrument, och började användas av musiker under 1980-talet. Vidare utveckling av denna sorts elektroniska instrumentteknik görs under 2000-talet bland annat av (Berglund Instruments/NuRad) i Sverige. Fingersättningen liknar den som saxofonister använder och därmed liknar den alla träblåsinstrumentens fingersättningar, eftersom de är väldigt lika. En sak som dock skiljer sig är att man måste dra tummen över en sensor för att byta oktav. På den senare modellen (EWI 4000s) kan man ändra en inställning så att man får samma fingersättning som på brassinstrument (trumpet, ventilbasun etc.) Detta ersätter den tidigare EVI:n (Electronic Valve Instrument). Det finns 100 förinställda ljud i den, men med hjälp av en dator kan man göra egna ljud och även köpa ljud från Internet. Den kan också kopplas till en separat synthmodul eller användas i datorprogram som till exempel Reason eller Cubase. Detta gör i princip att mängden olika ljud som kan användas blir obegränsad. En EWI har en del funktioner som vanliga blåsinstrument saknar:
* En platta som man för tummen över för att göra glissando.
* Möjlighet att spela en ton samtidigt som den förra fortfarande klingar.
* Transponering (även om vissa instrument faktiskt kan transponeras genom att ta bort eller sätta dit en extra del)
* Ett otroligt tonomfång, åtta oktaver(!), vilket är mer än vad ett piano har.