Drummond Mine explosion
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The Drummond Mine explosion, also called the Drummond Colliery Disaster, was a mining accident that happened in Westville, Pictou County, Nova Scotia on May 13, 1873. In the 1870s, the Drummond mine was considered Canada's leading colliery. However, small fires were constantly erupting in the coal seams. On May 13, 1873 Fireman Robert McLeod started a small fire with gunpowder on a ledge of coal and attempted to extinguish it in the usual way, with a bucket of water. Unable to do so after 20 minutes and several buckets, he left and alerted the manager, James Dunn. When he returned, the blaze had grown beyond control. He ran for safety, just as the first explosion occurred, around 12:15.
L'esplosione della miniera di Drummond, chiamata anche Disastro della miniera di carbone di Drummond, fu un che ebbe luogo a Westville, nella contea di Pictou, in Nuova Scozia, in Canada, il 13 maggio 1873.
Drummond Mine explosion
Esplosione della miniera di Drummomd
45.5568 -62.70415
The Drummond Mine explosion, also called the Drummond Colliery Disaster, was a mining accident that happened in Westville, Pictou County, Nova Scotia on May 13, 1873. In the 1870s, the Drummond mine was considered Canada's leading colliery. However, small fires were constantly erupting in the coal seams. On May 13, 1873 Fireman Robert McLeod started a small fire with gunpowder on a ledge of coal and attempted to extinguish it in the usual way, with a bucket of water. Unable to do so after 20 minutes and several buckets, he left and alerted the manager, James Dunn. When he returned, the blaze had grown beyond control. He ran for safety, just as the first explosion occurred, around 12:15. The first explosion killed and wounded many in the mine, including manager James Dunn. As miners on the surface were discussing the rescue of the injured, the second explosion occurred. This was far more powerful, acting with the force of a volcano. Towers of flame spewed miners, timber, and rocks from all the mine entrances. A closed older mine, the Campbell Workings, connected to the Drummond mine was also reopened by the blast. The second explosion was followed by others. The fire was finally contained and extinguished five days later by diverting streams into all openings and then filling them with gravel, clay and debris. Seventy men either died in the explosion or were sealed in the mine.
L'esplosione della miniera di Drummond, chiamata anche Disastro della miniera di carbone di Drummond, fu un che ebbe luogo a Westville, nella contea di Pictou, in Nuova Scozia, in Canada, il 13 maggio 1873. Sebbene negli anni '70 del 1800, la fosse considerata la principale miniera di carbone del Canada, non era insolito che scoppiassero dei piccoli fuochi nei giacimenti di carbone. Il 13 maggio 1873 il pompiere Robert McLeod accese un piccolo fuoco con della polvere da sparo su una sporgenza di carbone e tentò di spegnerlo con un secchio d'acqua. Non riuscendoci, dopo 20 minuti e diversi secchi, lasciò perdere e avvertì il direttore, James Dunn. Quando arrivarono, l'incendio era ormai fuori controllo. Corsero in cerca di aiuto proprio quando si verificò la prima esplosione, verso le 12:15. La prima esplosione uccise e ferì molti operai della miniera, incluso il direttore James Dunn. Mentre i minatori in superficie stavano discutendo del salvataggio dei feriti, si verificò una seconda esplosione molto più potente. Una miniera chiusa, la Campbell Workings, collegata alla miniera di Drummond, fu riaperta dall'esplosione. La seconda esplosione fu seguita da altre. Il fuoco fu contenuto ed estinto solo cinque giorni. Settanta uomini morirono nell'esplosione o rimanendo intrappolati all'interno della miniera.
POINT(-62.704151153564 45.556800842285)