Donald Trump and golf
第45任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普很喜欢打高尔夫球,也和这项运动关系密切。作为一名房地产开发商,特朗普在1999年开始收购和建设高尔夫球场。到2016年当选为美国总统时,他的控股公司特朗普集团已经在全球范围内拥有17个高尔夫球场。这些球场被指定举办PGA錦標賽和LPGA錦標賽等赛事。 在当选总统后,特朗普打破先例,并未放弃自己包括高尔夫球场在内的商业资产。虽然这并不违法,但招致了道德律师和记者对潜在利益冲突的批评。几起诉讼声称,外国人在特朗普高尔夫球场和酒店的付款违反了美国宪法的薪酬条款。特朗普作为总统,占据大量时间打高尔夫球的行为也引发了争议。
Donald Trump is closely associated with the sport of golf. As a real estate developer, Trump began acquiring and constructing golf courses in 1999. By the time of his election as United States President in 2016, he owned 17 golf courses worldwide through his holding company, the Trump Organization. Courses owned by Trump have been selected to host various PGA and LPGA events, including the 2022 PGA Championship (although the PGA terminated this in the aftermath of the 2021 United States Capitol attack). A spokesman for the Trump Organization said that "This is a breach of a binding contract and they have no right to terminate the agreement".
El 45.º presidente de los Estados Unidos de América Donald Trump está estrechamente asociado con el deporte del golf. Como desarrollador inmobiliario y empresario, Trump comenzó a adquirir y construir campos de dicho deporte en 1999. En el momento de su elección como presidente (2016) era dueño de 17 campos de golf en todo el mundo a través de su sociedad empresarial, la Organización Trump.
Donald Trump y el golf
Donald Trump and golf
El 45.º presidente de los Estados Unidos de América Donald Trump está estrechamente asociado con el deporte del golf. Como desarrollador inmobiliario y empresario, Trump comenzó a adquirir y construir campos de dicho deporte en 1999. En el momento de su elección como presidente (2016) era dueño de 17 campos de golf en todo el mundo a través de su sociedad empresarial, la Organización Trump. Los campos propiedad de Trump han sido seleccionados para albergar varios eventos de la Professional Golfers' Association of America (PGA) y la LPGA. Aunque la final del Campeonato de la PGA 2022 en un principio tenía contemplado usar uno de ellos como sede, esto fue cancelado. Después de su elección, Trump rompió el precedente con los presidentes recientes y decidió no deshacerse de sus participaciones comerciales, incluidos sus campos de golf. Aunque no es ilegal, esto generó críticas por parte de abogados de ética y periodistas por posibles conflictos de intereses.
Donald Trump is closely associated with the sport of golf. As a real estate developer, Trump began acquiring and constructing golf courses in 1999. By the time of his election as United States President in 2016, he owned 17 golf courses worldwide through his holding company, the Trump Organization. Courses owned by Trump have been selected to host various PGA and LPGA events, including the 2022 PGA Championship (although the PGA terminated this in the aftermath of the 2021 United States Capitol attack). A spokesman for the Trump Organization said that "This is a breach of a binding contract and they have no right to terminate the agreement". Following his election, Trump broke precedent with recent presidents and chose not to divest from his business holdings, including his golf courses. Although not illegal, this led to criticism from ethics lawyers and journalists for potential conflicts of interest. At least three lawsuits (D.C. and Maryland v. Trump, Blumenthal v. Trump and CREW v. Trump) have been filed claiming that foreign payments at Trump golf courses and hotels violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
第45任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普很喜欢打高尔夫球,也和这项运动关系密切。作为一名房地产开发商,特朗普在1999年开始收购和建设高尔夫球场。到2016年当选为美国总统时,他的控股公司特朗普集团已经在全球范围内拥有17个高尔夫球场。这些球场被指定举办PGA錦標賽和LPGA錦標賽等赛事。 在当选总统后,特朗普打破先例,并未放弃自己包括高尔夫球场在内的商业资产。虽然这并不违法,但招致了道德律师和记者对潜在利益冲突的批评。几起诉讼声称,外国人在特朗普高尔夫球场和酒店的付款违反了美国宪法的薪酬条款。特朗普作为总统,占据大量时间打高尔夫球的行为也引发了争议。