Dixie National Forest
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Dixie_National_Forest an entity of type: Thing
Der Dixie National Forest ist ein Nationalforst im US-Bundesstaat Utah. Mit einer Fläche von fast zwei Millionen Acres (8000 km²) ist er der größte National Forest in Utah. Er besteht aus mehreren großflächig zusammenhängenden Waldgebieten im Besitz der US-Bundesregierung. Wie alle Nationalforste dient er in erster Linie der Forst- und Weidewirtschaft, daneben hat er eine erhebliche Freizeitfunktion.
La Forêt nationale de Dixie (Dixie National Forest) est une forêt nationale américaine située dans l'État de l'Utah aux États-Unis. Le quartier général du service local des forêts qui gèrent la forêt est localisé à Cedar City. La forêt est par ailleurs localisée à l'extrémité orientale du parc national de Bryce Canyon.
迪克西国家森林(英語:Dixie National Forest)是犹他州的一座美国国家森林,行政中心位于雪松城。森林面积1,889,106英畝(764,494公頃),向南犹他州的方向延伸约170英里(270公里)。迪克西国家森林是犹他州最大的国家森林,位于大盆地和科羅拉多河之间。依照林地面积从多到少排名,森林地处加菲爾德縣、華盛頓縣、艾昂縣、凯恩县、韋恩縣和派尤特縣之中,其中主体林地(超过55%)位于加菲爾德縣。此外,森林也有森林巡逻站区域办公室,分别位于雪松城、埃斯卡兰特、潘圭奇、圣乔治和。
Dixie National Forest is a United States National Forest in Utah with headquarters in Cedar City. It occupies almost two million acres (8,000 km²) and stretches for about 170 miles (270 km) across southern Utah. The largest national forest in Utah, it straddles the divide between the Great Basin and the Colorado River. In descending order of forestland area it is located in parts of Garfield, Washington, Iron, Kane, Wayne, and Piute counties. The majority (over 55%) of forest acreage lies in Garfield County.
La foresta nazionale di Dixie è una foresta nazionale degli Stati Uniti d'America nello Stato dello Utah la cui sede è a Cedar City. Occupa quasi 8.000 km² e si allunga per circa 270 km attraverso lo Utah meridionale. La più grande foresta nazionale dello Utah, si trova a cavallo della divisione tra il Gran Bacino e il fiume Colorado. In ordine decrescente di superficie forestale, è localizzata in parti delle contee di Garfield, Iron, Kane, Piute, Washington e Wayne. La maggioranza (oltre il 55%) del territorio della foresta si trova nella contea di Garfield. Ci sono uffici distrettuali locali delle guardie forestali (i rangers del National Park Service) a Cedar City, Escalante, Panguitch, St. George e .
Dixie National Forest is een bosgebied bij Cedar City in de Amerikaanse staat Utah, ten oosten van de Interstate 15. Het bosgebied is circa 8.000 km² groot, en het grootste bosgebied in Utah. Het ligt tussen het Great Basin en de rivier de Colorado. Het ligt in Garfield County, Washington County, Iron County, Kane County, Wayne County en Piute County. Het grootste deel (circa 55%) ligt in Garfield County.
* Bull Fire in 2006
* Three Mile Canyon vanaf FS Road 083
* Tippets Valley vanaf FS Road 381
* ORV Trail in Reed's Valley vanaf FS Road 381
* Box-Death Hollow Wilderness
* Hiking Sand Creek
Dixie National Forest
Dixie National Forest
Forêt nationale de Dixie
Foresta nazionale di Dixie
Dixie National Forest
Dixie National Forest
Dixie National Forest
Garfield, Iron, Kane, Piute, Washington, and Wayne counties, Utah, U.S.
A map of the United States showing the location of Dixie National Forest
Red Canyon at Scenic Byway 12
38.03333333333333 -111.63333333333334
Dixie National Forest is a United States National Forest in Utah with headquarters in Cedar City. It occupies almost two million acres (8,000 km²) and stretches for about 170 miles (270 km) across southern Utah. The largest national forest in Utah, it straddles the divide between the Great Basin and the Colorado River. In descending order of forestland area it is located in parts of Garfield, Washington, Iron, Kane, Wayne, and Piute counties. The majority (over 55%) of forest acreage lies in Garfield County. Elevations vary from 2,800 feet (850 m) above sea level near St. George, Utah to 11,322 feet (3,451 m) at Blue Bell Knoll on Boulder Mountain. The southern rim of the Great Basin, near the Colorado River, provides spectacular scenery. Colorado River canyons are made up of multi-colored cliffs and steep-walled gorges. The Forest is divided into four geographic areas. High altitude forests in gently rolling hills characterize the Markagunt, Paunsaugunt, and Aquarius Plateaus. Boulder Mountain, one of the largest high-elevation plateaus in the United States, is dotted with hundreds of small lakes 10,000–11,000 feet (3,000–3,400 m) above sea level. The forest includes the Pine Valley Mountains north of St. George. The Forest has many climatic extremes. Precipitation ranges from 10 inches (250 mm) in the lower elevations to more than 40 inches (1,000 mm) per year near Brian Head 11,307 feet (3,446 m). At the higher elevations, most of the annual precipitation falls as snow. Thunderstorms are common during July and August and produce heavy rains. In some areas, August is the wettest month of the year. Temperature extremes can be impressive, with summer temperatures exceeding 100 °F (38 °C) near St. George and winter lows exceeding −30 °F (−34 °C) on the plateau tops. The vegetation of the Forest grades from sparse, desert-type plants at the lower elevations to stand of low-growing pinyon pine and juniper dominating the mid-elevations. At the higher elevations, aspen and conifers such as pine, spruce, and fir predominate. The Dixie Forest Reserve was established on September 25, 1905 by the General Land Office. The name was derived from the local description of the warm southern part of Utah as "Dixie". In 1906 the U.S. Forest Service assumed responsibility for the lands, and on March 4, 1907 it became a National Forest. The western part of Sevier National Forest was added on July 1, 1922, and all of Powell National Forest on October 1, 1944.
Der Dixie National Forest ist ein Nationalforst im US-Bundesstaat Utah. Mit einer Fläche von fast zwei Millionen Acres (8000 km²) ist er der größte National Forest in Utah. Er besteht aus mehreren großflächig zusammenhängenden Waldgebieten im Besitz der US-Bundesregierung. Wie alle Nationalforste dient er in erster Linie der Forst- und Weidewirtschaft, daneben hat er eine erhebliche Freizeitfunktion.
La Forêt nationale de Dixie (Dixie National Forest) est une forêt nationale américaine située dans l'État de l'Utah aux États-Unis. Le quartier général du service local des forêts qui gèrent la forêt est localisé à Cedar City. La forêt est par ailleurs localisée à l'extrémité orientale du parc national de Bryce Canyon.
La foresta nazionale di Dixie è una foresta nazionale degli Stati Uniti d'America nello Stato dello Utah la cui sede è a Cedar City. Occupa quasi 8.000 km² e si allunga per circa 270 km attraverso lo Utah meridionale. La più grande foresta nazionale dello Utah, si trova a cavallo della divisione tra il Gran Bacino e il fiume Colorado. In ordine decrescente di superficie forestale, è localizzata in parti delle contee di Garfield, Iron, Kane, Piute, Washington e Wayne. La maggioranza (oltre il 55%) del territorio della foresta si trova nella contea di Garfield. Ci sono uffici distrettuali locali delle guardie forestali (i rangers del National Park Service) a Cedar City, Escalante, Panguitch, St. George e . Le altezze variano da 850 m sul livello del mare vicino a St. George (Utah) a 3.451 m presso il Blue Bell Knoll sul . Il bordo meridionale del Gran Bacino, vicino al fiume Colorado, offre un panorama spettacolare. I canyon del fiume Colorado sono costituiti da dirupi multicolori e da gole dalle pareti scoscese.
Dixie National Forest is een bosgebied bij Cedar City in de Amerikaanse staat Utah, ten oosten van de Interstate 15. Het bosgebied is circa 8.000 km² groot, en het grootste bosgebied in Utah. Het ligt tussen het Great Basin en de rivier de Colorado. Het ligt in Garfield County, Washington County, Iron County, Kane County, Wayne County en Piute County. Het grootste deel (circa 55%) ligt in Garfield County. Het ligt circa 850 m boven zeeniveau bij St. George tot 3.451 m bij Blue Bell Knoll bij . Het bestaat uit het Markagunt Plateau, het Paunsagunt Plateau en het Aquarius Plateau. Er zijn vele meren. Brian Head Peak ligt op 3.446 m. In de zomer kan de temperatuur oplopen tot 38° C bij St. George; in de winter kan de temperatuur op de toppen dalen tot -34° C. Het Dixie Forest Reserve is opgericht op 25 september 1905 door het General Land Office.
* Bull Fire in 2006
* Three Mile Canyon vanaf FS Road 083
* Tippets Valley vanaf FS Road 381
* ORV Trail in Reed's Valley vanaf FS Road 381
* Box-Death Hollow Wilderness
* Box-Death Hollow Wilderness
* Hiking Sand Creek
* Rockslide
迪克西国家森林(英語:Dixie National Forest)是犹他州的一座美国国家森林,行政中心位于雪松城。森林面积1,889,106英畝(764,494公頃),向南犹他州的方向延伸约170英里(270公里)。迪克西国家森林是犹他州最大的国家森林,位于大盆地和科羅拉多河之间。依照林地面积从多到少排名,森林地处加菲爾德縣、華盛頓縣、艾昂縣、凯恩县、韋恩縣和派尤特縣之中,其中主体林地(超过55%)位于加菲爾德縣。此外,森林也有森林巡逻站区域办公室,分别位于雪松城、埃斯卡兰特、潘圭奇、圣乔治和。
A photo of Scenic Byway 12 and a Dixie National Forest sign in Red Canyon
POINT(-111.63333129883 38.033332824707)