DiVincenzo's criteria
迪文森佐準則(DiVincenzo's criteria)是建構量子電腦的必要條件,由理論物理學家(David P.DiVincenzo)於2000年提出。量子電腦是由數學家尤里·馬寧於1980年以及物理學家理查德·費曼於1982年首次提出,可作為有效模擬量子系統的工具,像是用於解決量子多體問題。 關於如何建構量子計算機的建議相當多,對於在建構量子元件時所遇到的種種挑戰,這些建議都取得了不同程度的成功。其中一些建議是使用、、或,這些建議表明量子電腦的前景良好,但也存在阻礙其實現的問題。 迪文森佐準則由七項條件組成,實驗裝置必須符合這些條件,才得以實現如Grover的搜索演算法或Shor質因數分解演算法之類的量子演算法。前五項條件涉及量子計算本身,另外兩項條件則與實現量子通訊有關,比如量子密鑰分發中所使用的條件。我們可以證明,傳統電腦會滿足迪文森佐準則。而對傳統體系和量子體系滿足準則能力的比較,既突顯出處理量子系統時所出現的複雜性,也突顯了量子加速的起源。
The DiVincenzo criteria are conditions necessary for constructing a quantum computer, conditions proposed in 2000 by the theoretical physicist David P. DiVincenzo, as being those necessary to construct such a computer—a computer first proposed by mathematician Yuri Manin, in 1980, and physicist Richard Feynman, in 1982—as a means to efficiently simulate quantum systems, such as in solving the quantum many-body problem.
DiVincenzo's criteria
The DiVincenzo criteria are conditions necessary for constructing a quantum computer, conditions proposed in 2000 by the theoretical physicist David P. DiVincenzo, as being those necessary to construct such a computer—a computer first proposed by mathematician Yuri Manin, in 1980, and physicist Richard Feynman, in 1982—as a means to efficiently simulate quantum systems, such as in solving the quantum many-body problem. There have been many proposals for how to construct a quantum computer, all of which meet with varying degrees of success against the different challenges of constructing quantum devices. Some of these proposals involve using superconducting qubits, trapped ions, liquid and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, or optical cluster states, all of which show good prospects but also have issues that prevent their practical implementation. The DiVincenzo criteria consist of seven conditions an experimental setup must satisfy to successfully implement quantum algorithms such as Grover's search algorithm or Shor factorization. The first five conditions regard quantum computation itself. Two additional conditions regard implementing quantum communication, such as that used in quantum key distribution. One can demonstrate that DiVincenzo's criteria are satisfied by a classical computer. Comparing the ability of classical and quantum regimes to satisfy the criteria highlights both the complications that arise in dealing with quantum systems and the source of the quantum speed up.
迪文森佐準則(DiVincenzo's criteria)是建構量子電腦的必要條件,由理論物理學家(David P.DiVincenzo)於2000年提出。量子電腦是由數學家尤里·馬寧於1980年以及物理學家理查德·費曼於1982年首次提出,可作為有效模擬量子系統的工具,像是用於解決量子多體問題。 關於如何建構量子計算機的建議相當多,對於在建構量子元件時所遇到的種種挑戰,這些建議都取得了不同程度的成功。其中一些建議是使用、、或,這些建議表明量子電腦的前景良好,但也存在阻礙其實現的問題。 迪文森佐準則由七項條件組成,實驗裝置必須符合這些條件,才得以實現如Grover的搜索演算法或Shor質因數分解演算法之類的量子演算法。前五項條件涉及量子計算本身,另外兩項條件則與實現量子通訊有關,比如量子密鑰分發中所使用的條件。我們可以證明,傳統電腦會滿足迪文森佐準則。而對傳統體系和量子體系滿足準則能力的比較,既突顯出處理量子系統時所出現的複雜性,也突顯了量子加速的起源。