Decades of the New World an entity of type: Thing
De orbe novo ("Il mondo nuovo") è un trattato scritto da Pietro Martire d'Anghiera in cui viene descritto il primo contatto fra gli Europei e i nativi americani.
Decades of the New World (De orbe novo decades) by Peter Martyr is a series of letters and reports of the early explorations of Central and South America that was published beginning 1511 and later anthologized. Being among the earliest such reports, Decades are of great value in the history of geography and discovery and describe the early contacts of Europeans and Native Americans derived from the narrative of the voyages of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and the reports from Hernán Cortés's Mexican expedition.
Se denomina Décadas de Orbe Novo o Décadas del Nuevo Mundo, a una obra escrita en latín por el italiano Pedro Mártir de Anglería, cuyo título es De Orbe Novo decades octo. La obra esta conformada por ocho partes donde cada una abarca una década, cada una de ellas fue escrita en diez libros. Mártir de Anglería escribió su obra entre 1494 y 1526, en 1511 se publicó en Sevilla la primera década. Cinco años después se publicó en Alcalá de Henares la versión oficial de las tres primeras décadas.
Décadas de Orbe Novo
Decades of the New World
De orbe novo
Decades of the New World (De orbe novo decades) by Peter Martyr is a series of letters and reports of the early explorations of Central and South America that was published beginning 1511 and later anthologized. Being among the earliest such reports, Decades are of great value in the history of geography and discovery and describe the early contacts of Europeans and Native Americans derived from the narrative of the voyages of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and the reports from Hernán Cortés's Mexican expedition. The Decades consisted of eight reports, two of which Martyr had previously sent as letters describing the voyages of Columbus, to Cardinal Ascanius Sforza in 1493 and 1494. In 1501 Martyr, as requested by the Cardinal of Aragon, added eight chapters on the voyage of Columbus and the exploits of Martin Alonzo Pinzón. In 1511 he added a supplement giving an account of events from 1501 to 1511. By 1516 he had finished two other Decades:
* The first was devoted to the exploits of Alonso de Ojeda, Diego de Nicuesa, and Vasco Núñez de Balboa. It was first published against his consent in a Venetian-Italian summary in Venice in 1504, reprinted in 1507, and published in a Latin translation in 1508. The original Latin text was published in 1511.
* The second gave an account of Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean, Columbus' fourth voyage, and the expeditions of Pedrarias Dávila.
* The first three appeared together at Alcalá de Henares in 1516 under the title: De orbe novo decades cum Legatione Babylonica.
* The Enchiridion de nuper sub D. Carolo repertis insulis (Basle, 1521) was printed as the fourth Decade, describing the voyages of Francisco Hernández de Córdoba, Juan de Grijalva, and Hernán Cortés.
* The fifth Decade (1523) dealt with the conquest of Mexico and the circumnavigation of the world by Ferdinand Magellan.
* The sixth Decade (1524) gave an account of Dávila's discoveries on the west coast of America.
* The seventh Decade (1525) had collected descriptions of the customs of the natives in present-day South Carolina, including the "Testimony of Francisco de Chicora", a Native American taken captive there; as well as those of natives in Florida, Haiti, Cuba, and Darién.
* The eighth Decade (1525) told the story of the march of Cortés against Olit. In 1530 the eight Decades were published together for the first time at Alcalá. Later editions of single or of all the Decades appeared at Basel (1533), Cologne (1574), Paris (1587), and Madrid (1892). A German translation was published in Basle in 1582; a French one by Gaffarel in Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir à l'histoire de la Geographie (Paris, 1907). The first three decades were translated into English by Richard Eden and published in 1555 (found in Arber's The first three English books on America Birmingham, 1885), thus beginning the genre of English discovery travel writing, which stimulated English exploration of the New World. Eden's translations were reprinted with supplementary materials in 1577 by Richard Willes under the new title, The historie of travayle into the West and east Indies. Richard Hakluyt had the remaining five decades translated into English by Michael Lok and published in London in 1612.
Se denomina Décadas de Orbe Novo o Décadas del Nuevo Mundo, a una obra escrita en latín por el italiano Pedro Mártir de Anglería, cuyo título es De Orbe Novo decades octo. La obra esta conformada por ocho partes donde cada una abarca una década, cada una de ellas fue escrita en diez libros. Mártir de Anglería escribió su obra entre 1494 y 1526, en 1511 se publicó en Sevilla la primera década. Cinco años después se publicó en Alcalá de Henares la versión oficial de las tres primeras décadas. Recién en 1550, y luego del fallecimiento de Mártir de Anglería se publicó la obra completa. Si bien Anglería nunca conoció América, su obra se nutrió de los relatos y comentarios de los descubridores españoles a los que tuvo fácil acceso por estar en la corte de los Reyes Católicos, la de Juana la Loca, y la de Carlos V. Entre los personajes que conoció y de quienes se nutrió para escribir su obra, se encuentran Cristóbal Colón, Alonso de Ojeda, Américo Vespucio, Fernando de Magallanes, y Hernán Cortés. En su obra Mártir de Anglería relata los eventos en América y las particularidades y características de sus pobladores, comenzando con el viaje de Colón en 1492 hasta 1526.
De orbe novo ("Il mondo nuovo") è un trattato scritto da Pietro Martire d'Anghiera in cui viene descritto il primo contatto fra gli Europei e i nativi americani.