Deaf rights movement
حقوق الصم هي مجموعة الحقوق سواء نظرية أو حقيقية الخاصة بالأشخاص الصم، ويشمل هذا الدفاع عنها هدف لتحقيق مجتمع أكثر مساواة. في الواقع، يمكن أن تقيدها قوانين أو أعراف كل بلد أو مجتمع معين.
The Deaf rights movement encompasses a series of social movements within the disability rights and cultural diversity movements that encourages deaf and hard of hearing to push society to adopt a position of equal respect for them. Acknowledging that those who were Deaf or hard of hearing had rights to obtain the same things as those hearing lead this movement. Establishing an educational system to teach those with Deafness was one of the first accomplishments of this movement. Sign language, as well as cochlear implants, has also had an extensive impact on the Deaf community. These have all been aspects that have paved the way for those with Deafness, which began with the Deaf Rights movement.
Les droits des sourds sont des droits, théoriques ou réels, dont la défense est un objectif afin de parvenir à une société plus égalitaire. Dans les faits, ils peuvent être réduits par les lois ou coutumes de chaque pays ou société particulière. Article connexe : Droits des sourds en France.
حقوق الصم
Deaf rights movement
Sordomutismo (diritto)
Droits des sourds
September 2021
the reason should be briefly explained here
حقوق الصم هي مجموعة الحقوق سواء نظرية أو حقيقية الخاصة بالأشخاص الصم، ويشمل هذا الدفاع عنها هدف لتحقيق مجتمع أكثر مساواة. في الواقع، يمكن أن تقيدها قوانين أو أعراف كل بلد أو مجتمع معين.
The Deaf rights movement encompasses a series of social movements within the disability rights and cultural diversity movements that encourages deaf and hard of hearing to push society to adopt a position of equal respect for them. Acknowledging that those who were Deaf or hard of hearing had rights to obtain the same things as those hearing lead this movement. Establishing an educational system to teach those with Deafness was one of the first accomplishments of this movement. Sign language, as well as cochlear implants, has also had an extensive impact on the Deaf community. These have all been aspects that have paved the way for those with Deafness, which began with the Deaf Rights movement.
Les droits des sourds sont des droits, théoriques ou réels, dont la défense est un objectif afin de parvenir à une société plus égalitaire. Dans les faits, ils peuvent être réduits par les lois ou coutumes de chaque pays ou société particulière. Article connexe : Droits des sourds en France.