Database theory an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

En informatique, la théorie des bases de données englobe un vaste ensemble de sujets relatifs aux études et recherches dans le domaine théorique des bases de données et de leur systèmes de gestion. rdf:langString
資料庫理論(Database theory)指資料庫與資料庫管理系統的相關理論與研究。 数据管理方面的理论涵盖其他领域,如查询语言的基础、計算複雜性和查询的、、理论、、并发控制和数据库恢复基础、、时间数据库与、,管理和,以及Web数据。 大多数研究工作,传统上都基于关系模型,因为关系模型通常被认为是最简单和最基础的模型。其他数据模型的相应结果,例如面向对象或,或者最近的图形数据模型和XML,通常可以从关系模型的结果中推导出来。 rdf:langString
Database theory encapsulates a broad range of topics related to the study and research of the theoretical realm of databases and database management systems. Theoretical aspects of data management include, among other areas, the foundations of query languages, computational complexity and expressive power of queries, finite model theory, database design theory, dependency theory, foundations of concurrency control and , deductive databases, temporal and spatial databases, real-time databases, managing uncertain data and probabilistic databases, and Web data. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Database theory
rdf:langString Théorie des bases de données
rdf:langString 資料庫理論
xsd:integer 1093623
xsd:integer 1079518238
rdf:langString Database theory encapsulates a broad range of topics related to the study and research of the theoretical realm of databases and database management systems. Theoretical aspects of data management include, among other areas, the foundations of query languages, computational complexity and expressive power of queries, finite model theory, database design theory, dependency theory, foundations of concurrency control and , deductive databases, temporal and spatial databases, real-time databases, managing uncertain data and probabilistic databases, and Web data. Most research work has traditionally been based on the relational model, since this model is usually considered the simplest and most foundational model of interest. Corresponding results for other data models, such as object-oriented or semi-structured models, or, more recently, graph data models and XML, are often derivable from those for the relational model. A central focus of database theory is on understanding the complexity and power of query languages and their connection to logic. Starting from relational algebra and first-order logic (which are equivalent by Codd's theorem) and the insight that important queries such as graph reachability are not expressible in this language, more powerful language based on logic programming and fixpoint logic such as datalog were studied. Another focus was on the foundations of query optimization and data integration. Here most work studied conjunctive queries, which admit query optimization even under constraints using the chase algorithm. The main research conferences in the area are the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) and the International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT).
rdf:langString En informatique, la théorie des bases de données englobe un vaste ensemble de sujets relatifs aux études et recherches dans le domaine théorique des bases de données et de leur systèmes de gestion.
rdf:langString 資料庫理論(Database theory)指資料庫與資料庫管理系統的相關理論與研究。 数据管理方面的理论涵盖其他领域,如查询语言的基础、計算複雜性和查询的、、理论、、并发控制和数据库恢复基础、、时间数据库与、,管理和,以及Web数据。 大多数研究工作,传统上都基于关系模型,因为关系模型通常被认为是最简单和最基础的模型。其他数据模型的相应结果,例如面向对象或,或者最近的图形数据模型和XML,通常可以从关系模型的结果中推导出来。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3045

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