Data theft an entity of type: Disease
Der Begriff Datendiebstahl sowie der auch gebräuchliche Begriff Datenklau bezeichnen einen Tatbestand, bei dem sich jemand unbefugt geheime oder personenbezogene Daten beschafft.
Data theft is a growing phenomenon primarily caused by system administrators and office workers with access to technology such as database servers, desktop computers and a growing list of hand-held devices capable of storing digital information, such as USB flash drives, iPods and even digital cameras. Since employees often spend a considerable amount of time developing contacts, confidential, and copyrighted information for the company they work for, they may feel they have some right to the information and are inclined to copy and/or delete part of it when they leave the company, or misuse it while they are still in employment. Information can be sold and bought and then used by criminals and criminal organizations. Alternatively, an employee may choose to deliberately abuse trusted acce
Is feiniméan atá ag fás é gadaíocht sonraí de bharr riarthóirí córais agus oibrithe oifige go príomha le rochtain ar theicneolaíocht mar fhreastalaithe bunachar sonraí, ríomhairí deisce agus liosta méadaitheach de ghléasanna láimhe atá in ann faisnéis dhigiteach a stóráil, mar shampla flaistiomántáin USB, iPodanna agus fiú ceamaraí digiteacha . Ós rud é go gcaitheann fostaithe go leor ama go minic ag forbairt teagmhálacha, faisnéis rúnda agus faoi chóipcheart don chuideachta a n-oibríonn siad dó, b’fhéidir go mbraitheann siad go bhfuil ceart éigin acu ar an bhfaisnéis agus go bhfuil claonadh acu cuid di a chóipeáil agus / nó a scriosadh nuair a fhágann siad an cuideachta, nó mí-úsáid a bhaint aisti agus iad fós i bhfostaíocht. Is féidir le coirpigh agus eagraíochtaí coiriúla faisnéis a dhí
Data theft
Gadaíocht sonraí
October 2022
Data theft is a growing phenomenon primarily caused by system administrators and office workers with access to technology such as database servers, desktop computers and a growing list of hand-held devices capable of storing digital information, such as USB flash drives, iPods and even digital cameras. Since employees often spend a considerable amount of time developing contacts, confidential, and copyrighted information for the company they work for, they may feel they have some right to the information and are inclined to copy and/or delete part of it when they leave the company, or misuse it while they are still in employment. Information can be sold and bought and then used by criminals and criminal organizations. Alternatively, an employee may choose to deliberately abuse trusted access to information for the purpose of exposing misconduct by the employer. From the perspective of the society, such an act of whistleblowing can be seen as positive and is protected by law in certain situations in some jurisdictions, such as the USA. A common scenario is where a sales person makes a copy of the contact database for use in their next job. Typically, this is a clear violation of their terms of employment. Notable acts of data theft include those by leaker Chelsea Manning and self-proclaimed whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Hervé Falciani.
Der Begriff Datendiebstahl sowie der auch gebräuchliche Begriff Datenklau bezeichnen einen Tatbestand, bei dem sich jemand unbefugt geheime oder personenbezogene Daten beschafft.
Is feiniméan atá ag fás é gadaíocht sonraí de bharr riarthóirí córais agus oibrithe oifige go príomha le rochtain ar theicneolaíocht mar fhreastalaithe bunachar sonraí, ríomhairí deisce agus liosta méadaitheach de ghléasanna láimhe atá in ann faisnéis dhigiteach a stóráil, mar shampla flaistiomántáin USB, iPodanna agus fiú ceamaraí digiteacha . Ós rud é go gcaitheann fostaithe go leor ama go minic ag forbairt teagmhálacha, faisnéis rúnda agus faoi chóipcheart don chuideachta a n-oibríonn siad dó, b’fhéidir go mbraitheann siad go bhfuil ceart éigin acu ar an bhfaisnéis agus go bhfuil claonadh acu cuid di a chóipeáil agus / nó a scriosadh nuair a fhágann siad an cuideachta, nó mí-úsáid a bhaint aisti agus iad fós i bhfostaíocht. Is féidir le coirpigh agus eagraíochtaí coiriúla faisnéis a dhíol agus a cheannach agus ansin a úsáid. Mar mhalairt air sin, féadfaidh fostaí drochúsáida a roghnú, mar shampla rochtain iontaofa a fháil ar fhaisnéis agus leas a bhaint aisti d’aon ghnó chun mí -iompar an fhostóra a nochtadh. Ó thaobh an sochaí de, is féidir gníomh den sórt sin maidir le sceithireacht a fheiceáil mar rud dearfach