Dacia Ripensis

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Die römische Provinz Dacia ripensis („Ufer-Dakien“) wurde eingerichtet, nachdem Kaiser Aurelian die Provinz Dakien aufgegeben hatte. Hauptstadt von Dacia ripensis wurde Ratiaria an der Donau. Die Provinz, die aus einem Teil der früheren Provinz Moesia superior bestand, erstreckte sich von Cuppae (heute Golubac, Serbien) bis zum Fluss Utus (heute – bulgarisch Вит) und westwärts bis zum westlichen Teil des Balkangebirges. Der Vit-Fluss fließt aus dem Balkangebirge kommend nahe der bulgarischen Stadt (bulg. Сомовит) in die Donau. rdf:langString
Dacia Ripensis (en griego, Δακία Παραποτάμια​) ("Dacia de las orillas del Danubio") fue el nombre de una provincia romana establecida por primera vez por el emperador Aureliano c. al sur del río Danubio, después de ordenar la retirada de la anterior provincia de Dacia, que había formado parte del imperio desde su conquista por Trajano. Estableció su capital en Ratiaria (Colonia Ulpia Ratiaria).​ rdf:langString
Dacia Ripensis (bahasa Yunani: Δακία Παραποτάμια, terjemahan Indonesia: "Dacia dari tepi Danube") adalah nama sebuah provinsi Romawi (bagian dari ) yang mula-mula didirikan oleh Aurelian pada sekitar tahun 283 Masehi, selatan Danube, setelah ia mengundurkan diri dari . rdf:langString
A Dácia Ripense (em latim: Dacia Ripensis) ou Dácia Parapotâmia (em grego clássico: Δακία Παραποτάμια, lit. "Dácia às margens [do Danúbio]) foi uma província romana (parte da Dácia Aureliana) criada pelo imperador Aureliano por volta de 283, ao sul do rio Danúbio, após ele retirar suas tropas da Dácia Trajana. rdf:langString
Прибрежная Дакия (лат. Dacia Ripensis) — провинция Римской империи, основанная в 271 году н. э. императором Аврелианом на правом берегу Дуная. rdf:langString
Dacia Ripensis (lit. 'riparian Dacia') was the name of a Roman province in the northern Balkan peninsula, immediately south of the Middle Danube. Its capital was Ratiaria (modern Archar, Bulgaria). It was a district less urban than neighbouring Dacia Mediterranea and more militarized; "military camps and forts, rather than cities, were typical of the province". Besides Ratiaria, Oescus was the major settlement. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
rdf:langString Dacia ripensis
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
rdf:langString Dácia Ripense
rdf:langString Прибрежная Дакия
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
xsd:integer 7344344
xsd:integer 1118869247
xsd:integer 586
<second> 280.0
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
rdf:langString before AD 285
rdf:langString Captured by the Huns
rdf:langString Balkans 6th century.svg
rdf:langString Dacia Aureliana
rdf:langString Pannonian Avars
rdf:langString Province
rdf:langString Roman Empire
rdf:langString The northern Balkans, including Dacia Ripensis, in the 6th century
rdf:langString Die römische Provinz Dacia ripensis („Ufer-Dakien“) wurde eingerichtet, nachdem Kaiser Aurelian die Provinz Dakien aufgegeben hatte. Hauptstadt von Dacia ripensis wurde Ratiaria an der Donau. Die Provinz, die aus einem Teil der früheren Provinz Moesia superior bestand, erstreckte sich von Cuppae (heute Golubac, Serbien) bis zum Fluss Utus (heute – bulgarisch Вит) und westwärts bis zum westlichen Teil des Balkangebirges. Der Vit-Fluss fließt aus dem Balkangebirge kommend nahe der bulgarischen Stadt (bulg. Сомовит) in die Donau.
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis (lit. 'riparian Dacia') was the name of a Roman province in the northern Balkan peninsula, immediately south of the Middle Danube. Its capital was Ratiaria (modern Archar, Bulgaria). It was a district less urban than neighbouring Dacia Mediterranea and more militarized; "military camps and forts, rather than cities, were typical of the province". Besides Ratiaria, Oescus was the major settlement. Dacia Ripensis was one of the "Two Dacias" established south of the Danube in the late 3rd century. The Roman emperor Aurelian (r. 270–275) abandoned the province of Roman Dacia established by Trajan (r. 98–117) in 106 AD on the northern bank of the river, and created the two new "Dacias" between the existing provinces of Moesia Prima (upstream) and Moesia Secunda (downstream). The northern part of Aurelian's Dacia Aureliana is attested as "Dacia Ripensis" in 343/4. The southern part, with its capital at Serdica (modern Sofia) was known as Dacia Mediterranea. According to the Laterculus Veronensis, both provinces were part of the Diocese of Moesiae after the empire was divided into dioeceses during the reign of Constantine the Great (r. 306–337), but by the time of the Notitia Dignitatum they were part of the Diocese of Thrace. According to the Notitia, Dacia Ripensis was governed by a praeses, while the governor of Dacia Mediterranea was a more senior consularis. Dacia Ripensis was under the authority of the Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum. Dacia Ripensis flourished in the mid-4th century, and some forts on the northern bank of the Danube were recovered by the Romans. In the 5th century Priscus described Ratiaria as large and densely populated. In the 6th century, Hierocles's Late Greek Synecdemus identifies Ratiera as the principal city of the province, calling the province Δακία Παραποτάμια, Dakía Parapotámia, 'Dacia-by-the-river', though Procopius referred to it as Ῥιπησία, Rhipēsía. In 535, emperor Justinian I (527-565) created the Archbishopric of Justiniana Prima as a regional primacy with ecclesiastical jurisdiction over all provinces of the Diocese of Dacia, including the province of Dacia Ripensis.
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis (en griego, Δακία Παραποτάμια​) ("Dacia de las orillas del Danubio") fue el nombre de una provincia romana establecida por primera vez por el emperador Aureliano c. al sur del río Danubio, después de ordenar la retirada de la anterior provincia de Dacia, que había formado parte del imperio desde su conquista por Trajano. Estableció su capital en Ratiaria (Colonia Ulpia Ratiaria).​
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis (bahasa Yunani: Δακία Παραποτάμια, terjemahan Indonesia: "Dacia dari tepi Danube") adalah nama sebuah provinsi Romawi (bagian dari ) yang mula-mula didirikan oleh Aurelian pada sekitar tahun 283 Masehi, selatan Danube, setelah ia mengundurkan diri dari .
rdf:langString A Dácia Ripense (em latim: Dacia Ripensis) ou Dácia Parapotâmia (em grego clássico: Δακία Παραποτάμια, lit. "Dácia às margens [do Danúbio]) foi uma província romana (parte da Dácia Aureliana) criada pelo imperador Aureliano por volta de 283, ao sul do rio Danúbio, após ele retirar suas tropas da Dácia Trajana.
rdf:langString Прибрежная Дакия (лат. Dacia Ripensis) — провинция Римской империи, основанная в 271 году н. э. императором Аврелианом на правом берегу Дуная.
rdf:langString Ratiaria
rdf:langString Dacia Ripensis
xsd:integer 271
rdf:langString Devastated by Avar invasion
rdf:langString Evacuation of Dacia Traiana, creation of Dacia Aureliana
rdf:langString Dacia Aureliana partitioned
xsd:integer 283
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 14148

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