Das System DC-International ist eine von Grundig entwickelte Tonbandkassette, die 1965 eingeführt wurde. DC ist die Abkürzung von Doppel-Cassette, da es sich um eine Zweispulenkassette handelt. International soll andeuten, dass von Beginn an mehrere Unternehmen auf internationaler Basis mit passenden Kassettentonbandgeräten, bespielten Musikkassetten und unbespielten Leerkassetten auf dem Markt vertreten waren. Da sich DC-International nicht gegen die ähnliche Compact Cassette behaupten konnte, wurde es 1967 wieder eingestellt.
DC-International is a tape cassette format developed by Grundig and marketed in 1965. DC is the abbreviation of "Double Cassette", as the cassette contained two reels; International was intended to indicate that, from the beginning, several companies around the world supported the format with suitable tape cassette tape recorders, recorded music cassettes and blank cassettes. Since DC-International did not compete effectively against the similar Compact Cassette, it was discontinued in 1967.
Das System DC-International ist eine von Grundig entwickelte Tonbandkassette, die 1965 eingeführt wurde. DC ist die Abkürzung von Doppel-Cassette, da es sich um eine Zweispulenkassette handelt. International soll andeuten, dass von Beginn an mehrere Unternehmen auf internationaler Basis mit passenden Kassettentonbandgeräten, bespielten Musikkassetten und unbespielten Leerkassetten auf dem Markt vertreten waren. Da sich DC-International nicht gegen die ähnliche Compact Cassette behaupten konnte, wurde es 1967 wieder eingestellt.
DC-International is a tape cassette format developed by Grundig and marketed in 1965. DC is the abbreviation of "Double Cassette", as the cassette contained two reels; International was intended to indicate that, from the beginning, several companies around the world supported the format with suitable tape cassette tape recorders, recorded music cassettes and blank cassettes. Since DC-International did not compete effectively against the similar Compact Cassette, it was discontinued in 1967. Starting in 1961, Philips (in conjunction with Grundig) began work in its Vienna tape production facilities, on a (HiFi)-compatible single-hole cassette. At the same time, a Philips team in Belgium developed a 2-hole cassette, under the name Pocket Recorder (later-named Compact Cassette). Philips' management finally gave preference to this development, but informed its partner Grundig rather late, which led Grundig - who received an offer to participate in the Pocket Recorder, to abandon the DC-International cassette it developed without further ado. This was based upon construction drawings of the compact cassette, which Grundig had taken after their negotiations with Philips. The DC-International system was presented at the 1965 Stuttgart, Germany, radio exhibition. At that time, Grundig was the largest tape recorder manufacturer worldwide and wanted to be represented in the newly created tape cassette market, as well.