DATAR an entity of type: Thing

داتار مشروع كندي عسكري سري، DATAR هو اختصار لجملة "Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving"والذي يعني التعقب والحل الرقمي الآلي. بدات البحرية الكندية بالعمل على هذا المشروع عام 1949مويقوم نظام داتار بمشاركة البيانات بين السفن وتزويد القادة بملخصات التقاريروكان يستخدم لإعطاء الأوامر له المؤشر (كرية التعقب) وزر الإدخال (الزناد)تم الانتهاء من المشروع واختبارة عام 1953م، وبلغت كلفة المشروع ما يقارب 1.9 مليون دولار كندي أي ما يقارب الـ 15 مليون دولار كندي في عام 2000م. rdf:langString
DATAR, short for Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving, was a pioneering computerized battlefield information system. DATAR combined the data from all of the sensors in a naval task force into a single "overall view" that was then transmitted back to all of the ships and displayed on plan-position indicators similar to radar displays. Commanders could then see information from everywhere, not just their own ship's sensors. rdf:langString
rdf:langString مشروع داتار
rdf:langString DATAR
rdf:langString Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving
xsd:integer 2583375
xsd:integer 1095447905
rdf:langString The "double plot" graphical user interface which displayed all the tracking information from the DATAR computer .
rdf:langString Royal Canadian Navy in partnership with Ferranti Canada
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString Prototype tested in 1953
rdf:langString داتار مشروع كندي عسكري سري، DATAR هو اختصار لجملة "Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving"والذي يعني التعقب والحل الرقمي الآلي. بدات البحرية الكندية بالعمل على هذا المشروع عام 1949مويقوم نظام داتار بمشاركة البيانات بين السفن وتزويد القادة بملخصات التقاريروكان يستخدم لإعطاء الأوامر له المؤشر (كرية التعقب) وزر الإدخال (الزناد)تم الانتهاء من المشروع واختبارة عام 1953م، وبلغت كلفة المشروع ما يقارب 1.9 مليون دولار كندي أي ما يقارب الـ 15 مليون دولار كندي في عام 2000م.
rdf:langString DATAR, short for Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving, was a pioneering computerized battlefield information system. DATAR combined the data from all of the sensors in a naval task force into a single "overall view" that was then transmitted back to all of the ships and displayed on plan-position indicators similar to radar displays. Commanders could then see information from everywhere, not just their own ship's sensors. Development of the DATAR system was spurred by the Royal Navy's work on the Comprehensive Display System (CDS), which Canadian engineers were familiar with. The project was started by the Royal Canadian Navy in partnership with Ferranti Canada (later known as Ferranti-Packard) in 1949. They were aware of CDS and a US Navy project along similar lines but believed their solution was so superior that they would eventually be able to develop the system on behalf of all three forces. They also believed sales were possible to the Royal Canadian Air Force and US Air Force for continental air control. A demonstration carried out in the fall of 1953 was by most measures an unqualified success, but by this time the US Air Force was well into development of their SAGE system and the RCAF decided that commonality with that force was more important than commonality with their own Navy. The Royal Navy continued on with their CDS, and the US Navy decided on a somewhat simpler system, the Naval Tactical Data System. When one of the two computers was destroyed by fire, the company was unable to raise funds for a replacement, and the project ended. However, the circuitry design used in the system would be applied to several other Ferranti machines over the next few years.
rdf:langString CAN$1.9 million
rdf:langString Adapted radar unit
rdf:langString Trackball and trigger
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 13446

data from the linked data cloud